id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22494 Library Association, American News from the Field 1991-01-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 3221 154 56 The Code o f Ethics states librarians must: “provide the highest level o f service through ap­ propriate and usefully organized collections, fair and equitable circulation and service poli­ cies, and skillful, accurate, unbiased, and cour­ teous responses to all requests for assistance; resist all efforts by groups or individuals to censor library materials; protect each user’s right to privacy with respect to information sought or received, and materials consulted, borrowed or acquired; adhere to the principle o f due process and equality o f opportunity in peer relationships and personnel actions; dis­ tinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and atti­ tudes and those o f an institution or professional body; and avoid situations in which personal interest might be served or financial benefits gained at the expense o f library users, col­ leagues or the employing institution.” January 1991 / 55 6 ways in which you can affect these positively. • The Library o f Congress has acquired a collection consisting o f approximately 5,000 pre- Revolutionary 78 rpm records manufactured in Russia, chiefly from 1899 to 1917. cache/crln-22494.pdf txt/crln-22494.txt