id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20458 Hedberg, Jane Preservation News 1995-02-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 912 44 51 “The speed o f write” by Gary Stix, an article on use o f the Internet for schol­ arly communication and its potential for chal­ lenging traditional methods o f publication, ap­ peared in the D ecem ber 1994 issue (pp. 106– 11). NIC publishes booklet on fundraising The National Institute for the Conservation o f Cultural Property (N IC ) has published Collec­ tions Care: A Catalyst fo r Funds, a 20-page book­ let containing information on obtaining funds from both private and public sources for pres­ ervation or conservation o f collections. cache/crln-20458.pdf txt/crln-20458.txt