C&RL News May 2018 222 Chase Ollis ACRL honors the 2018 award winners, part 2 A recognition of professional development Williams receives CLS Innovation in College Librarianship Award Teresa D. Williams, business librarian at But- ler University, has been named the recipient of the College Libraries Section (CLS) Inno- vation in College Librarianship Award for her work on the Business Research Workshop. T h i s a n n u a l award honors ALA m e m b e r s w h o have demonstrated a capacity for in- novation in their work with under- graduates, instruc- tors, and/or the library community. The $1,000 award and plaque, donated by SCELC (Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium), will be presented during the CLS Friday Night Feast at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. “When considering information literacy programs, librarians most often are focused on teaching students about resources for their academic work while they are at our institutions, and the vast majority of these resources are subscription resources that will no longer be accessible once our students cease being students,” said award chair Eric A. Kidwell, director of the library, professor, and Title IX coordinator at Huntington Col- lege. “What impressed the CLS Leadership Committee about Williams’ submission was the focus on teaching students about research resources available to them post-graduation as they transition into their careers and into their communities.” Academic librarians teach students how to find information using expensive subscrip- tion databases, yet students typically lose access to those databases upon graduation. The Business Research Workshop was cre- ated to address this issue by offering partici- pants free training on open and public access business information resources they can use throughout their career, including govern- ment search portals, trade sites, advanced Google tools, and public library offerings. While the workshop focuses on business information, the format and content can be easily modified to address the needs of stu- dents in other disciplines. “The Butler University Library’s initiative has also developed valuable partnerships with outside agencies such as the local public library and those in the local business com- munity,” continued Kidwell, “and partnerships such as these yield numerous benefits for But- ler students, the library, and the university. The committee believes that the Butler University Library’s initiative developed by Williams can serve as a model for other academic libraries, regardless of type, size, or geographic loca- tion, and is applicable to disciplines beyond business administration.” Teresa D. Williams Chase Ollis is ACRL program officer, email: collis@ala.org © 2018 Chase Ollis mailto:collis%40ala.org%20%20?subject= May 2018 223 C&RL News Rapchak named Routledge Distance Learning Librarianship Conference Sponsorship Award winner Marcia Elizabeth Rapchak, head of teaching and learning at Duquesne University, has been named the recipient of the Routledge Distance Learn- ing Librarianship Conference Spon- sorship Award. T h i s a n n u a l award, sponsored b y R o u t l e d g e / Taylor & Francis Gr o u p an d ad - ministrated by the Distance Learn- ing Section (DLS), honors an ACRL member working in the field of, or contrib- uting to, the success of distance learning librarianship or related library service in higher education. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group will present the $1,200 award and plaque at the ALA Annual Conference. “Marcia Rapchak has demonstrated long- standing dedication to distance librarianship through her extensive research, publica- tions, and work focused on information literacy instruction in online environments,” said award cochairs Rebecca Nowicki of Grossmont College and Cynthia Thomes of the University of Maryland. “Her dedicated efforts include the cre- ation of for-credit, required information literacy courses for online learners at her home institution of Duquesne University, as well as professional service for PRIMO, the Distance Library Services Conference, and LOEX. “Furthermore, she has incorporated men- torship of students and of colleagues, as well as collaboration, into her role,” continued Nowicki and Thomes. “Rapchak acts as a leader on her campus in developing dis- tance education and online library services, and her important work has significantly impacted the field of distance librarianship.” Mader wins IS Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award Sharon Mader, dean emeritus and professor at the University of New Orleans, is the winner of the Instruction Section’s (IS) Miriam Dud- ley Instruction Librarian Award. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose efforts in the field of information literacy led to the forma- tion of IS. The honor recognizes a librarian who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of instruction in a col- lege or research li- brary environment. The award con- sists of a $1,000 award and a plaque. “Sharon Mader’s career in information literacy has had a prolonged and pro- found effect on the community of teach- ing and learning in libraries,” said award chair Jennifer Knievel of the University of Colorado- Boulder. “She was a founding faculty member of the ACRL Information Literacy Immersion Program, and has mentored librarians and lead- ers for many years. Her long-term participation in IS and ACRL has culminated in her role as ACRL’s Visiting Program Officer for Information Literacy, and she has devoted herself to present- ing about, advocating for, and communicating with others about the new Framework for Infor- mation Literacy for Higher Education, including the development