ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 218 / C&RL News ■ April 2004 C o l l e g e 8c R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s news ACRL honors the 2004 award winners The final installment by M egan Bielefeld This ye ar's A tkin son w in n er announced Jerome Yavarkovsky, university librarian at Boston College, has been named the 2004 winner of the Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award. Yavarkovsky will receive $2,000 and a citation during the ALA Annual Conference in Or­ la n d o at th e LITA President’s Program on June 2 8 , 2004, at 2 p.m. Named in honor o f one o f the pioneers o f li­ brary autom ation, the Atkinson Award recog­ nizes an academic librar­ Jerome Yavarkovsky ian who has made signifi­ cant contributions in the area o f library automa­ tion or management, and has made notable im­ provements in library services or research. “Mr. Yavarkovsky has made a significant im­ pact on academic librarianship in several areas since the 1970s,” said Committee Chair Russell Bailey. “He did important work as an early planning man­ agem ent officer at the Columbia University li­ braries, and while at the New York State Library in the 1980s, he brought the insights of scientists from Bell Labs, IBM, Xerox, Kodak, NASA, and the input of numerous academic scholars, to bear on library potential for providing faster access to more and better information for patrons. Mr. Yavarkovsky’s w ork on the Coalition for Net­ worked Information Steering Committee in the 1990s influenced changes in scholarly publishing and the Open Archive Initiative. “In the Association o f Research Libraries, he has contributed to the digital publishing and scholar’s portal initiatives since Boston College joined in 2000,” said Bailey. “And in the Research Libraries Group, Mr. Yavarkovsky has b een in­ strumental in furthering the concept o f a nation­ wide online research library processing system.” Y avarkovsky receiv ed his B.M .E. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1960, and his M.S. from the Massachusetts Institute o f Tech­ nology in 1962. He received his M.S.L.S. in 1971 from Columbia University. The Hugh C. Atkinson Award is jointly sponsored by four divisions of ALA: ACRL, the Library Admin­ istration and Management Association (LAMA), the Library and Information Technology Association (UTA), and the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS). The award is funded from an endowment established to honor Hugh C. Atkinson. Donations to the endowment may be sent to Megan Bielefeld, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. IS Publication Aw ard w inners nam ed Esther Stampfer Grassian, information literacy out­ reach coordinator at UCLA College Library, and Joan Kaplowitz, assistant head o f the reference depart­ ment at UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, have been chosen as win­ ners o f the ACRL Instruc­ Esther S. Grassian About the author Megan Bielefeld is ACRL program coordinator, e-mail: C&RL News ■ April 2004 / 219 tion Section (IS) Publication Award for their book, Informiation Literacy Instruction : Theory and Practice “Grassian and Kaplowitz’s book is a seminal work that pulls together information about infor­ mation literacy instruction that heretofore has had to b e gleaned from a myriad o f resources,” said Abbie Loomis and Kristin Strohmeyer, IS awards committee chairs. “The broad scope o f the book’s coverage including the history of information lit­ eracy, pedagogical and instructional design theo­ ries, methods o f assessment, instructional tech­ nology, and its knowledgeable grasp o f ‘real life’ issues related to these topics, will be useful to any librarian seeking to develop a solid understanding o f our field. “Written by practitioners in the field, the book approaches each issue from both a theoretical and a practical perspective, offering exercises and sources for further reading at the end o f each chapter. This book will serve as a foundation stone for aspiring instruction librarians in graduate pro­ grams, as well as for those who are already teach­ ing but w ho never have had formal training in instruction.” A n n J . Grafstein, coordinator o f library in­ struction at Hofstra University has been chosen as the w inner o f the 2004 ACRL Instruction Sec­ tion (IS) Publication Award for her article, “A Discipline-Based Approach to Information Lit­ eracy.” “Grafstein’s article is a hallmark in our field that should b e required reading for all campus administrators and faculty, as well as librarians,” said Loomis and Strohmeyer. “It proposes a disci­ pline-based approach to teaching information lit­ eracy, one that persuasively articulates what it is that a discipline needs in order to nurture lifelong learning. Succinctly written, this article breathes fresh life into the notion o f faculty/librarian col­ laboration by explicitly delineating the comple­ mentary roles o f faculty and librarians in teaching information literacy.” All winners will receive a citation at the IS program during the 2004 ALA Annual Confer­ ence, Sunday, Jun e 27 at 1:30 p.m. L e ta rte a n d S a m p le s a w a rd e d L a z e ro w F e llo w s h ip Karen M. Letarte and Jacqueline P. Samples, both o f North Carolina State University, have b een selected to receive the 2004 ACRL Samuel Lazerow Fellowship Award for their research pro­ posal entitled “Looking at FRBR Through Users’ Eyes: Toward Improved Catalog Displays for Elec­ K aren M. Letarte Ja cq u e lin e P. Sam ples tronic Serials.” Sponsored by Thomson Scientific, the award fosters advances in collection develop­ ment and technical services by providing fellow­ ships to librarians for travel or writing in those fields. “While this important project will contribute to the emerging study o f the [Functional Require­ ments for Bibliographic Records] in technical ser­ vices departments, it also has a broader scope that will