id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23450 Camloh, Donna Blue grass and NEH grants: An ACRL/PLA workshop in Kentucky 1985-05-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2256 82 68 The description of w h at is included in the hum anities is found in the background literature of the National Endow m ent for the Hum anities: “By law , the term hum anities includes, bu t is not lim ited to, the study of history; philosophy; lan ­ guages; linguistics; literature; archaeology; juris­ prudence; the history, theory, and criticism of the arts; ethics; com parative religion; and those as­ pects of the social sciences th a t employ historical or philosophical approaches.” Phelps, a program officer in the division of G eneral Program s for N EH , de­ scribed w h at types of program s the E ndow m ent will support, and w h at types it will not. cache/crln-23450.pdf txt/crln-23450.txt