ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 216 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2004 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s news The time to lead ACRL seeks nominees for section offices Running for an ACRL section office is the per­fect opportunity to b eco m e involved with important issues that affect academic and resear librarians in the 21st century. Past candidates for office accepted the offer to run in ord er to give som ething b a c k to the sections that provide them with a prominent out­ let for resources and involvem ent in academ ic librarianship. “I believe that ACRL sections reflect the won­ d e r fu l r ic h n e s s a n d d e p th o f a c a d e m ic librarianship,” said Barbara Jenkins, head o f ref­ erence and research services at the University o f Oregon, a candidate for member-at-large o f ULS in the 2003 election. A C R L s e c t io n o f f ic e r s Candidates for vice-chair/chair elect o f ACRL sections are selected by the Nominating Commit­ tee o f each section. If you w ould like to nom i­ nate som eone or b e nominated yourself, contact the chair o f the Nominating Committee for the appropriate section prior to the ALA Annual Con­ ference in Orlando. Other section officers, including secretary and member-at-large, may also b e under consideration for this term o f office, w h ich will b eg in in the summ er o f 2004. S e c tio n n o m in a t in g c o m m itte e ch a irs A frican A m erican Studies Lib rarian s: Yue Li, University of Florida, A n th rop olo gy an d Sociology: Royce Kurtz, University o f Mississippi, A rts: A n n L in dell, U n iversity o f F lo rid a, Asian, African, and Middle Eastern: Lisa Pil­ low, University o f Illinois-C hicago, lpillow @ c C olleg e L ib ra rie s : M ich ael A nn Z em o n , Emerson College, h C om m u n ity College an d J u n io r College Lib raries: M arianne Rough, P rince G e o rg e ’s Com m unity College, m rou gh @ p gcc.ed u Distance Learning: Mary Helen Jon es, Florida State University, E d u cation an d B eh avioral S ciences: To b e announced. Contact the current vice-chair, Judith Walker, University o f North Carolina-Charlotte, In stru ction : B eth Woodard, University o f Illi­ nois at Urbana-Champaign, Law and Po litical Scien ce: Lorena OTìnglish, Wash­ ington State University, L iteratu res in English: Tim othy Shipe, U ni­ versity o f Iowa, R are Books an d M an uscrip ts: Daniel Slive, University o f California-Los A ngeles, djslive@ Science and Technology: Barton Lessin, Wayne State University, lessin @ w Slavic an d E ast E u ro p ean : Marta Deyrup, Seton Hall University, d eyrupm a@ U n iversity Libraries: Louise Sherby, Hunter College, W estern European Studies: Sam Dunlap, Uni­ versity of California-San Diego, Women’s Studies: Ellen Broidy, University of Cali­ fornia-Los Angeles, ■ New from ARL . . . supporting innovation in library management Training OLMS Learning Opportunities Library Conflict Management June 1 -1 8 Online In this facilitate d course, learn ho w to select and apply conflict m anage m en t too ls to constructively respond to w o rkp lace differences and disputes. Power Dynamics & Influencing Skills June 7 -1 8 Online Do you w a n t to increase your influence in your o rgan izatio n and better understand how power dynam ics w o rk? Learn the nature, use, and ethical im plicatio ns of power and in fluence from both an in dividu al and a system s perspective. Library Project Management June 8 - 9 W ashington, DC Use an integrated pro blem -so lving model to cover all the steps of m a n a g in g a project, from p lann ing to evalu atio n. Learning activities in clude de velo p ing su ccess criteria and practicing w ith a variety of project m anage m en t tools. For the full 2 0 0 4 calendar, visit: LibQUAL+™ Process Management workshops June 28 Orlando, FL These inform ative w o rksh o p s w ill provide an overview o f the L ib Q U A L + ™ survey and how p articip an ts can use it in their library. Session presenters w ill explain the developm ent o f the L ib Q U A L + ™ project, review the process fo r runn ing the survey, and d iscu ss recent survey results. M orning Session 9:00 a m -1 2 :0 0 pm To register, visit: A fte rno on Session 1:00 p m -4 :0 0 pm To register, visit: Association of Research Libraries w w w .a r l.o r g