ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 20 2 n a s two winter meetings of the A L A /R T SD -A B P C Joint Committee to discuss the Provisional Performance Standards for Binding Used i Libraries. The whole subcommittee will meet in New York on April 22 to receive the report o f the Library Binding Institute and set schedule for future deliberations. S C /1 7— Book Numbering— Chairman, Robert Frase, American Book Publishers Council. A new subcommittee has been established to deal with standard book numbers, which i expected to explore the possibility o f establish­ ing as an American standard the system of standard book numbers which the U.S. book publishing industry is placing in operation and which is identical with and a part o f the system already adopted in Great Britain and expected to be put into effect in other English speaking countries as well. S C /1 8— Book Publishing Statistics— Chair­ man, Anne J. Richter, R. R. Bowker Company. The final draft o f the standard on Book Publishing Statistics is now being submitted to the Z-39 Standards Committee for letter ballot. The original draft, which was circulated in Decem ber 1966, had the general approval of the committee, but several suggestions were made which were important enough to warrant a revision and recirculation of the draft. The two major objections raised concerned the use of U D C and omission o f all books under forty-nine pages. The revised draft translates the U DC numbers into Dewey classifications, and recommends the inclusion of hard bound juveniles under forty-nine pages in the count. S C /19— Book Publishers Advertising— Chair­ man, Ellis Mount, Engineering Library, C o­ lumbia University. The first meeting o f this new subcommittee was held on March 19 with all members pres­ ent. The following actions were taken: The committee reviewed thoroughly the document ( approved in 1966 b y the American Book Pub­ lishers Council and the Special Libraries As­ sociation) entitled “ Recommended Practices for the Advertising and Promotion o f Books.” Several changes and additions were proposed. The committee reviewed the various printed media used by publishers in the promotion of books, and categorized them as to the level of bibliographic data usually included in each type. The committee will meet in April at which time it will pool the ideas o f the members as to the proposed level and types o f information which each type o f promotional material ideally should include. All drafts of proposed Z-39 standards are available to any persons or groups interested in commenting, upon request to the subcom­ mittee chairman or Harold Oatfield, Pfizer Medical Research Laboratories, Groton, Conn. 06340. ■ ■ Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to th e Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. C opy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.00 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. BOOKS INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES is one of our specialties. Foreign books and periodicals, current and out o f print. Albert J. Phiebig, Box 532, W hite Plains, N.Y. O U T OF PRINT COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE— Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. Want lists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. W ANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. PERIODICALS PERIODICALS— sets, files, numbers—bought, sold, exchanged. Microcard reprints o f rare files. Catalogues, & buying lists. J. S. Canner Inc., Dept. ACRL, Boston 20, Mass. POSITIONS W A N T E D GEOLOGIC LIBRARIAN to relocate. Woman, age: 43. 3 ½- 4 years o f Lib. experience in Earth Sciences, Geology, Aerospace. Training MLS + 70 hrs. sciences; special libraries; IBM Programming; maps; information retrieval. C ol­ lege or Research Lib. desired. $10,000 min. Box 716, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. RESPONSIBLE MALE, M.L.S. with two years experience, seeks challenging position at rural university. Prefer Northeast but will consider elsewhere. Interest in general or scientific refer­ ence in main or departmental libraries. Box 721, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGER— MLS, Syracuse University, M.Ed., Temple University, 5 years o f experience 20 3 in cataloging would like to change position. Has very good