id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20916 Werking, Richard Hume The ACRL publications program 1995-05-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1420 81 67 The editor o f the series is Stephen Wiberley, bibliographer for the social sciences at the University o f Illinois at Chicago Library; e-mail: Among recent titles are D iscoverin g L ib ra r­ ia n s: P rofiles o f a P rofession , by Mary Jan e Scherdin; V o cation a l a n d T ech­ n ic a l R esou rces f o r C om m u n ity C ol­ leg e L ibraries, by Mary Ann Laun; and S cien ce a n d E n g in eerin cache/crln-20916.pdf txt/crln-20916.txt