id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23584 Haber, Natalie; Cornwell, Melissa; Hebert, Andrea This worksheet works: Making the DLS Standards work for you 2019-10-03 3 .pdf application/pdf 1705 86 51 Mapping a library’s services and resources to the Stan- Natalie Haber is online services librarian at University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, email: natalie-haber@utc. In an environ- ment where more fully online programs are springing up, more campus-wide strategic plans include moving general education requirements online, and more students than ever are enrolled in distance or online classes,1 these Standards can be useful for advocacy, communication to stakeholders, and driving goals and direction both for your library as a whole and for your distance or online learning librarian. cache/crln-23584.pdf txt/crln-23584.txt