C&RL News September 2018 406 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free ACRL Signature Initiative on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion poll results At the 2018 ALA Midwinter Meeting, the ACRL Leadership Council generated a robust list of suggested action items for the association to consider in conjunction with the develop- ment of a new Signature Initiative on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). As a follow up to the Midwinter Leadership Council meeting, and to engage the full membership around the initiative, the ACRL Board of Directors invited all members to complete a brief two- question poll to help shape and prioritize the work of the initiative, and 849 ACRL mem- bers responded. The ACRL Board is consider- ing fully the poll results and comments as we move forward with the EDI Signature Initia- tive. The Board would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the poll and provided their feedback. The input and com- ments are invaluable as the association contin- ues to develop this important initiative. More details, including a summary of results, are available on ACRL Insider at www.acrl.ala.org /acrlinsider/archives/16159. The Librarian Parlor builds a community of researchers The Librarian Parlor, also known as LibParlor, is an online space found at https://libparlor. com and @LibParlor on Twitter for convers- ing, sharing expertise, and asking questions about pursuing, conducting, and publishing library research. LibParlor was developed by Chelsea Heinbach, Hailley Fargo, and Charissa Powell after finding that they shared a desire to contribute research to the field but, as early- career librarians, were unsure of how to start or where to look for advice. When considering a research agenda, new- to-research professionals may face a number of challenges, such as inexperience, difficulty find- ing mentors, and lack of institutional support. The Librarian Parlor team aims to address these challenges in part by collecting and showcasing honest reflections, conversations, and how-tos from library professionals engaged in research. In providing this space, LibParlor aims to spark conversation and cultivate a community of researchers. If you are interested in submitting work to LibParlor, please review the Contribute to LibParlor page on the group website. Email libparlor@gmail.com, tag @LibParlor on Twitter, or ask the community at large on Twitter using the #LibParlor hashtagwith additional questions. Four libraries sign GPO preservation steward agreements The University of Minnesota Libraries, the Uni- versity of Maine Garbrecht Law Library, St. John’s University School of Law, Rittenberg Law Library, and the State Law Library of Mis- sissippi each signed a Memorandum of Agree- ment with the U.S. Government Publishing Of- fice (GPO) to become preservation stewards. Under this agreement, the libraries pledge to permanently preserve GPO’s print collec- tions of the following: University Minnesota Libraries—United States Serial Set; University of Maine, Garbrecht Law Library—United States Reports; St. John’s University School of Law, Rittenberg Law Library—Congressional hearings and prints from the 100th Congress through the 103rd Congress; and State Law Library of Missis- sippi—United States Reports, Statutes at Large, and Public Papers of the President. To help federal depository libraries meet the needs of efficient government document stew- ardship in the digital era, GPO has established preservation stewards to support continued public access to historic U.S. government docu- ments in print format. Preservation stewards contribute significantly to the effort to preserve printed documents, and GPO welcomes all fed- eral depository libraries that wish to participate as preservation stewards. LYRASIS announces six Catalyst Fund winning projects LYRASIS recently announced the 2018 re- cipients of the LYRASIS Catalyst Fund. The http://www.acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/archives/16159 http://www.acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/archives/16159 https://libparlor.com https://libparlor.com mailto:libparlor%40gmail.com?subject= September 2018 407 C&RL News 2017 Academic Library Trends and Statistics ACRL announces the publication of 2017 Academic Library Trends and Statistics, the latest in a series of annual publications that describe the collections, staffing, expen- ditures, and service activities of academic libraries in all Carnegie classifications. The one-volume title includes data from Associ- ate of Arts Colleges, Baccalaureate Colleges, Master’s Colleges and Universities, and Re- search/Doctoral-granting Institutions. Those who purchase the print edition will receive a complimentary one-year subscription to the 2017 sur vey data available through ACRL Metrics, an online subscription service that provides