id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-24727 Shirkey, Cindy; Hoover, Jeanne; Webb, Katy Doing the work: Crafting and implementing liaison competencies 2020-12-09 4 .pdf application/pdf 2380 127 46 Early in 2018, we met with the associate director for collections and scholarly communication to Cindy Shirkey, Jeanne Hoover, and Katy Webb Doing the work Crafting and implementing liaison competencies Cindy Shirkey is liaison coordinator and collection strategist at East Carolina University’s Joyner Library, email:, Jeanne Hoover is head of scholarly communication at East Carolina University ’s Joyner Librar y, email:, Katy Webb, formerly of East Carolina University, is now director of Yale Access Services and Bass Library at Yale University, email: Previously, only scholarly communi- cation and collection development had been represented in liaison competencies, which missed key pieces of work, like reference and instruction. cache/crln-24727.pdf txt/crln-24727.txt