ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C O L L E G E & R E S E A R C H L IB R A R IE S NEWS No. 10, November, 1967 From Inside the DLSEF* ACRL News Issue (A ) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 28, No. 6 By KATHARINE M. STOKES Before I came to this office from Kalama­ zoo on Septem ber 1, I was grateful b u t a b it mystified about college resources grants aw arded to W M U in June by the Division of Library Services of the U.S. Office of Education under the H igher E ducation Act of 1965. Now th at I have had an oppor­ tunity to examine the files of applications and the scoring sheets for the criteria re­ quirem ents, I realize how very little I under­ stood about the allocation of grants under Title IIA of the act. Just in case some of you were equally baffled by th e amounts your schools received, let me recount my own experience. For the basic grant of $5,000, of course, it was W M U ’s second time around, so that application presented no problem. But the supplem ental grants m ade my m outh w ater —“no m atching requirem ents” and “in an am ount not to exceed $10 for each full-time student.” Then I read about th e special p u r­ pose grants, which required m atching funds “equal to not less than 33⅓ per cent.” But most of W M U ’s funds were already com­ m itted for the fiscal year. Besides, it was hard to understand the scoring information on special purpose grants, and phrases like * Room 5922, 7th & D Streets, S.W., if you have time to stop to see us when you come to Washington. Miss Stokes was librarian, Western Michigan University, until September 1. She is now College and University Li­ brary Specialist in the Division of Li­ brary Services and Educational Facilities, USOE. Periodically, she hopes to com­ ment on the programs of the U.S. Office of Education which benefit academic li­ braries. Special purpose grants will be discussed in a future issue. “dem onstrate a special need,” “m eet special national or regional needs,” and “need spe­ cial assistance in establishing and strength­ ening joint-use facilities” were difficult to interpret specifically. So I decided to concentrate on th e sup­ plem ental grant, adding up th e points I thought W M U would rate. Prospects looked pretty bleak for an institution th a t wasn’t less than five years old, called itself a uni­ versity, and had just over three hundred thousand volumes. But m ultiplying our full­ tim e equivalent enrollm ent by th e points the acquisition librarian and I thought we could claim still gave a sizable am ount, for w hich we hopefully applied. Last June someone in the office of the President of W M U called to say th at we had received a supplem ental grant b u t th a t it was less then the am ount requested. If we 246 for better service … Liberal Terms … send for our current discount schedule E fficie n t O rd e r-H a n d lin g … alert, experienced personnel H uge In v e n to ry … in our own warehouses S p e e d y D e liv e ry … your order processed without delay Taylor-Carlisle BOOKS OF ALL PUBLISHERS TECHNICAL, SCIENTIFIC, BUSINESS and MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS • 1 1 5 EAST 23RD STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10010 • WINTER PARK MALL, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 247 h ad seen th e form letter th a t w ent to the President’s office saying, "Because requests for supplem ental grants exceeded funds available, such grants to eligible institutions w ere reduced by approxim ately 25 p e r cent,” we m ight have deduced th a t w e w eren’t allowed th a t debatable fifth point w e hoped to receive for “special circum stances.” But th e inform ation in th a t letter to th e Presi­ d en t was never passed on to th e library staff and it was only w hen I w en t to some m eet­ ing of librarians, and someone said, “There was only enough to cover 75 p e r cent of the requests,” th a t I got th e message. Actually, th e form ula for com puting the grants was 75.736 p e r cent of th e figure derived from m ultiplying th e num ber of F T E students in an institution by th e num ­ b e r of points scored. T he supplem ental grants for w hich all the institutions qualified were totaled and com pared w ith th e am ount available after the basic and special p u r­ pose grants w ere aw arded. T he resulting percentage figure was a fraction over 75 p e r cent. Among th e 1,266 institutions re­ ceiving supplem ental grants, 309 scored 5 points. Only 5 institutions rated th e highest of 10 points. On July 14, 1967 a letter from the Division of Library Services and Educational Facilities was sent to presidents of higher education in­ stitutions having library education programs, asking for an expression of interest and intent to hold institutes in library and information sci­ ence in the summer of 1968 and/or the aca­ demic year 1968/69. The manual and applica­ tion form will be sent early in November to those few institutions responding with a mid- December deadline specified. We hope other institutions will respond to this excellent opportunity. CECL 1967 Tentative program for the Conference of Eastern College Librarians on November 25 in­ cludes discussion on the subject of federal li­ brary services to college and research libraries by John Lorenz, Patricia Condon, Martin Cummings, and Russell Shank. The afternoon program will present Bernard Fry, director of the Clearing House for Federal, Scientific and Technical Information, on potential services to college and research libraries. Place: Harkness Theatre, Butler Library, Columbia University. ACRL Membership, September 30, 1967, 12,226 September 30, 1966, 10,840 C O L L E G E & R E S E A R C H L IB R A R IE S NEW S ACRL News Issue of College & Research Libraries Editor, David Kaser, Joint University Li­ braries, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Publications Officer, Mary Falvey, 50 E. Huron S t, Chicago 60611. ACRL Executive Secretary, George M. Bailey. ACRL Officers, 1967/68: President, James Hum­ phry III; College Libraries Section Chairman, Audrey North; Junior College Libraries Section, Mrs. Alice B. Griffith; Rare Books Section, Lawrence S. Thompson; Subject Specialists Section, Richard L. Snyder; Agri­ culture and Biological Sciences Subsection, Mrs. Pauline W. Jennings; Art Subsection, James K. Dick­ son; Law and Political Science Subsection, Morris Cohen; Slavic and East European Subsection, Jerzy (George) J. Maciuszko; University Libraries Section, Stuart Forth. Editorial Board: John M. Dawson, University of Dela­ ware; Gustave A. Harker, Boston University; Sam­ uel Rothstein, University of British Columbia; James E. Skipper, Princeton University; Norman E. Tanis, Kansas State College of Pittsburg; Maurice F. Tauber, Columbia University; Eileen Thornton, Oberlin College. News from the Field, Personnel profiles and notes, classified advertising, official matter of ACRL, and other material of a timely nature is published in the News issues of College & Research Libraries. Inclusion of an article or advertisement in CRL does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA. Production and Advertising and Circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, I11. 60611. Change of address and orders for subscriptions should be addressed to College & Research Libraries, for receipt at the above address, at least two months before the publication date of the effective issue. Subscription to CRL is included in membership dues to ACRL of $6 or more; other subscriptions to CRL are $10 per year. Neither subscriptions nor memberships include miscellaneous unscheduled supplements, which are available by purchase only. Retroactive subscrip­ tions are not accepted. Single journal copies are avail­ able at $1.50 each and News issues at $1.00 each from ALA Publishing Department. Indexed in Library Literature. Abstracted in Library Science Abstracts. Book reviews indexed in Book Re­ view Index. College & Research Libraries, is the official journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association; and is published seventeen times per year—bi-monthly as a technical journal with 11 monthly News issues, com­ bining July-August—at 1201-05 Bluff S t, Fulton, Mo. 65251. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Mo. and at ad­ ditional mailing offices.