ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Academic Library Buildings Interior, main reading room, St. John’s Uni­ versity Library (right); Library Institute for Advanced Education (center); exterior, Hofstra University Library (below). 137 138 An Im portant Supplement and Two New Manuals from the Publishing Departm ent of the American Library Association Guide to Reference Books, 8th edition First Supplement, 1965-1966 Brings W inchell’s indispensable Guide up to date w ith annotated descriptions of more than 1,000 reference works in all fields published during the 1965-66 period. New works, new editions of works previously listed, and new parts of continuations are listed. Titles from the basic volume are included only if they incorporate new material, textual changes, or title changes. New features of the listings in this supple­ m ent are inclusion of LC card numbers and references to reviews in selected A.L.A. periodicals. As in the earlier supplem ents to previous editions, prices are given. Cross references to the basic volume. Completely indexed. Eugene P. Sheehy. Ready. $3.50 Personnel Organization and Procedure A Manual Suggested for Use in College and University Public Libraries Libraries Second Edition ļ Second Edition W ritten as if they w ere actual personnel manuals, these theoretical models provide a framework for administrators preparing their own statements. The systematic cover­ age given the basic principles and procedures of sound personnel adm inistration also allows for easy modification to fit local circumstances. Among the topics covered are: organization and administration; classification of positions; salary schedules; p e r­ formance evaluations; working conditions; and staff relationships. The imaginative and practical approach in these revisions of the 1952 editions will simplify the work of administrators in producing their own manuals. Library Adm inistration Division, A .L .A . Ready. Each, $2.50 Recent titles T he A bbreviated C itation. ACRL M onograph 2 8 $ 2 .2 5 B ook s fo r C hildren, 1 9 6 6 -1 9 6 7 $ 2 .2 5 G uides to Newer E ducational Media, 2d . ed . $ 1 .5 0 Lasting B ook s 1 9 4 4 -1 9 6 4 5 0 copies $ 4 1 0 0 — $7 2 5 0 — $1 5 5 0 0 — $25 Libraries: B u ild in g fo r the Future $ 4 .5 0 Standards for Library Services for the B lind and V isually H andicapped $ 1 .7 5 5 0 East H uron Street, Chicago, 6 0 6 1 1