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crln-9232	Walter, Scott	C & RL Spotlight	2014-12-01	2	.pdf	application/pdf	1381	34	38	Open access, open peer review, open data College & Research Libraries is just one part of the broader ACRL publication program, and our shift to digital publication has also allowed us to consider how innovations in other areas of ACRL publishing may be relevant to our work and to consider how innovations pioneered in other journals may also help us to inform future decisions for the journal. Increasing access, growing impact Last month, a study conducted by scholars at Google described how “dramatic changes in scholarly communication” over the past 20 years—the shift to digital publishing, the digitization of journal backfiles, the provision of access to pre-prints, and the development of increasingly powerful search tools facilitating discovery of a wider range of resources—have resulted in increasing use of older articles in current scholarship.1 Looking across a range of scholarly and scientific disciplines, the authors found that the use of older scholarship was not only significantly greater in 2013 than it was in 1990, but that the use of older scholarship has been growing at an increasingly rapid rate since 2002.	cache/crln-9232.pdf	txt/crln-9232.txt