ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 37 In order to structure the meeting, the Plan­ ning Committee is requiring a not-more-than- one-page description o f the proposal, stating ( 1 ) the name and address of the person ( or persons) presenting the idea, ( 2 ) the problem to be solved by the proposal, and ( 3 ) the general plan of procedure. Anyone is invited to present a proposal. The only restriction is that it must lie within the division’s areas o f responsibility; acquisitions, cataloging, classifi­ cation, serials, reproduction, and resources. Projects will b e presented and discussed at a meeting o f the Planning Committee during the A LA Conference in Kansas City. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, 1968 at 4 :3 0 p.m. The place will be listed in the Con­ ference Program and will also b e reported to those sending in proposals. Available at the meeting for consultation will b e members of the Policy and Research Committees o f the RTSD sections— Acquisitions, Cataloging and Classification, Serials, and Reproduction of L i­ brary Materials— as well as a representative of the Resources Committee. W hen a proposal is accepted, action to set it in motion will be taken. If it falls within a section’s responsibilities, it will b e referred to the appropriate Policy and Research Com­ mittee. It might go to one of the divisional committees. It might warrant a recommenda­ tion to the RTSD Board that an ad hoc com ­ mittee be created. In every case, the intention is that the person making the proposal be a central figure in the implementation o f his idea. To be included in the Kansas City meeting, the proposal must b e received b y May 15, 1968. Descriptive sheets should b e addressed to: Helen M. W elch, Chairman o f the RTSD Planning Committee, University o f Illinois Library, Urbana, Illinois 61801. INFORMATION NEEDED AC R L has been requested to present a pro­ gram on “ E d u c a t i o n a l P o t e n t i a l f o r L i ­ b r a r i e s i n L i v i n g U n i t s ” at the Annual Con­ ference o f the National Association o f Students Personnel Administrators, on April 2. W e would be grateful if information and policy statements regarding practices and programs in Academ ic Libraries would b e sent to: Edward B. Stanford, Director of Libraries, University o f Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minne­ sota 55455. The Guidelines for Library Service to Exten­ sion Students were officially endorsed by the National University Extension Association at its 1967 Annual Meeting and reprinted in the NUEA Spectator, October-Novem ber 1967. Your Certified Library Binder belongs on Only one man can help you get the m ost from your books. He is your Certified Library Binder — the man who rebinds your worn books acco rd in g to C E R T IF IE D S T A N D A R D S so that they w ill m u ltip ly your circu lation five tim es at less than half the cost. He is the man who can beautify your library with quality — who can inspire good reading by m a k in g books attractive too — whether books have been prebound or rebound. T H IS S E A L G U A R A N T E E S P E R F O R M A N C E It is th e stamp of approval given only to CERTIFIED LIBRARY BINDERS which is your assurance th a t your books have been bound accordin g to th e standards of the Library Binding In s titu te . W ith o u t th is seal, you have no assurance th a t your books have been tru ly library bound. B e w e ll in fo r m e d , w rite to d a y to r fre e lite ra tu re . T h e r e is n o o b lig a t io n . LIBRARY BINDING INSTITUTE 1 6 0 S ta te S tre e t B o s t o n , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 0 9 38 When 250,000 scientific and technological articles are indexed each year-–and each is indexed to a depth of approximately 35 entries - - that’s subject indexing at its finest. And it’s available now in th e PERMUTERM™ SUBJECT INDEX to Science and Technology. Librarians asked fo r it. And ISI produced it— the PERMUTERM SUBJECT INDEX 1966 to Science and Technology. PSI™ quickly locates articles fo r you on the specific or generic subjects you are interested in, through this daring new concept in subject indexing. Using the computer, like a com puter was meant to be used, ISI’s exclusive Permuterm programs index the average article to a depth of approximately 35 entries. Sample form ats and details are available at no obligation. O rder the PERMUTERM SUBJECT INDEX. You and your lib ra ry c lie n te le w ill be glad you d id. W rite dept. 12-14 Institu te f o r Scientific In fo rm a t io n 325 C h estnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106, U.S.A. Telephone: 215/923-3300 Cable SCINFO