ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 106 Include also m oney h eld in the name o f an institution other than the library if allocations to the library can be reported on a fiscal basis. 2. Sources o f incom e from p u b lic funds. a. Include in com e from any level o f p u b ­ lic governm ent, from taxes or from other funds available to such a g o v ­ ernment, including research grants and other contractual com m itm ents. b. Contractual incom e. List sources and amounts derived from p u b licly fu n d e d agencies, such as the N ational Science Foundation, H igher E ducation A c t Grants, from other federal research grants, or from other p u b lic educational institutions. c. Indirect contractual incom e. R eport amounts a n d /o r percentages allocated to library operations and overhead from grants received b y the clientele w h ich it serves. 3. Other incom e. In clu de the sum total o f in com e from ven d in g m achines, fines, publications, sales o f discarded books, or from rental books. I f the figures supplied b y the supporting institutions are n ot to b e published, p rov i­ sion should b e m ade fo r this request. D e ­ rived statistics should not b e reported unless n o others can b e p rod u ced. I f percentage figures are used, how ever, define the total institutional b u d get as 100% and each o f the above elem ents as a per­ centage thereof. T o recon cile the b u d g et reports o f li­ braries w hose accounting procedures differ in p lacing m on ey for books and other li­ brary materials, m oney w h ich is specifically allocated fo r this purpose should b e re­ ported separately under “ L ibrary M ateri­ als.” It can then be a d d ed to in com e for operation or in com e fo r capital accord in g to local procedure. This initial attem pt at reporting on a na­ tional basis w ill benefit a. future program m ing fo r libraries b. legislative bodies in future allocation, and c. donors w h o w ill better understand h o w these funds are used. ■ ■ ■ I I « -* ’ ' "‘⅜ >v ■ ■ Ļį, ⅛ J » J Hf HI I ı I WĚįĘĘm I Is t |i I wK t WĚγ BOOK M O VE AT FORT LEW IS Waiting to put their loads of books on the new library’s shelves—Graham Sadler, director of the Fort Lewis College library (at left), Miss Indian America, Wahleah Lujan; Chad and Jer­ emy, singing duo from England, and John F. Reed, president of the college. F o r t L e w is C o lle g e re ce n tly c o m p le te d a n e w m illio n d o lla r lib ra ry -cla ssroom b u ild in g and w as fa c e d w ith th e p r o b le m o f m o v in g o v e r th irty-five th ou sa n d v o lu m e s o f b o o k s in th e m id d le o f a trim ester w ith o u t disru pting th e u se o f th e lib ra ry b y students a n y lo n g e r th an n ecessary. T h u s, at 8 :3 0 a.m . o n M a rch 2 0 , o v e r o n e th ou sa n d students an d fa c u lty a ssem b led at th e o ld lib ra ry a n d th e m o v e b e g a n . W a h le a h L u ja n , a stu den t at F o rt L e w is C o lle g e w h e n she w as n a m e d M iss In ­ dia n A m e rica , w a s o n th e ca m p u s T h u rsd a y - S aturday to p a rticip a te in th e annual H o h z o n i D a y s (B e a u tifu l D a y s ) a ctivities spon sored b y th e C o lle g e ’ s S halako In d ian C lu b . She d e ­ c id e d to stay o v e r and h e lp h e r fe llo w stu­ dents m o v e th e b ook s. C h a d a n d Jerem y, sin g ­ in g d u o fr o m E n g la n d , w h o w e r e to presen t a co n c e r t that e v en in g , also d e c id e d to jo in th e F o r t L e w is students in th e b o o k m o v e . A t n o o n an o ld fa s h io n e d “ C h u c k W a g o n ” f e e d w as spread ou t fo r th e students in fron t o f th e n e w lib ra ry a n d a lo c a l b a n d p r o v id e d th e m u sic fo r th e “ B o o k M o v in g D a y .” B y 1 :3 0 p .m ., w h e n th e last o f th e students a n d fa c u lty h a d h a d th eir plates filled at th e C h u c k W a g o n , th e lib ra ry h a d b e e n m o v e d in tact, w ith th e b o o k s taken fr o m th e shelves in o rd e r in o n e b u ild in g an d p u t o n th e shelves in o rd e r in th e n e w b u ild in g . F orm a l d e d ic a tio n cerem on ies fo r th e lib ra ry w e r e c o m ­ 107 b in ed w ith the co lle g e ’s com m en cem en t exer­ cises on A pril 16. ■ ■ ALA CONFERENCE TOURS Tickets w ill b e available at the A L A C o n ­ ference. T o u r I: A ca d em ic Libraries C h o ice o f: Stanford