id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22420 Ritch, Alan Chapters Council: Reflections in a hall of mirrors 1989-02-01 6 .pdf application/pdf 3209 149 61 Ry 1980, the south was well represented, first by Tennessee, then Maryland, Texas and Virginia, then Florida, North C arolina and Georgia; the Pa­ cific coast saw new chapters in California in 1979 and W ashington the following year. More formal assist­ ance, essential forms and financial support are pro­ vided to new chapters by ACRL headquarters, but the complementary informal support, provided by 3Memo from Norman E. Tanis, C hair, ACRL Chapters Committee, June 6, 1977. 126 / C&R L News February 1989 / 127 ACRL members w ith fresh experience in group or­ ganization, budget control and program planning, seems to have been equally valuable. cache/crln-22420.pdf txt/crln-22420.txt