lead to improved library service to users,” said committee chair George Abbott. The award o f $1,000 and plaques will b e pre­ sented during the ALA Annual Conference at the ACRL President’s Program, Monday, Jun e 28, at l : 3 0 p.m. N o rm an , P e y to n , a n d B e ers w in C J C L S a w a rd s Carolyn Norman, formerly the coordinator of Li­ brary and Learning Resources Programs in the Chancellor’s Office at California Community Col­ leges, has been selected as the 2004 winner of the Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Award. The award honors significant achievement in the advocacy of learning resources, as well as leadership in professional organizations that support the missions o f community, junior, and technical colleges. “Carolyn has demonstrated leadership at all levels o f library science,” said committee chair Paula Asch. “In particular, the committee noted her work in the areas o f information literacy and the development o f information competencies, as well as her efforts with the National Center for Education Statistics, impact on all community college libraries. Carolyn’s efforts and commitment in the advancement o f community college library services made her the unanimous choice o f the committee for this award.” Jan ice Peyton, director o f the Montgomery College Library, and Lonna Beers, reference li­ brarian at the University Center Library, have been (c o n tin u e d o n p a g e 2 2 1 ) C&RL News • A p ril 2 0 0 4 / 221 plicants according to library and institution-wide poli­ cies. All applications will undergo an initial screening for compliance with the qualifications and requirements stated in the position description. Unqualified candidates will not receive further consideration. Fair, objective, and consistent procedures should be used to narrow the field of candidates to the desired number of finalists, whom the committee will invite for interviews. The search committee should be aware of institutional guidelines and all applicable laws when developing questions to ask the candidates selected for interviews. B. In terv iew p roced u res The committee and the appropriate administra­ tive officer shall determine the interview agenda. All parties should adhere to this schedule in the interest of time and fairness. Candidates invited for an interview should re­ ceive a copy of the interview schedule and informa­ tion about the library and its parent organization in advance of the interview. Such information could include guides to the library, promotion and tenure guidelines, organizational charts, and by-laws. The expenses of travel, meals, and lodging for the candidates should be borne by the inviting in­ stitution whether the interviews are held on or off campus. When this is not the practice, the candi­ date should be so apprised when an invitation is issued. ( “ACRL h on o rs… ” c ont i nue d fr o m p a g e 2 1 9 ) chosen to receive the CJCLS/EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Program Achievement Award for the developm ent o f P roject LEAD (Librarians Entering A new Dimension). Both in­ stitutions are part o f the North Harris Montgom­ ery Community College District. “Through the development o f Project LEAD, Dr. Peyton and Ms. Beers have created an impres­ sive program o f professional development for li­ brarians and library paraprofessionals,” said Asch. “The committee was particularly impressed with the outreach to paraprofessionals, the emphasis on current topics such as distance learning, and the depth o f content.” A citation and $500, donated by EBSCO In­ formation Services, will b e presented to each re­ cipient during the ALA Annual Conference at the CJCLS Membership Meeting, Saturday, Ju n e 26, 2004, at 8 :30 a.m. Z a p o r o z h e t z n a m e d EB S S D is t in g u is h e d L ib ra ria n Laurene E. Zaporozhetz, dean o f university li­ braries at Murray State University, has b een cho­ If a presentation is required o f the candi­ dates, that requirement should be clearly com­ municated to each candidate when the interview is first scheduled. C. A dm inistrative p ro ced u res The responsible administrator should instruct the com m ittee chairperson in the prompt and accurate completion o f all search-related reports. Sensitive files relating to the search should be treated in accordance with laws, regulations, and local practices. VII. Co m m un icatio ns w ith candidates A. Su ccessfu l ca n d id a te Only the proper administrator should con ­ tact the successful candidate after the interview. The initial notification of selection may be oral, but the official offer should b e in writing and should include the specific terms o f em ploy­ ment. B. U nsuccessful can d id ates A letter should be sent to all unsuccessful appli­ cants thanking them for their interest and indicating that the search has concluded. Special acknowledge­ ment should be accorded all interviewees. C. M iscellan eou s All active candidates should be notified if the d ecision is m ade to clo se or extend the s e a r c h . ■ sen to receive the 2004 ACRL/EBSS Distin­ guished Education and Behavioral Sciences Li­ brarian Award. “T o quote from a nom ination letter, ‘Dr. Zaporozhetz has contributed to the education and behavioral sciences in ser­ vice to the profession (b o th librarianship and education) by developing and teaching courses, by completing research with p u b lic a tio n s in b o th librarianship and educa­ tion, by being active in ac­ creditation (both SACS and NCATE), and in serv­ La u re n e Z a p o ro z h e tz ing in positions with in­ creasing administrative responsibility within librar­ ies and always remembering that an importance role o f a library is to edu cate,’” said committee chair Charles Thurston. A prize o f $1,000 and a plaque, donated by Jo h n Wiley & Sons, Inc., will be presented to Zaporozhetz during the ALA Annual Conference at the EBSS Program, Saturday, June 26, at 1:30 p.m. ■