University undergraduate library and H oover Institution library, Stanford. or Stanford University undergraduate library and University o f C alifornia at Santa Cruz. U ndergraduate library at Stanford U niver­ sity, d ed icated D e ce m b e r 1966, and the library on the new University o f California cam pus at Santa C ruz are outstanding examples o f m odern design, equipm ent and library techniques. T h e H oov er Institution on the Stanford campus houses on e o f the w o rld ’ s finest c o l­ lections o f records on the m ajor p olitical and social upheavals o f the contem porary w orld. Full day: Leaving at 8 :3 0 a.m. Price: 56.50 per person including luncheon. D ate: M on day, June 26. Lim ited to 170 persons T o u r II: East Bay Libraries Library o f Environm ental D esign at U niver­ sity o f C alifornia; and C h abot C olleg e “ Library in the R ou n d ” in H ayw ard. T h e n ew Library o f Environm ental D esign on the U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley C am ­ pus designed b y W urster, Bernardi and E m ­ mons, and the C h abot C o lle g e “ L ibrary in the R ou n d” w ith its M editerranean W est architec­ ture are interesting examples o f outstanding small m odern libraries. One-half day: Leaving at 1:0 0 p.m. Price: $4.25 per person in cluding refreshments at the C larem ont H otel in Berkeley. D ate: Saturday, July 1. ■ ■ A C R L M em bership: M arch 31, 1967 ................................................10,690 M arch 31, 1966................................................9,313 COLLEGE & RESEARCH N E W S LIBRARIES A C R L News Issue o f C ollege & Research Libraries Editor, David Kaser, Joint University Li­ braries, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Publications Officer, Mary Falvey, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ACRL Executive Secretary, George M. Bailey. A C R L Officers, 1 9 6 6 /6 7 : President, Ralph E. M cC oy ; C ollege Libraries Section Chairman, Lee Sutton; Junior C ollege Libraries Section, Harriett Genung; Rare Books Section, W illiam H. Runge; Subject Specialists Section, Mary E. Schell; Agriculture and B iological Sciences Subsection Chairman, R oy L. Kidm an; Art Subsection, Mrs. Kathryn B lackwell; L aw and Political Science Subsection, Jane W ilson ; Slavic and East European Subsection, Bohdan S. W ynar; University Libraries Section Chairman, John M. D awson. Editorial B oard: Jo h n M . D a w s o n , University o f D ela ­ ware; G u s t a λ 7e A. H a r r e r , Boston University; S a m ­ u e l R o t h s t e i n , University o f British C olum bia; Ja m e s E . S k i p p e r , Princeton University; N o r m a n E. T a n i s , Kansas State C ollege o f Pittsburg; M a u r i c e F. T a u b e r , C olum bia University; E i l e e n T h o r n t o n , Oberlin C ollege. News from the Field, Personnel profiles and notes, classified advertising, official matter o f A C R L , and other material o f a tim ely nature is published in the News issues o f C ollege ‹b R esearch Libraries. Inclusion o f an article or advertisement in C R L does not constitute official endorsement b y A C R L or A LA . Production and Advertising and Circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, 111. 6 06 1 1 . C hange o f address and orders for subscriptions should he addressed to C ollege ò- R esearch Libraries, for receipt at the above address, at least two months b efore the publication date o f the effective issue. Subscription to C R L is included in m embership dues to A C R L o f $6 or m ore; other subscriptions to C R L are $ 10 per year. Neither subscriptions nor memberships include miscellaneous unscheduled supplements, w hich are available b y purchase only. Retroactive subscrip­ tions are not accepted. Single journal copies are avail­ able at $ 1.5 0 each and News issues at $ 1 .0 0 each from A L A Publishing Department. Indexed in Library Literature. Abstracted in Library S cience Abstracts. Book reviews indexed in B ook R e­ view Index. C ollege ò- Research Libraries, is the official journal of the Association o f C ollege and Research Libraries, a division o f the American Library Association; and is published seventeen times per year—b i-m onthly as a technical journal with 11 m onthly News issues, co m ­ bining July-August—at 1 2 0 1 -0 5 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Mo. and at ad­ ditional m ailing offices.