id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-24939 Hill, Valerie J.; Mackey, Thomas P. Embracing metaliteracy: Metamodern libraries and virtual learning communities 2021-05-06 4 .pdf application/pdf 2257 98 34 Valerie J. Hill and Thomas P. Mackey Embracing metaliteracy Metamodern libraries and virtual learning communities Valerie J. Hill is director of the Community Virtual Library, a project of New Media Arts and teaches part-time multi-media courses at Peninsula College in Washington, email:, Thomas P. Mackey is professor in the Department of Arts and Media, School of Arts and Humanities at SUNY Empire State College, email: © 2021 Valerie J. Hill and Thomas P. Mackey mailto: With the rapidly changing information en- vironments that continue to emerge in digital culture, it is time to advocate for and embrace metaliteracy as a pedagogical paradigm that sup- ports reflective and active learning in metamod- ern libraries and virtual learning communities. cache/crln-24939.pdf txt/crln-24939.txt