of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox. “As a leader in our profession, Sharon has helped the field as a whole put in place the structures that have enabled us to make the transition from theory to concrete action,” con- tinued Knievel. “We are delighted to recognize her for her many contributions to the advance- ment of instruction.” RBMS Leab Exhibition Award winners The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) has selected five winners for the 2018 Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab Marcia Elizabeth Rapchak Sharon Mader C&RL News May 2018 224 American Book Prices Current Exhibition Awards. The awards, funded by an endowment es- tablished by Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, editors of American Book Prices Cur- rent, recognize outstanding printed exhibition catalogs and guides, and electronic exhibitions, produced by North American and Caribbean institutions. The winning catalogs will be on display at the 2018 RBMS Conference Booksell- ers’ Showcase in New Orleans, and certificates will be presented to each winner at the ALA Annual Conference. The Division One (expensive) winner is Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library for Gather Out of Star- Dust: A Harlem Renaissance Album, curated by Melissa Barton, curator of drama and prose for the Yale Collection of American Literature at Yale University. “This catalog presents strong informational content in a dynamic and fresh design,” said Alexander C. Johnston, chair of the RBMS Exhi- bition Awards Committee and associate librarian at the University of Delaware. “Written for a wide-ranging academic and general audience, it offers multiple perspectives on the Harlem Renaissance and captures connections between and among many different figures at this time. It includes high-quality image reproductions and effective categorical groupings, which showcase a variety of types of collections and materials. The catalog’s size, layout, typography, and color capture the spirit of the time period and subject and make for an accessible and engaging read.” The Division Two (moderately expensive) winner is the University of Toronto’s Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library for Struggle and Story: Canada in Print, curated by Pearce J. Carefoote, interim head of rare books and special collections at the University of Toronto. “This catalog is well-researched and presents thoughtfully framed topics,” noted Johnston. “Its attention to detail is evident in the in-depth cata- log entries, as well as in the quality reproduc- tions and nice design features. The committee was impressed that it included folded plates, so as to reproduce maps at a size suitable for refer- ence. This catalog presents a beautiful produc- tion and presentation of a well-organized history and that history’s methods of documentation.” The Division Three (inexpensive) winner is Georgetown University Library for Marga- ret Bonds and Langston Hughes: A Musical Friendship, curated by Anna Celenza, Thomas E. Caesteker Professor of Music at Georgetown University. “This catalog was a very substantial give- away with wide-ranging scholarly interest,” stated Johnston. “Given the prominence of Hughes, it provides an important introduction to another, largely unknown historical figure. Its continuous narrative structure successfully engages the audience alongside the catalog’s visual content. Many contextual ephemeral materials are represented in high-quality re- productions; such materials are not reproduced as often, nor are they as easily located and accessed, making this a valuable contribution to the field.” The Division Four (brochures) winner is the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library for H. G. Wells: Time Traveler, curated by Simon J. James, professor at Durham University (United Kingdom), and Caroline Szylowicz, as- sociate professor and Kolb-Proust librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “This is a high-quality takeaway brochure that conveys a lot of information about the exhibit in a small amount of space,” Johnston said. “It successfully integrates text and image for an appealing visual display. Additionally, it provides a full checklist of items plus a curato- rial outline of the exhibit in case one wants to revisit particular items once they have gone off of display.” The Division Five (electronic exhibition) winner is the University of Alberta’s Bruce Peel Special Collections Library for Tinctor’s Foul Treatise, curated by Andrew Colin Gow, pro- fessor of history and director of religious stud- ies; Robert B. Desjardins, independent scholar and graduate writing advisor; and François V. Pageau, doctoral candidate in medieval history, at the University of Alberta. “This entry presented an effective use of the online exhibit to present a single object from multiple viewpoints, in such a way as would May 2018 225 C&RL News be impossible in a physical exhibit,” noted Johnston. “Its focus on this particular witchcraft treatise contributes to scholarship on the sub- ject and history of late-medieval witchcraft and witch-hunts. Its creative use of Omeka templates makes for an easy-to-navigate and visually ap- pealing digital exhibition. Significant features in the exhibit include links to the fully digitized manuscript and frequent embedded hyperlinks to additional, related external resources for further reading.” Halaychik and Maynor receive ULS Outstanding Professional Development Award Corey Halaychik, library director at the State University of New York Maritime College, and Ashley Maynor, digital scholarship librarian at New York Univer- sity, have been chosen to receive the University Li- braries Section (ULS) Outstand- ing Professional