ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 190 / C&RL News • April 2004 I n t h e swen T h e last few installm ents o f Scholarly Com ­ munication articles have provided insight into models for open access journals and examples o f various typ es o f org an ization s that have b e e n w orking in this arena. This m onth’s ar­ ticle, “O p en access in the real w o rld ,” shifts focu s to exp lore econ om ic and legal aspects that p ose challen g es to the idea o f o p en ac­ cess. T he author’s explication o f these issues provides a basis for future discussions about open access. “Cookery Academ ia,” provides an insight­ ful lo o k at the recen t growth o f culinary c o l­ lections in academic libraries. As food studies programs, concerned with the cultural and sym­ bolic meanings o f what w e eat, have increased in popularity across academia, so has the need for collections to support them. This article is sure to provide you with food for thought and a new way o f looking at old cookbooks. In “Article indexes: targeted and locally cre­ ated,” Irene Herold describes a quick and easy method for providing access to niche periodi­ cals that are often used for specific assignments but overlooked by commercial databases. “Jo b o f lifetime” shines the spotlight on the University o f Nebraska-Omaha’s cataloger and curator o f the Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collec­ tion, Shaista Wahab. This position has allowed Wahab to build up resources at the university per­ taining to her homeland and opened the door for her participation in international activities. The final roundup o f the 2004 ACRL award winners can b e found on page 218. If y o u ’re interested in b eco m in g m ore involved with ACRL, running for a section o ffice might b e just the thing. Inform ation on how to get in­ volved is on page 216. — Stephanie Orphan, Editor-in-chief