ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 191 ALA Representatives at Academic Ceremonies e On Dec. 9 Richard G. Elliott represented A L A at the inauguration o f Johnathan Bert Barnes as president o f the College of Idaho. On Jan. 26 at the inauguration o f Paul Francis Geren as president o f Stetson University Mar­ tha Marie Berhel represented ALA ; Evan Far­ ber represented ALA and AC RL at the Na­ tional Conference on Emerging Universities and National Concerns at Ball State University on Feb. 7-8. At the inauguration o f Hugh Morris Gloster as president o f Morehouse College on Feb. 17, Mrs. Virginia Lacy Jones represented ALA; W . Stanley Hoole was the representative at the inauguration of Harold N. Stinson as presi­ dent o f Stillman College on Mar. 9. At the inauguration o f John Arthur Peoples, Jr. as president of Jackson State College (M iss.) on Mar. 9 Mary O ’Bryant represented ALA. G. Flint Purdy was the A L A representativ at the inauguration o f Robben Wright Flem­ ing as president of the University o f Michigan on Mar. 11; Richard J. Beck, at the inaugura­ tion o f Glenn Terrell as president o f Washing­ ton State University, Pullman, on Mar. 17; and Hugh A. Brown, at the inauguration of Lloyd Drexell Vincent as president of Angelo State College (T ex .) on Mar. 24-25. On Mar. 27, A LA was represented by Elea­ nor McCann at the inauguration o f Wesley W entz Posvar as chancellor of University of Pittsburgh; on Mar. 28 b y John P. M cDonald at the inauguration o f Arthur C. Banks, Jr., as president o f the Greater Hartford Communi­ ty College. At the inauguration o f Robert Edwin Kennedy as president o f the California State Polytechnic College on Apr. 3, Donald C. Davidson represented ALA ; and at the inauguration o f Norman A. Wiggins as presi­ dent o f Campbell College on Apr. 6 , Jerrold Ome was the A LA representative. Hardin Craig, Jr., represented A LA at the dedication o f the library addition at the Uni­ versity of Houston on Apr. 10. Herbert Poole was the A L A representative at the inaugura­ tion o f James Ralph Scales as president of Wake Forest University on Apr. 11; Benjamin B. Richards, at the inauguration of Earland Irving Carlson as president o f Westminster College on Apr. 19; and Kenneth J. LaBudde, at the inauguration of Peter H. Armacost as president of Ottawa University (K ans.) on Apr. 21. At the inauguration o f Hawthorne Clough Evans, Jr., as president o f Lees-McRae College on Apr. 22 William L. Eury was the ALA representative. Mark Gormley represented ALA at the inauguration of John T. Middaugh as president o f Carroll College on Apr. 27; also on Apr. 27, James V. Jones represented A LA at the installation o f Robert Warren Morse as president o f Case Western Reserve University. At the inauguration o f Martha E. Peterson as president o f Barnard College on Apr. 29 Richard Logsdon was the A L A representative; at the inauguration o f Paul Russell Anderson as president o f Temple University on May 1 Richard L. Snyder represented ALA ; and at the inauguration o f Marvin Banks Perry, Jr., as president o f Goucher College on May 3 John H. Berthel represented ALA. At Cornell College’s inauguration of Samual Enoch Stumpf as president on May 4 Dale M. Bentz represented ALA , and Nada Vujica was the representative at the dedication o f the Learning Resources Center o f M arywood Col­ lege on that date. Carson W . Bennett rep­ resented A L A at the dedication of Tiffin Uni­ versity library on May 4. James F. Holly represented A L A at the inauguration o f Mal­ colm Charles Moos as president o f the Uni­ versity o f Minnesota on May 9. On May 10 John R. Russell represented A L A at the inaug­ uration of E. K. Fretwell, Jr., as president of the State University o f New York College at Buffalo; on May 11, David Estes, at the in­ auguration of Frederick Corbet Davison as president of the University System o f Georgia; and also on May 11, Mrs. William Bryan, at the inauguration o f Samuel E. Braden as presi­ dent of Illinois State University, Normal. On May 17, Frayne Anderson represented A L A at the inauguration of Harry Pitkin Bowes as pres­ ident o f General Beadle State College; on May 18, Sister Bernard Joseph, at the inauguration of George B. Erbstein as president of Ulster County Community College ( N .Y .); on May 23, Lewis F. Stieg, at the inauguration o f Charles Johnston Hitch as president o f the University o f California, Berkeley; and on May 24, Sister Marie Jean at the inauguration o f Rhoten A. Smith as president of the University o f North­ ern Illinois. TAUBER HON O RED M aurice F. T a u b e r , professor in the school o f library service, Columbia University, was awarded a Distinguished Service Award on