ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 237 section of the National Institutes of Health library. Charles J. Seal has been named assistant reference librarian, Purdue University libraries. Betty L. Seifert has been appointed to the staff of City College library, City University of New York. Jean Shelton is a new serials librarian in King library, University of Kentucky. Anthony W. Shipps became librarian for English, Indiana University, Bloomington, on Sept. 1. Katharine Martin Stokes has been named college and university library specialist in the U.S. Office of Education, planning and library development branch, division of library services and educational facilities. Edwin W. Terry is director of the library of Bronx Community College. Ritchie D. Thomas is now associate li­ brarian and director of the central library at the American University of Beirut. Paul Thompson has accepted an appoint­ ment to th e reference staff of King library, University of Kentucky. Joseph Viscarra has assumed the position of chief cataloger with the rank of assistant professor a t New York City Community Col­ lege. Norman W adham has been appointed as­ sistant to the librarian at Teachers College li­ brary, Columbia University, effective July 1. Susan W akefield joined the staff of the medical library of the University of Virginia, as head of the serials department. Anna W ang has been appointed assistant cataloger, Purdue University libraries. Mrs. Suzanne W. W ard has joined the reference staff at Indiana University library, Bloomington, Sept. 1. Linda A. W atson has been selected as a participant in the medical library internship program for 1967/68 by the National Insti­ tutes of Health library. Mrs. Violetta M. W ilson is now on the staff of the circulation unit, readers services section of th e National Institutes of Health library. W illiam G errish W ilson has been ap ­ pointed librarian of Catawba College. Barbara H sin-jui Yen has been appointed to the catalog division of the City College li­ brary, City University of New York. N E C R O L O G Y W illiam J. Barrow, documents restorer and director of the William J. Barrow research la­ boratory in Richmond, Va., died on Aug. 25. Mr. Barrow invented a cylindrical laminator for use in restoration of documents, and a process for deacidification of paper, and de­ veloped a perm anent/durable paper within the price range of commercial book papers. Ivander MacIver, a member of the library staff of the University of California, Berkeley, from 1930 to 1958, died on Aug. 7. R E T IR E M E N T S Mrs. Helen A. E verett retired on Sept. 1 after 28 years as college librarian of Humboldt State College, Arcata, Calif. Miriam Grosh retired in June after twenty- two years as head librarian of Upsala College. Julia Plummer, librarian of Lamar State College, Beaumont, Tex., for thirty-one years, retired on August 31. Lee Zimmerman, librarian of University of Idaho, retired on June 30. ALA AWARDS, 1968 Nominations are invited for the several awards which are to b e presented by ALA in 1968. Most of the awards will be made dur­ ing the Kansas City Conference. Among the awards which may be made in 1968 are: J. Morris Jones—World Book Encyclo- pedia-ALA Goals Award is an annual grant of $25,000 to ALA made by the Field Enter­ prises Educational Corporation, Inc., intended to encourage and advance the development of public an d /o r school library service and librar- ianship through recognition and support of programs which implement Goals for Action adopted by the Council of the American Li­ brary Association on January 29, 1959, and as may be amended from time to time. The Association will announce annually the availability and terms of the award to all units of the Association including the chapters of ALA, accept applications for the award from those units, evaluate the programs proposed in the applications in terms of the Goals for Action, and select the program or programs to be supported in th at year by the award. In the absence in any one year of a program pro­ posal deemed worthy of the award, the funds for th at year may be held for future awards or may be used in any way the board adm in­ istering the award deems best in the light of the purposes for which the funds are given. Applications for grants under the award will be judged first by a subcommittee of the ALA Program Evaluation and Budget Commit­ tee which will present its recommendations to PEBCO. PEBCO will, in turn, make its rec­ ommendations to the ALA Executive Board which will determine the final program or pro­ grams to receive the award. All applications for grants must be submit­ ted to the executive director of ALA no later 238 than two weeks following the close of the ALA Midwinter Meeting. The program or programs to receive the award will be selected by the time of, and announced at, the following