id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22776 Mihram, Danielle Pacific telecommunications users: A spectrum of requirements 1987-11-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 2668 87 49 2. G overnm ental and Public Users (with sessions on public and private networks (Australia, C an ­ ada, and USA), shared ten an t services and tele­ ports (USA), and the use of broadcast m edia and inform ation systems (C anada, Japan, and USA). 3. Closely related to this freedom to choose, and its m any consequences, were considerations such as the reduction of barrriers (governmental regula­ tions as well as contractual restrictions by vendors) to the free flow of inform ation and the need to have available an adequate supply of suitably qualified staff (a rare com m odity, currently) to serve those who use the inform ation technology and who are regular customers of the telecom m unications in­ dustry. cache/crln-22776.pdf txt/crln-22776.txt