id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-23944 Library Association, American PUBLICATIONS 2020-02-12 5 .pdf application/pdf 2712 103 56 A free copy m ay be obtained from the F ederal Library and In ­ form ation C enter C om m ittee, L ibrary of C on­ gress, W ashington, DC 20540. • Four Hundred Years o f English Diet and Cook- ery, by John C. C raig (71 pages, 1987), is a catalog of the exhibition of 100 volumes selected from the C raig collection and on display at th e Bancroft Li­ brary through May 5. Individual SPEC kits cost $20 (prepaym ent re­ quired) and may be ordered from SPEC, Office of Management Studies, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W ., W ashington, DC 20036. • Controversial Issues in Librarianship: An Anno- ta ted B ibliography, 1 9 6 0 - 1 9 8 4 , by M ark Youngblood Herring (698 pages, March 1987), in­ cludes m any topics of interest to academic librari­ ans: storage, weeding, stress m anagem ent, cache/crln-23944.pdf txt/crln-23944.txt