knowledge of French and is perfect in German. Address mail to Box 722, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 6O611. MALE LIBRARIAN, under 40, interested in position o f subject or procedural specializa­ tion, less emphasis on personnel supervision; experience in all phases o f library work, cata­ loging, acquisitions, reference, general admin­ istration. Central or Northern California, San Francisco Bay area, preferred. Box 723, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN HEAD OF CIRCULATION, middle-size uni­ versity library in midwest. Should have desire and ability to renovate old-fashioned system. Some interest in electronic data processing de­ sirable, but EDP experience not essential. Sal­ ary $10 ,0 0 0 up depending on qualifications. Position open July 1, 1968; might negotiate earlier start if desired. Box 707, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LARGE COLLEGE LIBRARY. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Duties include maintenance o f government science documents collection. CA TA LO G E R : knowledge o f LC classification desirable. SPECIAL C O L L E C ­ TIONS LIBRARIAN, starting 9 /1 /6 8 . Organ­ ize college archives and establish biblio­ graphic control o f manuscript materials. Some experience preferred. SERIALS ACQU ISITION LIBRARIAN, starting 9 /1 /6 8 . Serials expe­ rience with organizational ability preferred. All positions will be at the instructor rank with guaranteed annual increases. W ork week 35 hours, 30 during the summer. 6 week paid vacation, choice of paid health plans. Tenure after 3 years. MLS from accredited library school required. STATE F U L L DETAILS OF E D U C ATIO N AN D EXPERIENCE IN RE­ PLY. Box 713, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago 60611. HEAD ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. State University with enrollment o f 13,000. Expand­ ing academic program including all profes­ sional schools on campus. Centralized acquisi­ tions for library system. Developing staff, A c­ quisitions currently has twenty-five including eight professionals. Book budget nearly ¾ mil­ lion. Department includes Central Serials Rec­ ord. 5th-year degree, knowledge o f book trade and successful administrative experience es­ sential. Salary open. Faculty rank. TIA A and all group insurances. One month annual leave plus nine holidays. Position open in July or September. Interviews can be arranged at ALA in Kansas City. Box 718, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, 111. 60611. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN TECHINCAL SERV­ ICES for a large university library. Faculty status. Requires extensive and appropriate ex­ perience in technical processes plus MLS from an accredited school. Salary depends upon experience and qualifications. Box 724, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN PUBLIC SERVICES in a large university library. Responsible for 15 departmental libraries and service depart­ ments o f main library. Requires MLS from an accredited school, appropriate experience, organizational ability, and administrative leadership. Salary open. Box 725, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. A LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE in upstate New York has immediate openings for the following: ( 1 ) Head o f Public Services; ( 2 ) Head o f Cir­ culation Department; ( 3 ) Cataloger. Each posi­ tion requires master’s degree in librarianship. Experience and administrative ability required for number one. High salary plus optional TIAA and CREF, major medical insurance, social security. The college presently assumes all cost of retirement and major part o f contributions for medical insurance. Box 729, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. MARC IMPLEMENTATION in Research L i­ brary in New York State requires appointment o f automation-minded librarian to develop systems. Supervisory, EDP and cataloging ex­ perience desirable. