ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 145 include the story of twenty–five centuries of Italian education and schools, as reproduced directly from the Museo’s most important ma­ terial, some of which may never again be avail­ able in the original. There will be reproduc­ tions of works of art, rare documents, and a survey of modem educational institutions. The most interesting illustrations will be available as slides and will accompany the volume. This important publication should be of interest to most types of libraries and schools, as well as to teachers and scholars. The proceeds are to be used toward the restoration of the Museo. All subscribers will be listed in the volume. Reservations may be made with the Centro Didattico Nazionale di Studi e Documentazione, Palazzo Gerini, Via Buonarroti, 10, Firenze, Italia. The volume with slides, postpaid, is priced at $10, and will be mailed immediately upon publication. (Payment may be made to bank account 15-1, Agency A, Banco di Roma, Piazza Salvemini, Firenze, Italia, but addressed to the Centro Didattico Nazionale di Studi e Documentazione itself at the address given earlier.)—Anne V. Marinetti, Member of A.L.A. Special Committee to Aid Italian Libraries. C O N T IN U IN G MEMBERSHIP IN ALA Current members who have had 25 years of consecutive member­ ship in ALA may apply for “Con­ tinuing Membership” at the time of permanent retirement. Con­ tinuing membership offers the same privileges as Personal mem­ bership without the annual pay­ ment of dues. To check your eligibility and ap­ ply, please write: Membership Records American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 ITEMS AVAILABLE FROM ACRL The following items are available from the ACRL headquarters office of ALA. Except where prices are indicated, single copies are free. Orders for more than one copy will be billed at 200 per copy. Donald P. Hammer, “Automated Operations in a University Library—A Summary,” Reprint­ ed from College and Research Libraries, Vol­ ume XXVI, No. 1. Robert B. Downs, “Crisis in Our University Libraries,” Reprinted from College and Re­ search Libraries, January 1961, Volume XXII, pages 7-10. H. Vail Deale, “A Decade with MALC,” Re­ printed from November 1964, College and Research Libraries. College and Research Libraries Five Year In­ dex, Volumes XXI-XXV. $1.00 per copy. “Guidelines for Establishing Junior College Li­ braries,” Reprinted from the November 1963, College and Research Libraries. “Guidelines for Library Service to Extension Students,” Reprinted from ALA Bulletin, January 1967. Norman E. Tanis, “Implementing the Junior College Library Standards,” Reprinted from the March 1961, College and Research Li­ braries. Robert B. Downs and Robert F. Delzell, “Pro­ fessional Duties in University Libraries,” College and Research Libraries, January 1965. Verner W. Clapp and Robert T. Jordan, “Quan­ titative Criteria for Adequacy of Academic Library Collections,” Reprinted from College and Research Libraries. Vol. 26, No. 5. “ALA Standards for College Libraries,” Re­ printed from College and Research Libraries, July 1959, Volume XX, pages 274-80. “ALA Standards for Junior College Libraries,” Reprinted from College and Research Li­ braries, May 1960, Volume XXL “Statement of Service to Library Users,” Re­ printed from ACRL News, April 1966. Robert B. Downs, “Status of University Librari­ ans—1964,” Reprinted from July 1964, Col­ lege and Research Libraries. E. W. Erickson and LeMoyne W. Anderson, “Report of a Survey of the Western Wash­ ington State College Library,” May 21-25. 1962. $2.50 per copy. ■ ■