id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23849 Batway, Darwyn J.; Marotta, Janice ALAO 1987 2020-02-12 4 .pdf application/pdf 2503 108 61 A C R L President's Program: “Fostering C re­ ativity and Innovation.” C opyright C om m ittee: “Copyright Is Still w ith Us: A Reawakening of the Issues Posed by New Technologies.” Legislation C om m ittee: “In fo rm atio n Ac- cess: Issues and A ction.” M igration Studies in Europe and A m erica.” A rt Section: “Jazz in the Arts: Photography, Film , Dance and Music Collections.” Asian and African Section: “Preservation of Asian and African M aterials.” Bibliographic Instruction Section: “Teach­ ing CD -R O M .” College Libraries Section: “Collection D e­ velopm ent Issues in the Mid-Sized and Smaller Academic L ib rary .” cache/crln-23849.pdf txt/crln-23849.txt