id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crln-20553	Library Association, American	Bylaws of the Women’s Studies Section	1987-03-01	3	.pdf	application/pdf	3265	158	80	T he vice-chair/chair-elect shall ap p o in t com ­ m itte e m e m b ers to fill v ac an c ies d u e to d e d are th e m a n u scrip ts of E l C apitan an d T he B ride Elect, tw o works represent­ ing th e com poser’s co n trib u tio n to operetta; Sheri­ d a n ’s Ride; a n d th e suites, The L ast D ays o f P om ­ p eii a n d D w e lle rs	cache/crln-20553.pdf	txt/crln-20553.txt