the dedication of the Findlay College library, Find­ lay, Ohio, for “ outstanding contributions to higher education, as a teacher, writer, librarian, critic and leader in the science o f library serv­ ice and ‘partner in learning’ to untold num­ bers, May 10, 1968.” Dr. Tauber was senior programer for the library building, and pre­ sented a paper on the issue o f “ Partners in Learning.” ■ ■ 192 For college libraries facing the problems of rapid expansion and change: The Total Library Service Book Selection and Supply: Bro-Dart d is ­ trib u te s books of all publishers, domestic and fo reig n, in cluding a ll title s from Books fo r College Libraries (A .L .A .) and the new Junior College L ib ra ry C o lle c tio n (B r o - D a r t F o u n d a tio n ) and Choice’s Opening Day Collection. Paperbacks are supplied h a rd -b o u n d (b yo u ro w n bindery) if desired. Book “ Approval” Program: This unique new plan enables college lib ra rie s to become aware o f, and actually acquire, all new books published in any specialized pre-determ ined fie ld s . Colleges have an o p p o rtu n ity to exam ine, on approval, all books shipped and keep those desired fo r th e ir collection. LC cards are included as an op tio n. This program saves tim e , money and paperwork, w hile keeping colleges constantly updated on new p u b li­ cations o f interest. Books for Publication Date Shelving: T his is an ideal program if your lib ra ry requires c u rre n t fictio n and popular n o n -fictio n (in clu d in g th a t m aterial norm ally covered by reviewing serv­ ices). You select one month p rio r to publication from an annotated lis t of title s and receive them ready fo r circulation by publication date, when in tere st is greatest. Books in th is program can also be leased under our McNaughton Plan. Cataloging and Processing: B ro-D a rt’s custom cataloging service was established to pro­ vide the L ibrary w ith (a) both the efficien cy and economy of coordinated and centralized book cata­ loging and processing, (b ) the professional s k ill of experienced lib ra ria n s , and (c ) the v ita l help often needed by the lib ra ry to solve problem s of super­ vision, personnel replacem ent, flu c tu a tin g w o rk ­ loads, and supply storage. The service is available on e ithe r a tem porary or long term basis. Library of Congress cataloging u tiliz in g e ithe r the Library of Congress or Dewey Classification is available. An origin al cataloging service is provided where L ibrary o f Congress cataloging is unavailable. The Computer Book Catalog: In addition to its use as a union catalog fo r a lib ra ry system, the Book Catalog is im p o rta n t in the expansion of lib ra ry service in to various departm ents and areas of in stru ction w ith in a single in s titu tio n . Its ease o f use and ready acceptance by lib ra ry users fu rth e r recommend the Book Catalog fo r consideration. Bro-D art's L ibrary Com puter Center produces, p rin ts and binds Book Catalogs w ith in its own fa c ilitie s . They o ffe r colleges a varie ty o f available programs and a large and grow ing data base of machine readable cataloging w hich accommodates cataloging in form ation being developed by the L ibrary of Congress in its MARC Program. Circulation Systems: Of o u r many B ro-D art developed book charging systems, Sysdac is espe­ c ia lly attractive to college lib ra rie s using student id en tifica tion cards. B ro-D art has also devised a system which allow s an economical progression from the sim p lest ha nd-charging to the most sophisticated com puter circulation system w ith o u t in te rim conversions. Reclassification: I f you are about to reclas­ sify y o u r collections, we are in a un iq u e position to assist you in a ll or p a rt of the complex w ork of reclassification, and to propose ways in which autom ation can accomplish th is . Furniture: We design and m anufacture several lines of fu rn itu re in our own plants, specifically fo r college lib ra rie s . Supplies: Im m e dia tely a v ailab le : all the sup­ plies you need to protect books and period icals; to rep air books; or fo r circu lation system s; a fu ll range of printed form s and other supplies fo r lib ra ry maintenance and management. Consultation: W hether you are faced w ith renovation, expansion, or the planning of an en tire new lib ra ry , o u r professional s ta ff— w ith e x p e ri­ ence in helping thousands of lib ra rie s — is equipped to undertake a study of your to tal needs. I f there is an ythin g more we can te ll you, please w rite , w ith o u t o b lig a tio n : Departm ent: P.O. Box 923, W illiam sport, Pa. 17704 W illiam sport • Newark • Los Angeles • Brantford, Ontario The Complete Library Source