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary: $10,000. Box 726, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. REFERENCE-BIBLIOGRAPHER with M.A. in Sociology to work closely with faculty in acquisitions and collections development in addition to assignments as part o f central Ref­ erence Department. MLS required. Salary, $9,000 up, depending on qualifications. CA TA­ L O GER to work with Spanish language ma­ terials and capable o f working in at least one other romance language. Prefer some cata­ loging experience. MLS required. Salary, $8,500 up, depending on qualifications. MUSIC L I­ BRARIAN to administer book and record co l­ lection, listening rooms, and staff. Must work closely with faculty in development o f collec­ tion. Prefer advanced study in music. MLS required. Salary, $8,500 up, depending on qualifications. All positions carry faculty rank and perquisites. Transportation paid for one professional meeting each year. TIAA. Twenty- two days vacation each year. Open August 1, 1968. Send résumé to Leo W . Cabell, Assistant Director for Public Services, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Direct and supervise over­ all activities of library of 108,000 volumes. Five other professionals on staff. New building. L o ­ cated in the heart o f the Rockies. Excellent retirement and health benefits. Salary up to $12,500, depending upon qualifications and 2 0 4 , experience. Available prior to September 1 1968. Graduate library degree required. Apply to: Dean o f Faculty Clarence Bjork, Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison, Colorado 81230. CHIEF C A TALO G LIBRARIAN and Serials Librarian. Tw o positions. Salary $10,000- $13,500 depending on academic qualifications and experience. Catalog librarian will super­ vise department o f seven professional, 14 non- academic members. Serials librarian will estab­ lish central serials record. Correspondence and interviews at A L A Conference invited. Joe W . Kraus, Director o f Libraries, Illinois State Uni­ versity, Normal, Illinois 61761. CA TA LO G E R for Latin American materials requiring knowledge o f field and experience in cataloging. Library degree with Spanish and Portuguese. Salary $8,000 up depending on qualifications. Available for interview, at A LA in Kansas City. W rite: Miss Jane Flener, Indi­ ana University Library, Bloomington, Indiana 47401. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY has openings for two GENERAL REFERENCE LIBR ARI­ AN S: reference, bibliographical and informa­ tion service at Library’s Central Reference desk. CA TA LO G E R : will train a beginner with in­ terest, aptitude and language background, or give credit for experience. SPECIAL C O L L E C ­ TIONS CA TA LO G E R : to work primarily with growing rare book collection including some recataloging o f current holdings. Also work with Ohio Valley regional history materials and general materials of a special nature. Knowledge o f and experience in this field re­ quired as well as foreign language ability. 5th-year degree required for all positions. Sala­ ries open and based on experience, training and subject degrees. Faculty rank appropriate to training and experience. No teaching duties. Tenure after appropriate probationary period. One month annual leave plus five legal holi­ days and special Christmas vacation. Generous sick leave. Participation in TIAA, major m ed­ ical, group life and Blue Cross insurance pro­ grams. Positions open in July. Interviews can be arranged at A L A in Kansas City. Apply to Harold D. Gordon, Associate Director, Uni­ versity o f Kentucky Libraries, Lexington 40506. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Position open Sept. Cataloging and Reference Work. Degree from an accredited library school. Salary dependent on qualifications and experience. 4-year liberal arts college in suburban Baltimore. Apply: Mary E. Nichols, Librarian, Mount Saint Agnes College, Mount Washington, Baltimore, Mary­ land 21209. TH E U.S. N A VAL AC ADEM Y Library, An­ napolis, Maryland, is expanding and w ill have vacancies for Professional Librarians in Refer­ ence, Cataloguing, Serials, Documents and Gifts & Exchange, ranging from grades GS-7 to GS- 11. Also Bibliographic Searchers GS-5 to GS-7. The education and experience requirements in the latest open civil service announcements must b e met. Applicants without civil service status should file SF 57 with the IAB, 128 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. Applicants with civil service status should submit SF 57 with the Industrial Relations Office, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. CATALO GE R. Fall opening for head cata­ loger in Boston Athenaeum. Library school