id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23777 Library Association, American ACRL and ALA Support Academic Librarians 2020-02-12 3 .pdf application/pdf 1491 40 31 WHEREAS, Academic librarians have been discriminated against as a “women’s” profes­ sion in that the pay of librarians is below oth­ er nonteaching academic staff in most univer­ sities and colleges and WHEREAS, University of California librarians are the lowest paid academic employees at the university; and WHEREAS, The Assembly Ways and Means Committee of the California legislature has unanimously passed AB1412, introduced by the American Federation of Teachers, which would increase librarian pay by a minimum of 23 percent so as to eliminate such dis­ criminatory practices; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the American Library Association membership in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 1973, (1) Supports all efforts to improve the pay of librarians and eliminate sex discrimination practices in the pay of librarians; and (2) Hereby commends the California As­ sembly Ways and Means Committee for this historic first step toward eliminating such discrimination; and (3) Urges the California legislature to pass AB 1412, and to communicate ALA’s support of AB1412 to Governor Ronald Reagan, As­ sembly Majority Leader Bob Moretti, Assem­ bly Minority Leader Robert Beverly, Assem­ blyman John Miller, the Bill’s sponsor, and to legislative leaders at appropriate times in the legislative process. California State University and Colleges Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association of College and Research Li­ braries, June 28, 1973, Las Vegas, Nevada. cache/crln-23777.pdf txt/crln-23777.txt