id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23310 Martin, Nannette P. Cooperative online searching: The Emporia/Kansas State experience 1986-12-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1663 53 49 If results are satisfactory, a formal agreement or con­ tract stipulating such terms as the maximum num ­ b er of searches a v ailab le each m o n th , search charges, and types of library patrons to be served should be considered. Finally, the few librarians who do have major interests and training, w hether in chemistry or m u ­ sic, often prefer to apply for the positions in special libraries which more closely parallel their interests; of course, salaries and working conditions are usu­ ally better in special libraries, and these are added incentives to steer away from the all-purpose gen­ eralist librarian who may give library tours, keep reference desk hours, have collection development responsibilities and p a rtic ip ate in online search functions. cache/crln-23310.pdf txt/crln-23310.txt