ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 166 signed the petition permitting the formation o f this subsection) have been asked to serve on committees, as a result o f their expressed desire to b e of assistance: Barbara Anderson, San Francisco State College education librarian; Lorraine Mathies, University o f California at Los Angeles education and psychology library; Rose Marie Service, University o f Oregon so­ cial science librarian; and Hilmar Sieving, Uni­ versity o f Chicago education library. Others wishing to be active participants should get in touch with Mrs. Marks, if possible before the A LA conference. A r r a n g e m e n t s have been made for all registrants at the 1968 A L A annual conference to b e supplied with seventy-two personal, ad­ dressed, pressure-sensitive mailing labels, free o f charge. These labels are for their con­ venience in requesting literature from ex­ hibitors, mailing packages home from the accommodations desk and other tasks. Those who preregister for the annual con­ ference can pick up their supply o f labels at exhibit booth No. 2101, which is located just to the left o f the main entrance to the Arena o f the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City. Other registrants, who do not preregister, should first fill out a request card procured from “… a m ajor ev en í in A m erica n S in o log y ” * “ O n e o f the B est R e feren c e B o o k s o f the Year” * Howard L. Boorman, Editor Richard C. Howard, Associate Editor “ To be completed in 5 volumes. Exten­ sive, interpretive essays, on eminent persons o f 1911-1949, including the post-1949 careers o f those remaining prominent. A three page bibliography shows general biographical reference materials. Detailed bibliographies, with publications o f each biographee, are planned for the final volume.” — Library Journal* Now available: Volume I : A i-Ch’ü $20.00 Volume II: Dalai-Ma 20.00 For the brochure detailing subscription plans, write to: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 440 W e s t 110th Street, N e w Y o r k , N .Y . 10025 the A L A Registration Desk and take it to the exhibit booth No. 2101 to pick up labels. The labels, called Avery Tabulabels, are produced in conjunction with the Suffolk ( New York) Cooperative Library System and are supplied without cost through the courtesy of the Avery Label Company and UNIVAC Data Processing Division, Remington Rand. ■ ■ LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS The L i r r a r y B i l l o f R i g h t s , as revised in June 1967, is now available in a size suit­ able for framing. The A LA Office for Intellec­ tual Freedom has arranged for the production o f the enlarged, parchment copy. This attractive item is designed to be used with the standard 16" by 20" mat, with 11" x 14" opening. The standard mat is available at art stores and can b e fitted into a standard 16" b y 2 0 " frame. The enlarged Library Bill o f Rights costs $1.00 each, prepaid. Orders should be sent to the Office for Intellectual Freedom, Amer­ ican Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611. The smaller version of the Library Bill o f Rights document, 8 " x 10" in size, also on parchment, is available, and can b e ordered from the same address. Prices for the smaller version are: 100 or less— $2.50; Additional 100’s— $2.00. 500— $10.00; Additional 100’s— $1.75. 1000— $17.50; Additional 100’s— $1.50. MINNESOTA FACULTY JCLS G e o r g e M. B a i l e y , executive secretary of AC RL, participated in the annual conference at the Minnesota Junior College Faculty Asso­ ciation, speaking on A LA Programs and Plans, and emphasized the many activities which have developed out o f the ten point program pro­ posed by the Joint Committee o f A L A and the American Association o f Junior Colleges in 1965. Louis Shores discussed the curriculum o f the Library Technology Program which he is designing for Texas junior colleges. Wesley Simonton described the ER IC Program for Library and Information Science at the Univer­ sity o f Minnesota, and B . Lamar Johnson dis­ cussed Library-Centered Innovative Projects Across the Country. The Librarians Section o f the Minnesota Junior College Faculty Association was re­ named the “ Media Specialists Section.” Con­ sideration was given to the possibility o f estab­ lishing centralized acquisitions and processing for the junior college libraries o f Minnesota. Plans are also being made to secure the serv­ ices of a consultant for junior college librar­ ies, under the sponsorship o f the State Junior College Board. ■ ■