id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23088 Sonntag, Gabriela Report on the National Information Literacy Survey: Documenting progress throughout the United States 2001-11-01 6 .pdf application/pdf 2705 162 59 At the cam pus level, academ ic senates have ad opted information literacy resolutions, comm ittees have estab­ lished information literacy requirements in the curriculum, and varied exam ples of the re­ form of general education show inclusion of information literacy. More than five years have passed since the first survey of information literacy pro­ grams at higher education institutions was conducted by the National Forum on Infor­ m ation Literacy, (ACRL), C om m ission on Higher Education of the Middle States Asso­ ciation of Colleges and Schools, and Western Accreditation Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities.1 These years have seen trem endous n a ­ tional activity in information literacy. cache/crln-23088.pdf txt/crln-23088.txt