id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-24136 Eberhart, George M. New Publications 2020-02-12 4 .pdf application/pdf 2063 128 69 lo g y , 1 6 4 4 —1 8 4 4 , by Jo h n L. Brooke (421 pages, September 1994), docu­ ments the similarities between the early doc­ trines of Mormonism in the 1830s (the coequal­ is a visual guide to more than 700 herb species worldwide with a summary o f ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Ja n u a r y 1 9 9 5 / 3 5 N ew Publications G eorge M. Eberhart A ltern ativ e M edicine: The Definitive Guide, com­ piled by the Burton Gold­ berg Group (1,068 pages, July 1994), is a reasonably thorough summary of nearly every Western and Eastern system of treatment outside o f conventional medicine. cache/crln-24136.pdf txt/crln-24136.txt