id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8220 Murphy, Sarah Anne Vocera: Enhancing communication across a library system 2009-07-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 2300 120 53 Changes in librarian and staff knowledge regarding referrals will be moni­ tored using the OSU Libraries ASK Reference Database, an internal product used to collect data on OSU Library transactions.10 Six months following the initial deploy­ ment, members of the Vocera deployment team will lead a discussion with individuals in the Science and Engineering Library to share assessment of preliminary project results, gather opinions regarding the benefi ts and detractions of implementing the Vocera sys­ tem from a staff perspective, identify lessons learned, and, if appropriate, identify opportu­ nities for expanding the Vocera deployment and replicating results throughout the OSU Libraries system. OSU librarians and staff should be able to: • locate and engage library patrons and employees to satisfy patrons’ active learning needs at their time and place of need (skill); • recognize and identify the correct librarian or department to refer patron information needs or requests to (knowledge/attitude/skill); and • understand and appreciate the benefi ts and potential of wireless communications technology for improving staff effi ciency and customer service, as well as managing library costs (knowledge/affect). cache/crln-8220.pdf txt/crln-8220.txt