an­ nual conference. Units of the Association eligible for grants under the award are: ALA committees, ALA joint committees, ALA divisions, ALA round tables, and ALA chapters. Applications for grants from units within a division must be approved by the governing board of the di­ vision. The chairman is Mary V. Gaver, Pro­ fessor, Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers, The State University, New Bruns­ wick, New Jersey 08903. The Melvil Dewey Award, consisting of an engraved medal and a citation, is presented annually to an individual or a group for re­ cent creative professional achievement of a high order, particularly in those fields in which Melvil Dewey was actively interested, notably library management, library training, catalog­ ing and classification, and the tools and tech­ niques of librarianship. Donated by Forest Press, Inc. Deadline for nominations, January 15, 1968. Send five copies of nominations to the jury chairman, Dr. Richard M. Dougherty, Associate Director of Libraries, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302. The Joseph W. Lippincott Award is an award made to a librarian, consisting of $1,000, an engraved medal, and a special citation, made annually to honor outstanding participation in professional library associations, notable pub­ lished professional writing, or other significant activity in the profession. Donated by Joseph W. Lippincott. Deadline for nominations, January 15, 1968. Send five copies of nominations to the jury chairman, Robert E. Thomas, Librar­ ian, Salt Lake City Public Library, 209 East Fifth Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111. The Margaret Mann Citation is an annual citation, awarded by the Cataloging and Clas­ sification Section of the Resources and Tech­ nical Services Division made to a cataloger an d /o r classifier, not necessarily an American, for his outstanding professional achievement in the areas of cataloging and classification, either through publication of significant pro­ fessional literature, participation in professional cataloging associations, introduction of new techniques of recognized importance, or out­ standing work in the area of teaching within the past five years. Deadline for nominations, January 1, 1968. Send nominations with resumé of achievement on which nomination is based to the committee chairman, Miss Marion Kes­ selring, Assistant Chief Catalog Librarian, Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island 02912. The Isadore Gilbert Mudge Citation is given at the annual conference of the ALA to a person who has made a distinguished con­ tribution to reference librarianship. This con­ tribution may take the form of an imaginative and constructive program in a particular li­ brary; the writing of a significant book or articles in the reference field; creative and in­ spirational teaching of reference service; ac­ tive participation in professional associations devoted to reference services; or other note­ worthy activities which stimulate reference li­ brarians to more distinguished performance. Send nominations to the chairman, A. Kathryn Oiler, Graduate School of Library Science, Drexel Institute, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, by March 16, 1968. The Herbert Putnam Honor Award is pre­ sented at unstipulated intervals as a grant-in- aid to an American librarian of outstanding ability, for travel, writing, or other use that might increase his usefulness to the library profession or to society. The award was made possible by friends and associates of Dr. Put­ nam, Librarian of Congress, 1899-1939, in re­ membrance of his distinguished services to his profession and his country. The ALA Awards Committee will serve as jury for this award. The winner will be announced and the award will be presented at a general session during the annual ALA conference in Kansas City. The Scarecrow Press Award for Library Literature is a cash award of $500 made to an American librarian to recognize an outstand­ ing contribution to library literature issued during the calendar year preceding the presen­ tation. Deadline for nominations, January 15, 1968. Send nominations to the jury chairman, Robert F. Delzell, Administrative Assistant, University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Illinois 46990. ACRL NOMINEES Candidates for ACRL offices in 1968 have been announced, and are: For Vice President and President-Elect: Page Ackerman, University of California, Los Angeles. Philip J. McNiff, Boston Public Library. For Directors-at-Large (1968/72) (two to be elected, one from each bracket) Frances Kennedy, Oklahoma City University. David Weber, Stanford University Libraries. J. Richard Blanchard, University of Califor­ nia, Davis. Norman Tanis, Kansas State College of Pitts- burg. Section and Subsection nominations will ap­ pear in a later issue of CRL News.