id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-21523 Bangert, Stephanie Rogers; Gratch, Bonnie Every Librarian a Leader: Accreditation: Opportunities for library leadership 1995-11-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 1968 70 31 Educational p ro g ra m s 9) Seek involvement and endorsement of library research/information literacy objectives through the library and/or curriculum commit­ tee, as well as from interactions with faculty collection development liaisons; 10) co-develop program review assessment strategies with other academic units, working first with those departments that are likewise committed to internal review; request inclusion o f library research goals in the regular process o f curriculum review and approval; 11) collect course syllabi and analyze the degree to which academic programs require research and library usage; report on and pub­ licize the annual reports o f the library instruc­ tion coordinator which document for the cam­ pus the extent to which library research/ information literacy assignments are included across the curriculum; 12) initiate meetings with departmental fac­ ulty in your role as librarian/collection devel­ opment selector to propose revisions to cur­ ricular design where library instruction and electronic resource training can be built into course requirements; 13) obtain appointments on campus and de­ partment curriculum committees. Identifying questions such as these and attempting to find their an­ swers with improved assessment techniques and commitment to shared analysis o f program . . . cache/crln-21523.pdf txt/crln-21523.txt