id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8275 Hedberg, Jane Preservation News 2009-11-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 588 31 55 ARSC conference recordings The Association for Recorded Sound Collec- tions (ARSC) has mounted audio recordings of presentations delivered at its 2009 Confer- ence held in Washington, D.C. Presentations of particular interest include: “The Fight for Copyright Reform and What It Means For You” by Tim Brooks; “The Outlook for Copy- right Reform in 2009 and Beyond,” a panel with Jonathan Band, June Besek, Malcolm Grace, Gigi B. Sohn, and Corey D. Williams; “The State of Audio Preservation in the United States: A National Study and Next Steps,” a panel with Patrick Loughney, Gregory Lukow, and Eugene DeAnna; “Scaling Up: Increas- ing Audio Preservation Effi ciency Through Automation and Parallel Transfers“ by Mike Casey; “From Ingest to Web-Site: Creating a Preservation Master and Automating On-line Access” by Rob Poretti; “Born Digital But Not Equal: A Survey of Digital Audio Formats, from Physical Media to Files” by David Nolan; and “Strategies for Preserving Born Digital Audio” by Chris Lacinak. F L I C C cache/crln-8275.pdf txt/crln-8275.txt