D e v e l o p m e n t Award. Halaychik and Maynor are both cofounders and codirectors of The Collective, a professional li- brary gathering dedicated to reinventing the library conference landscape. T h e $ 1 , 0 0 0 award and plaques, donated by Library Juice Academy, will be presented to Halaychik and Maynor at the ALA Annual Confer- ence. “Ashley Maynor and Corey Halay- chik are redefin- ing and revitalizing professional development for librarians,” said award chair Kerry Creelman of the University of Houston. “Their creative approach to the annual conference is designed to make it more affordable and to transform the way librarians engage in learning. They are building a com- munity invested in accessible, practical learning for library professionals. “Maynor and Halaychik use a transparent, democratic approach to develop their confer- ence program, seeking input from participants as well as employing a blind peer review,” continued Creelman. “At the annual gathering, attendees of librarians and vendors alike learn, create, and collaborate in hands-on, interactive sessions. Careful, flexible scheduling allows participants to shape the conference organically. “The Collective is organized by volunteer committee and Maynor and Halaychik have shared their process publicly,” said Creelman. “They have also contributed their ideas and lessons learned through presentations and publications, and have actively mentored col- leagues engaged in conference planning. The Library Collective community they have fostered is actively reshaping professional development for librarianship.” Conkling wins WGSS Career Achievement Award Diedre Conkling, director of the Lincoln Coun- ty Library District, has been selected as the winner of the Women and Gender Studies Sec- tion (WGSS) Ca- reer Achievement Award. The award honors significant long-standing con- tributions to wom- en and gender studies in the field of librarianship over the course of a career. A plaque and $750 award, donat- ed by Duke University Press, will be presented to Conkling at a WGSS event during the ALA Annual Conference. “Diedre Conkling has been the linchpin that holds together the collective women’s Corey Halaychik Ashley Maynor Diedre Conkling C&RL News May 2018 226 groups in ALA, including WGSS, the Feminist Task Force (FTF), the Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship (COSWL), and the Library Leadership and Management Association Women Administrator’s Discussion Group,” said award chair Dolores Fidishun, head librarian at Penn State-Abington. “Over the years, as the coordinator of FTF, she has partnered with chairs of WGSS and COSWL to plan and present the annual Introduction to Women’s Issues program. “As a longtime member of ALA Council and the Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT), Conkling has continuously brought women’s is- sues to the forefront of our organization,” contin- ued Fidishun. “She has served as an inspiration and mentor to many of us in the association. Through her activism she has demonstrated the power of women’s voices in ALA and in the world, always asking the important questions and looking for ways to move women’s agendas forward in ALA. “As one nominator wrote, ‘In whatever position she held at the moment—COSWL chair, FTF coordinator, SRRT coordinator, or simply committed librarian—she worked to bring together academic, public, school, and other librarians and library workers who shared a desire to focus on women’s issues in ALA and in libraries,’” said Fidishun. “For her leadership in bringing light to women’s and gender issues in our profession, we are proud to honor her with the WGSS Career Achievement Award.” Lew and Yousefi win WGSS Significant Achievement Award Shirley Lew, dean of library, teaching, and learning services at Vancouver Community College, and Baharak Yousefi, head of library communications at Simon Fraser University, are the winners of the WGSS Award for Significant Achievement in Women and Gender Studies Librarianship. The award honors a significant or one-time contribution to women and gender studies librarianship. A plaque and $750 award, donated by Duke University Press, will be presented to Lew and Yousefi at a WGSS event during the ALA Annual Conference. “Lew’s and Yousefi’s book Feminists Among Us: Resistance and Advocacy in Library Leader- ship is a seminal review of the intersection of fem- inism, power, and leadership in our profession,” said award chair Dolo- res Fidishun, head librarian at Penn State-Abington. “It is especially time- ly given the rise in awareness of women’s issues in our world today. We are happy to be able to honor their work with this year’s WGSS Significant Achievement Award.” Feminists Among Us (Library Juice Press, 2017) makes explicit the ways in which a grounding in feminist theory and practice im- pacts the work of library administra- tors who identify as feminists. Re- cent scholarship by LIS researchers and practitioners on the intersec- tions of gender with sexuality, race, class, and other social categories within libraries and other information environments have highlighted the need and desire of this community to engage with these concepts both in theory and praxis. Feminists Among Us adds to this conver- sation by focusing on a subset of feminist LIS professionals and researchers in leadership roles who engage critically with both management work and librarianship. By collecting these often implicit professional acts, interactions, and dynamics and naming them as explicitly feminist, these accounts both document aspects of an existing community of practice, as well as invite fellow feminists, advocates, and resisters to consider library leadership as a career path. Shirley Lew Baharak Yousefi