id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20398 Kirkendall, Carolyn BI Liaison 1983-05-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 437 24 55 Exhibits were provided for the Organi­ zation of American Historians’ meeting in C incin­ n a ti and th e W estern R egional m eeting of the Am erican Philosophical Association in Berkeley last month, and another is being displayed at the Medical Library Association’s annual meeting in Houston this month. I am compiling lists of these names and addresses of librarians with B I expertise by dis­ cipline areas, and will circulate these lists among subject specialists, so that a core of potential BI speakers and/or proposal writers will be available when the occasion arises. cache/crln-20398.pdf txt/crln-20398.txt