id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20655 Eberhart, George M. New Publications 1993-06-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1556 65 58 Williams describes dead reckoning, astrolabes and cross­ staffs, the development of spherical trigonom­ J u n e 1 9 9 3 / 3 4 5 etry and logarithms, the “Great Pursuit” of ac­ curate measures o f longitude and the chronom ­ eter, b u b b le sextants, m agnetic com passes, lighthouses, gyroscopes, radio direction-find­ ing systems, radar, and geosynchronous satel­ lites. Chapters cover the use of braille text, audio output systems, large- print and large-screen tech­ nologies, standard library programs and ser­ vices, and specifications for creating a library access center. cache/crln-20655.pdf txt/crln-20655.txt