de­ gree desirable, experience essential in both general and special collections. Write for in­ formation or send résumé and references to Peter R. Haack, Asst. Librarian, Boston Athe­ naeum, 1 0 ½ Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. DOCUM ENTS LIBRARIAN— Documents L i­ brarian at Brandeis University to supervise a selective-depository documents collection cur­ rently comprising 30,000 pieces with an an­ nual addition o f 7,000 items. A graduate de­ gree in Library Science plus one year o f ex­ perience with Documents is required. Salary $7,200-$10,000. A pply to Mr. Lynn B. Hard, Assistant Director for Readers Services, G old­ farb Library, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154. C O LLEG E PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN who believes Lyle philosophy o f Circulation W ork (see his “ Administration o f the College Library,” 3d ed., p. 96 -14 3). 11 staff mem­ bers ( 5 p ro f.), 1500 students, 110 faculty, 48,000 books, 2,000 recordings, 500 paid sub­ scriptions + other media. Need MLS. Salary negotiable circa $8 ,0 0 0 depending upon appro­ priate experience. T IA A /C R E F , other fringes. Heart o f ski area. Faculty Status. Call collect or write: Miss Janice Gallinger, College L i­ brarian, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, New Hampshire 03264. 603-536-1550. C O LLEG E LIBRARIAN. Newark State C ol­ lege— a growing multipurpose institution lo­ cated on 120-acre campus in Union, N.J., 15 miles from NYC— is seeking a qualified library administrator to direct the activities o f a li­ brary with some 90,000 volumes, currently pre­ paring to move into a new facility covering three floors. Position is available February or July 1, 1969 at faculty rank. Full professor­ 1 ship available for person with doctorate and a minimum o f 8 years experience, preferably in college library administration. Beginning salary in excess o f $1 2 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 for ten month contract— additional compensation for summer employment, plus usual fringe benefits. Con­ tact: Dr. Eugene G. Wilkins, President, New­ ark State College, Morris Avenue, Union New Jersey 07083. 20 5 NE W POSITIONS A T TRENTON STATE C O LLEG E IN LIBRARY SCIENCE. Trenton State College is located on an attractive subur­ ban campus 20 minutes b y car from Prince­ ton, 40 minutes by train from Philadelphia, and 60 minutes from New York City. Faculty Teach­ ing Positions: Full Professor, Division o f L i­ brary Science. Expanding programs in under­ graduate and graduate levels. Administrative ability, liberal education, doctorate required; will consider final stage o f completion o f d o c­ torate. Salary: $12,003-$15,603 plus seven added steps to $19,803; an annual increment $600; 8 years experience. Desire to fill position b y fall 1969. Associate Professor: M.L.S., plus doctorate or working toward doctorate. 6 years experience. Salary: $9,875-$12,839 plus seven added steps to $16,297; annual increment $494. Both positions have full faculty status, free major medical, good pension system. Sum­ mer session and extension work above load is paid separately and is optional. Desire to fill associate professor position by fall 1968. W rite immediately in detail or phone collect ( 609-882-1855-Ext. 318) Mrs. Dorothy W . Ferguson, Coordinator Library Science Pro­ gram, Trenton State College. Trenton, New Jersey 08625. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN to develop section in small liberal arts college. Located on South Shore o f Long Island 50 miles from New York City. Faculty rank, TIAA, and other bene­ fits. 5th year library degree and experience re­ quired. Salary commensurate with experience. Send application to: Martha R. Schmidt, Chief Librarian, Adelphi Suffolk College, Oakdale, N.Y. 11769. Interviewer will b e available at A LA Conference. CA TA LO G E R for college library still with Dewey, 1500 enrollment, adding 4,000 vols. year, degree from accredited library school, two years experience. Foreign language ability not necessary. New building being designed, all student holidays, faculty status. Salary open. Write: Otis Coefield, Librarian, Atlantic Chris­ tian College, Wilson, N.C. 27893. