id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8326 Hedberg, Jane Preservation News 2010-02-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 549 26 43 As of December 2009, the presentations include “Is Risk Management Hazardous to Your Collec- tion?” by Norbert Baer of New York University; “Managing Preservation Today: What Do We Learn From Those Who Have Come Before?” by Doris Hamburg of NARA; “Innovation, Interconnections, and Evidence: Steward- ship for a 21st Century Archive” by Nancy Bell of The National Archives (UK); “Using Risk Assessment to Determine Preservation Priorities: Tools and Services in Development at the Canadian Conservation Institute” by Irene Karsten of the Department of Canadian Heritage; “Documenting What is Needed to Preserve Our Records” by Allison Olson of NARA; “A Model for a Cross-Repository Survey of Photograph Collections” by Paul Messier of Paul Messier LLC; “A Statewide View of As- sessment, Prioritization and Management of Preservation Resources” by Sherelyn Ogden of the Minnesota Historical Society; and “Eight Days A Week: Advocacy and Funding for Preservation Management” by Debbie Hess Norris of the University of Delaware. News Jane Hedberg is senior preservation program offi cer at Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@; fax: (617) 496-8344 NARA preservation conference The National Archives and Records Adminis- tration (NARA) will hold its 24th annual pres- ervation conference, “Plan for Preservation: Assess, Prioritize and Manage,” on March 18, 2010, at the National Archives in Washington D.C. cache/crln-8326.pdf txt/crln-8326.txt