id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-22851 Eberhart, George M. New Publications 2002-09-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1338 95 65 Beginning with a comparison of the 1389 Battle of Kosovo and the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, Gerolymatos sweeps through 600 years o f history and myth to analyze the ethnic ha­ tred that erupts periodically from Greece to Croatia. British scholar Eddleston orga­ nizes the entries into alphabetical sections on the victims, the witnesses, the police investiga­ tors, others who played a part, a chronology, descriptions o f Jack, letters he supposedly wrote, myths and errors, locations, the suspects (each assigned a number referring to the likeli­ hood cache/crln-22851.pdf txt/crln-22851.txt