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts col­ lege o f 1400 students. Holdings 97,000 vols. 5 professionals, 4 non-professionals on staff. Posi­ tion now open, salary $7,500-$8,500, M.L.S. or equivalent. One month vacation, ½ academic vacations. Faculty status, TIAA, major medical and other group benefits. Apply: J. B. Arm­ strong, Librarian, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio 43762. N E W P O S IT IO N S : Undergraduate librarian $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 2 ,0 0 0 depending on qualifications. General reference, $7,600 and up depending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in eight subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hueston W oods state park f p b m e p e v i s q p A and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Associate Director and Uni­ versity Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. H E A D , TEC H N ICA L SERVICES. Supervise acquisitions, classification, cataloging, process­ ing. Conversion from D ew ey to LC, pro­ grammed reclassification and division o f cata­ log likely in near future. Status o f Associate Professor, salary highly competitive, commen­ surate with status. Fifth year degree and ex­ perience required. ASSOCIATE CA TALOGER. Classification and cataloging, revision o f work o f clerical assistants. Starting salary to $8,000. Fifth year degree. For both positions: 8 weeks vacation, 36-hour week, TIAA -CRE F, full in­ surance program. Kenyon, a small college for men (8 0 0 ) is in Gambier, Ohio, an unusually attractive town north of Columbus and 5 miles east o f Mount Vernon, an All America city. A coordinate college for women to be opened in 1969. Rapid growth o f collection antici­ pated. Interviews at ALA-Kansas City may be arranged. Contact Edward C. Heintz, Ln., Kenyon College Library, Gambier, Ohio. Tel. 614-427-2244. A N TIOC H C O L L E G E : ( 1 ) Asst, in Tech. Processes, experience with L.C. system desir­ able, willingness and ability to assume increas­ ing responsibility essential. Depending upon experience, appointment at Libn. I level ($7,500- 8,500) or Libn. II ($8,000-12,000); ( 2 ) Asst, in Pub. Services, experience not necessary, pri­ mary duties reference and interlib. loan. A p ­ pointment at Libn. I level. Both positions re­ quire fifth-year degree. Though both open in July, a one or tw o month delay could be arranged. Stimulating environment, b ig fringe, nine weeks vacation. Applicants should send library school references to Bruce Thomas, Antioch College Library, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387. SERIALS LIBR ARIAN on Department Head or Assistant level, depending on qualifications and experience. The position is in a rapidly growing department, consisting o f an acting Serials Librarian and five full-time subpro­ essionals and clerks. Currently receiving ap­ proximately 5,000 titles and growing at the rate o f 1,000 to 1,500 titles per year. The D e­ artment handles all ordering, recording and inding, with the possibility o f having serials cataloging added later on. Plans have been ade for the eventual use o f data processing quipment, but presently are limited to the roduction of serials holdings lists. Here is an xcellent opportunity to participate in the de­ elopment o f streamlined library procedures n a new building with exciting service pos­ ibilities. Faculty rank. Salary dependent on ualifications and experience. An equal op­ ortunity employer. Address inquiries to: Dr. . Robert Rogers, Director, Bowling Green State University Library, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. 2 0 6 LAFA YE TTE C O LLE G E , EASTON, PA., urban area near New York City, Philadelphia and the Poconos. Expanding library in a new building. ( 1 ) Acquisitions Librarian ( 2 ) Refer­ ence Librarian ( 3 ) Assistant Cataloger. Ex­ cellent salaries and fringe benefits. Apply: Clyde L. Haselden, Librarian, Lafayette C ol­ lege, Easton, Pa. 18042. IN TER AM ERICAN UNIVERSITY OF PUER­ TO R IC O has a vacancy for a Head Cataloger. Applicants should have at least two years of professional experience and some reading knowledge o f Spanish. TIAA, faculty status, and other fringe benefits are provided. Salary is open. Apply: Laurence Miller, Area Director of Libraries, Inter American University, San German, Puerto Rico 00753. REFERENCE POSITIONS, Main Library and Undergraduate Library. Academ ic rank. Salary from $7,200. W rite to Ruth C. Ringo, As­ sociate Director o f Libraries, The University o f Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916. H E A D C A TA L O G LIBR ARIAN with experi­ ence at the university or research library level and the ability to direct staff o f professionals and assistants. Starting salary at least $12,000. New building, good fringe benefits. Write Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. SERIALS C A TA LO G E R with experience at the university library level and with LC classi­ fication. Knowledge o f languages desirable. Starting salary o f $800 per mo. Houston cost o f living lowest o f any major city. Write Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. W ISCONSIN STATE UNIVERSITY, River Falls seeks candidates for two openings to work in new air-conditioned library wing. Circulation librarian to supervise main circula­ tion desk and reserve desk. Tw o classified as­ sistants plus student help. W e intend to change present circulation system and offer challenge in selecting new one. R eference librarian to handle reference and bibliographic needs for an emerging university. Salary range for both positions is from $8,000 to $8,300 with de­ sirable experience for academic year. Summer session optional at 2 /9 additional salary. M.S.L.S. required. Professional librarians re­ ceive academic rank and faculty privileges. Blue Cross-Blue Shield, group insurance, so­ cial security plus new retirement system. Both positions begin September 1, 1968. W e offer small town atmosphere with metropolitan Twin Cities attractions only one half hour driving time away. A pply Richard A. Cooklock, L i­ brarian, Wisconsin State University, River Falls 54022. A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N to coordinate public services in private, liberal arts college. 1,250 students; 170,000 volumes; month vacation; T.I.A.A -CREF; faculty status. M.L.S. required! salary dependent on experience and qualifica­ tions. Send resume to W alter F. Peterson, Li­ brarian, Lawrence University, Appleton, W is­ consin 54911. H E A D OF GENERAL REFERENCE D E ­ PARTM ENT. The University o f Alberta L i­ brary requires Librarian to take charge o f a reference department serving senior and gradu­ ate students and faculty in the humanities and social sciences. The department is responsible also for interlibrary loans and the government documents collection. University enrollment: 15,725, including 1,980 graduate students. Reference staff o f 10, o f whom 5 are pro­ fessionals. Initial salary between $9,500 and $1 1 , 0 0 0 depending on qualifications and ex­ perience; maximum $12,950. Academ ic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Appli­ cants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of record, and the names o f three references to the Librarian, University o f Alberta, Edmon­ ton, Alberta, CANADA. H E A D , ENGINEERING, M ATH EM ATIC S AN D SCIENCE D IVISION AL LIBRARY. The University o f Waterloo invites applications for this senior position which becomes vacant July 1, 1968. A minimum o f five years’ library ex­ perience and proven administrative ability is required. Academ ic background in related sub­ ject fields and a master’ s degree are preferred. Duties include overall supervision o f a full time staff o f 2 0 in reference and circulation. The librarians participate in book selection, and the Head o f the Division is responsible for co-ordination o f this work and for liaison with the faculty and the entire library system. A new building for this Divisional library is in the planning stages. Automated circulation con­ trol is planned for 1969. Computer-produced reference lists are in use. The collection, which presently numbers 75,000 volumes, is growing at the rate o f 15,000 volumes per year. This position offers an opportunity for responsible work in a new and rapidly growing university with well established undergraduate and grad­ uate programs in engineering, mathematics and science. The present enrollment in these three facilities is close to 5,000. The Computer Centre offers unusual facilities for sophisticated re­ search with its I.B.M. 3 6 0 /7 5 computer sys­ tem. Starting salary $10,000-$12,200 depend­ ing on background o f education and experi­ ence. Normal moving expenses paid. Four weeks vacation, excellent fringe benefits. Li­ brarians are eligible