ac- cess to the ACRL survey data from 1999 to 2017. The 2017 data show that library expenditures for collection materials averaged $5,372,492 for doctoral degree-granting institutions; $689,091 for comprehensive degree- granting institutions; $486,470 for baccalau- reate schools, and $468,337 for associate degree-granting institutions. On average, doctoral degree granting insti- tutions spent 76.3% of their materials budgets on ongoing commitments to subscriptions in 2017; comprehensive schools spent an aver- age of 81.1%; baccalaureate schools spent an average 76.6%; and associate degree-granting institutions spent an average of 32.4%. On av- erage, academic libraries spent 73.8% of their materials budget on ongoing subscriptions. The 2017 data also show that expendi- tures for salaries and wages accounted for 56.3% of the total library expenditures on av- erage. Salaries and wages constituted 65.8% of total library expenditures for associate-degree granting institutions, 64.9% for baccalaure- ates, 66.6% for comprehensive schools, and 53% for doctoral/research institutions. Librarians are promoted through the ranks on the basis of their professional proficiency and effectiveness through a peer review sys- tem of standards consistent with other faculty at 26.3% of associate degree-granting institu- tions, 15.4% of baccalau- reate schools, 24.5% of comprehensive schools, and 26.2% of doctoral/ research institutions. The 2017 survey in- cludes data from 1,719 academic libraries in five major categories: • Collections (in- cluding titles held, vol- umes, and electronic books) • Expenditures (li- brary materials, salaries and wages, etc.) • Library services • Staffing • Faculty status The survey also provides analysis of se- lected variables and summary data (high, low, mean, and median) for all elements. The 2017 data can be used for self-studies, budgeting, strategic planning, annual reports, grant ap- plications, and benchmarking. 2017 Academic Library Trends and Sta- tistics is available for purchase through the ALA Online Store and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the United States or (770) 442-8633 for international customers. C&RL News September 2018 408 Catalyst Fund is designed to foster innova- tion among members and knowledge com- munities worldwide. This year, six proj- ects were chosen by participants in the LYRASIS Leaders Circle, and $155,000 will be awarded. Additionally, LYRASIS will in- vestigate one idea recommended to the Cat- alyst Fund through a feasibility study. The six project proposals to be implemented by the applying institution are DePaul Univer- sity—“Data-Intensive Tools for Modeling and Visualization Mass Reading”; Duquesne University—“Quantitative Research Institute for Libraries”; University of Massachusetts Boston—“Online Instruction for Participato- ry Archiving”; University of Utah—“Machine Learning Meets Library Archives”; Univer- sity of Virginia—“Digital Collecting in Times of Crisis”; and West Virginia University— “Access to U.S. Congressional Correspon- dence Data.” The idea to be investigated is from Austin Peay State University, “Library Multi-e-reader Application.” Additional in- formation is available at www.lyrasis.org /Leadership/Pages/Catalyst-Fund.aspx. 2019 National Medal for Museum and Library Service nominations The Institute of Museum and Library Ser- vices (IMLS) is now accepting nominations for the 2019 National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the nation’s highest honor awarded to libraries and museums for service to their communities. Anyone—an employee, a board member, a volunteer, a member of the public, or a government official—is invited to The Changing Academic Library: Operations, Cultures, Environments, Third Edition ACRL announces the publication of The Changing Academic Library: Operations, Cultures, Environments, Third Edition, by John M. Budd. Book number 74 in ACRL’s Publications in Librarianship series, this newly revised and expanded third edition of the classic textbook presents a critical examination of major issues facing colleges and universities and the unique challenges their libraries face. In 12 chapters—including a completely new second chapter on the state of higher educa- tion—the book presents an overview of higher education and the role of libraries within the institution, covering academic models from private colleges to public universities; discusses governance models, financing, and organiza- tional culture, and the library’s place within them; examines changes in scholarly commu- nication; looks at the impact of the library on its community; and explores issues affecting library collections, access, services, and staffing. As the world of higher education contin- ues to change, academic libraries and librar- ians must respond to shifts in their purpose and operations to provide the best ser vices to their