id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-21848 Watson-Boone, Peter G. Innovation in international library programs: The Slovenian Music Collection at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 2001-12-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 3062 199 92 All parties u n ­ d e rstan d th at exact m o n eta ry equality for the services re ce iv e d is n o t p o ssible; th e in te n ­ tio n is fo r e a c h p a rty to receive b e n efits th at are g e nerally e q u al in v alue. i s t in c tiv e language, culture, a n d sense of n a ­ tio n h o o d for h u n ­ d r e d s cache/crln-21848.pdf txt/crln-21848.txt