id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22361 Yott, Patrick; Hoebeke, C. H. Improving valid access to site-licensed resources 1997-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2631 145 73 This method gets more complicated in cases where only a certain portion o f users— faculty and graduate students in specific departments, for example— are allowed access to a remote resource. The phalanx o f stand-alone worksta­ tions, dedicated to a single CD-ROM or online database and operating on the principle o f o n e p ro d u c t, o n e u ser a t a time, has been largely replaced by networked products that support multiple users simultaneously, and allow ac­ cess to multiple resources from a single work­ station, very often from outside the library con­ fines, in offices and dorm rooms and through dial-up connections. cache/crln-22361.pdf txt/crln-22361.txt