id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20467 Frantz, Paul “Electronic Library” course 1993-07-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 714 29 55 Initially, the image database will not be in­ tegrated with the libraries’ online catalog, but in a later phase o f the project plans call for optical character recognition to convert the digi­ tal image o f each card to fully tagged and in­ dexed records o f text in standard MARC for­ mat. a ta b a s e o f card catalog Princeton University Libraries, Princeton’s Com­ puting and Information Technology Depart­ ment, and VTLS Inc. are working on a joint project to scan the libraries’ public union card catalog, containing 6.5 million 3x5 catalog cards, to create a database o f digitized images. cache/crln-20467.pdf txt/crln-20467.txt