id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-21314 Library Association, American Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Commercial Purposes 1976-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1409 71 45 It is the responsibility of libraries, ar­ chives, or manuscript repositories to facili­ tate access to original collections by per­ mitting commercial publishing companies to reproduce, reprint, or otherwise pub­ lish certain collections in their [its] pos­ session, unless: a. the physical condition of the originals prohibits reproduction; b. there are legal restrictions which pro­ hibit or limit reproduction of the originals. (1 ) The publisher shall be responsible for compliance with all copyright and other legal requirements applicable to reproduction of the ma­ terial borrowed and will obtain (and will deliver to the repository cache/crln-21314.pdf txt/crln-21314.txt