to join the Faculty Club, and are encouraged to participate in further study and in professional activities. The twin cities o f Waterloo and Kitchener (population 125,000) are located in the attractive south­ western region o f Ontario, an hour’s drive from T oronto, H am ilton and L on d on , and thirty miles from the Stratford Shakespearian Festival. A p p ly to Mrs, Doris Lewis, University Librarian, University o f Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Interviews may b e arranged for the C.L.A. Conference at Jasper Park, Al­ berta, in June, or b y letter or telephone. As­ sistance will be given candidates coming to Waterloo for an interview. 2 0 7 H e r e ' s g o o d n e w s for m a n y of o ur s u b s c r i b e r s : W ith th e firs t issue o f V o lu m e 5 , M a rc h 1 9 6 8 , C H O IC E b e g a n a n a d d it io n a l se rv ice long req u e ste d b y s u b s c rib e r s — C H O IC E R e v ie w s - o n - C a rd s . If yo u w e r e not a m o n g the s e rv ice 's c h a r t e r s u b s c rib e rs , y o u m a y w a n t to co n sid e r it n o w . C H O IC E R e v ie w s- o n - C a rd s c a n b rin g to y o u r a c q u is itio n s system a n ew co n ve n ie n ce a s v e rs a tile a s you w a n t to m a k e it. C a r d s m a k e it e a s y to s e p a r a t e a n d d istrib u te re v ie w s s im u lta n e o u s ly to o th e r lib r a r ia n s a n d fa c u lt y — no m o re t e a r in g up co p ie s o r w a it in g fo re v e r f o r c ir c u la tin g c o p ie s to re tu rn . C a r d s c a n sa ve c le r ic a l step s in o rd e rin g a n d ch e c kin g h o ld in g s (a m p le s p a c e fo r n o ta tio n s on both fro n t a n d b a c k o f e a ch c a r d ) . T h e y a r e a c a t a lo g in g a id , a n d th e y a r e e a s y to lo c a te in y o u r d e s id e r a ta file . Yo u c a n p r o b a b ly th in k o f d o ze n s of o th e r uses in y o u r o w n system . D E S C R IP T IO N O F C A R D R E V IE W S A s e a ch r e g u la r issue o f C H O I C E g o e s to p re ss, a ll re v ie w s in th e issue a r e re p rin te d s e p a r a t e ly on 3 x 5 c a r d s . E a c h is id e n tifie d b y su b je ct h e a d in g a n d issue d a t e . C o lla te d in th e o r d e r fo llo w e d in the m a g a z in e , th e y a r e b o x e d a n d m a ile d to yo u v ia F ou rth C la s s m a il, S p e c ia l H a n d lin g . D E L IV E R Y O F C A R D S F o u rth C la s s , S p e c ia l H a n d lin g m e a n s y o u r b o x o f c a r d s is c a r r ie d fro m o u r p o st o ffice to y o u r s w ith r e g u la r F irs t C la s s m a il, b u t d e liv e re d a c c o r d in g to y o u r lo c a l P a rc e l Post d e liv e ry sc h e d u le . Yo u sh o u ld re c e iv e c a r d s a t a b o u t the sa m e tim e a s y o u r r e g u la r issue b y S e co n d C la s s m a il. S U B S C R IP T IO N S T O R E V I E W S - O N - C A R D S C a r d s a r e a v a ila b le o n ly b y y e a r ly su b s c rip tio n a t a co st o f $ 8 0 p e r y e a r . A ll su b s c rip tio n s b e g in in M a rc h a n d run th ro u g h th e fo llo w in g F e b r u a r y . Y o u must m a in ta in a r e g u la r su b s c rip tio n to C H O I C E to re c e iv e c a r d s . H O W T O O R D E R S u b s c rip t io n s to R e v ie w s - o n - C a rd s sh o u ld b e o r d e r e d fro m S u b s c rip tio n D e p a rtm e n t, A m e ric a n L i b r a r y A s s o c ia tio n , 5 0 E . H u ro n S tr e e t, C h ic a g o , Illin o is 6 0 6 1 1 . T h e y a r e not a v a ila b le th ro u g h a g e n c ie s . A n o rd e r fo rm is p ro v id e d b e lo w f o r y o u r c o n ­ v e n ie n ce . A ll su b s c rip tio n s o rd e re d n o w w ill be b a c k d a te d to M a r c h 1 9 6 8 , a n d y o u w ill re c e iv e a ll b a c k issues to t h a t d a te . F o r a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n a b o u t the c a r d s e rv ic e ‚ p le a se w rite C H O IC E E d ito ria l O ffic e s ‚ 100 R ive r- v ie w C e n te r, M id d le t o w n ‚ C o n n e c tic u t 0 6 4 5 7 . ----------------- TO: Subscription D ep artm ent A m erican Library Association 50 E. Huron St., C h icag o , III. 6 0 6 11 I n s t i t u t i o n : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please c o n s id e r this m y o r d e r f o r a 1 - y e a r s u b s c r ip t io n t o A d d r e s s : ____ ____________________________________________________-_______________________________ C H O IC E Reviews-on-Cards at (S tree t) $ 8 0 p e ry e a rto ru n from M arch ________________________________________________________ _______________________________ _________________ — 1968 through Feb ru ary 1969. Authorized b y: — -------------------------------- —--------------------- — ' (S ig n a tu re ) (Title) 1 9 6 2 - 1 9 6 7 F I V E Y E A R S T H A T C L O S E D T H E R E F E R E N C E G A P I N C O N T E M P O R A R Y A U T H O R S C O N T E M P O R A R Y A U T H O R S … P rovidin g librarians and researchers w ith authentic, readable, and personal accounts o f the lives and w ork o f the peop le w ho are w riting the book s you r patrons read. Gale recently published Contemporary Authors, V ol­ umes 1-4, First Revision, thereby completing a five- year cycle o f service for one o f the most widely ac­ claimed new reference works published in this cen­ tury. Since 1962, reviewers for every m ajor periodical pub­ lished for librarians have unanimously recommended CA for acquisition by high school, college, and public libraries. Choice selected it fo r their basic list of books that should be in every ‘ Opening Day’ collection for new high school, junior college, and college li­ braries. Additionally, CA is cited among the titles recommended in the Standard Catalog fo r Public L i­ braries and the new Random House Dictionary o f the English Language has included it in its Selected Bibli­ ography o f M ajor Reference Works. Research has revealed that some 75% o f the listings in Contemporary Authors are not to be found in any other commonly-used biographical references. When authors are also listed elsewhere, CA sketches are usually superior in both detail and content. Individual librarians from coast to coast report that CA is now the most consulted reference title on their shelves; that its existence has freed them from the innumer­ able hours formerly spent searching in obscure sources that might yield bio-bibliographical data about a liv­ ing writer. With Contemporary Authors at hand, they can be reasonably certain that up-to-the-minute details on most authors are no farther away than the CA shelf. NEW ER W RITERS A RE W ELL REPRESENTED Since 1962, 19,000 unduplicated sketches, with con­ tent ranging from one hundred to several thousand words, have been included in the twenty volumes of CA published to date— five times as many sketches on living writers as any similar work, with facts and figures generally ten years or so in advance o f most other sources. This coverage follows a basic CA con­ cept that not only the established writer, but also the new writer— first novelists, new juvenile and young adult authors, new textbook writers, new es­ sayists, poets, biographers, historians— should be in­ cluded as soon as possible after he becomes eligible by reason o f a current publication. Naturally, the editorial emphasis is on first-hand material secured directly from the authors themselves. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES O F Contemporary Authors • CA offers a breadth o f coverage o f major, minor, and unranked authors unmatched by any other source. • CA covers nearly 2,000 writers o f recently published books in each o f its two volumes every year— close to 4,000 in all. • CA contains more current authors o f interest to young readers than all the other common sources combined. • Each entry includes basic, personal, educational, and career history data, plus these dis­ tinctive features: Complete bibliographies o f the original publication o f each author’ s books, regardless o f the number o f titles. Many author bibliographies in CA mention fifty, one hundred, or more titles—one lists 435. Work in Progress is reported, with titles and probable publishers and projected completion dates. Sidelight information which gives spe­ cial insight into their work, character, attitudes, and opinions is provided by many authors. • The annual indexes are cumulative from the first volume. SU BSCRIPTIO N PRICES ALL V O LU M ES PUBLISH ED TO DATE (V o lum es 1-20, including 1967 revision of 1962-63 volum es) $104 .5 0 A N N U A L SU B SC R IP T IO N —Tw o V olum es $ 25.00 TEST Contemporary Authors W ITH O U T C O ST OR OBLIGATIO N FOR TH IRTY DAYS Free Descriptive Brochure Available Upon Request GALE RESEARCH COM PANY Book Tower Detroit, Michigan 48226