communities. The Changing Academic Library can be used as a text in library and informa- tion science courses, as well as an introduction for new professionals and academic administrators. Its fresh and detailed examination of the environment of colleges and universities and the political and social forces that operate in higher education, past, pres- ent, and future, can also benefit practicing academic librarians. The Changing Academic Library: Opera- tions, Cultures, Environments, Third Edition is available for purchase in print and as an ebook through the ALA Online Store and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the United States or (770) 442-8633 for interna- tional customers. http://www.lyrasis.org/Leadership/Pages/Catalyst-Fund.aspx http://www.lyrasis.org/Leadership/Pages/Catalyst-Fund.aspx September 2018 409 C&RL News the stewardship of media collections and services in academic libraries at community college, college, and university libraries. The goal of the revised “Guidelines for Media Resources for Academic Libraries” is to pres- ent key issues that academic libraries should consider and address in developing media collections, services, and programs. These guidelines represent best practice in weaving the libraries’ media resources and technolo- gies into the fabric of faculty and students’ teaching, learning, and research experience. The revised “Guidelines for Media Resources in Academic Libraries” are freely available on the ACRL website at www.ala.org/acrl /standards. nominate an institution. Museums and libraries of most disciplines and types are eligible. This year, IMLS is particularly interested in library or museum programs that enhance services for veterans and military families, sustain growth opportunities for diverse youth and young professionals, or provide assistance to diverse youth, families, or seniors. To be considered, the institution must complete and return the nomination materials (PDF) by October 1, 2018. More information is available at www. imls.gov/grants/available/national-medal -museum-and-library-service. OCLC awarded Mellon Foundation grant to register library retention commitments for print serials in WorldCat OCLC, working closely with the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), has been awarded an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant to enhance the underlying infrastructure of the OCLC WorldCat database and CRL’s Print Archives Preservation Registry to accommo- date and make accessible actionable data for shared print serials management. The two- year grant, for $1,001,000, will support a joint OCLC and CRL Shared Print Data Infrastruc- ture project. The initiative will modify World- Cat, the world’s most comprehensive data- base of information about library collections, to enable registration of print serial retention commitments and make archived holdings data available to inform library decision- making. The Shared Print Data Infrastructure project is scheduled to run from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2020. Revised Guidelines for Media Resources in Academic Libraries The ACRL Board of Directors has approved a new revision of the association’s Guidelines for Media Resources in Academic Libraries. Prepared by the ACRL “Guidelines for Media Resources for Academic Libraries in Higher Education Task Force,” the revision incorpo- rates evolving technology used in teaching, learning, research, and scholarship has cre- ated new challenges and opportunities for Tech Bits . . . Brought to you by the ACRL ULS Technology in University Libraries Committee Looking for a way to enhance online information literacy or professional de- velopment content? Try using PlayPosit, an online platform to create and share interactive videos. Enter the URL of a compatible online video (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, TED, Khan Academy, etc.) and add interactive elements, ranging from multiple-choice and free response ques- tions to polls and discussion forums. These interactive videos, known as bulbs, integrate within learning manage- ment systems and embed easily into blogs or LibGuides. Monitor student engagement and performance with PlayPosit’s analytics. The free basic ac- count offers the essential elements with limited storage and video features. Up- grade to a fee-based pro or institutional subscription for more storage, a video recorder function, higher-order question types, and advanced analytics. —Michelle H. Donlin East Stroudsburg University . . . PlayPosit https://www.playposit.com http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards http://www.imls.gov/grants/available/national-medal-museum-and-library-service http://www.imls.gov/grants/available/national-medal-museum-and-library-service http://www.imls.gov/grants/available/national-medal-museum-and-library-service https://www.playposit.com