id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22324 Mitchell, W. Bede ACRL joins national initiative on faculty roles and rewards; seeks member input 1997-01-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 804 38 57 g r a m a s lo c a t io n s m a y ch a n g e. Members of the task force are: W. Bede Mitchell (chair), Appalachian State University; Althea Jenkins, ACRL executive director; Brian C. Kelley, Palm Beach Community College; Rush G. Miller, University o f Pittsburgh; Larry Oberg, Williamette University; Carol Parke, Syracuse University; and Glorianna St. Clair, Penn State University.— W. B e d e M itchell, a s ­ so c ia te university librarian , A p p a la c h ia n State University R elated read in g s Boyer, Ernest L. S ch olarsh ip R econ sid ered : ter b u t c h e c k th e c o n fe r e n c e p r o cache/crln-22324.pdf txt/crln-22324.txt