ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries JOURNAL OF LIBRARY AUTOMATION The first issue of a new quarterly, the Jour­ nal of Library Automation, appeared on April 26. The only periodical devoted to use of computers in libraries, it heralds the libraries of the future. The new periodical is an of­ ficial publication of the Information Science and Automation Division of ALA. Serving as editor is Frederick G. Kilgour, director of the Ohio College Library Center, Columbus. On the editorial board are Susan Artandi, Rutgers University; Joseph Becker, EDUCOM; Vemer W. Clapp, Council on Library Resources; A. J. Goldwyn, Case Western Reserve Univer­ sity and Frederick H. Ruecking, Jr., Rice Uni­ versity. The Journal of Library Automation will pub­ lish original contributions in all fields of re­ search and development in library automation, including interlibrary communications; in re­ search in information science directly related to library activities; and in the history and teaching of these subjects. The issue published in April contains articles from the university libraries of Stanford, Harvard, Texas A & I, Michigan, and Brown. Computers are used in each of these libraries. The Council on Library Resources has made a grant of $21,000 to the American Library Association to give financial assistance to the Journal of Library Automation for its first three years, after which it will be self-support­ ing. The Journal is printed on Permalife paper, which is guaranteed to last five hundred years. Typesetting has been done from punched paper tape, which is being retained by the Journal for future computer storage and re­ trieval. In order to have all headings and textual material punched on tape, format for the Journal utilizes only two typefaces. HEAD LIBRARIAN HOUSATONIC COMMUNITY COLLEGE Starting Date July 1, 1968 11 Month Position M.L.S. Required Cont act Edward J. Lisfon, Pres. Housatonic Community College Granada Avenue Stratford, Connecticut 06497 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.00 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. POSITIONS W A N T E D GEOLOGIC LIBRARIAN to relocate. Woman, age: 43. 3½-4 years of Lib. experience in Earth Sciences, Geology, Aerospace. Training MLS + 70 hrs. sciences; special libraries; IBM Programming; maps; information retrieval. Col­ lege or Research Lib. desired. $10,000 min. Box 716, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN, MSLS, Syracuse University, with almost 5 years of experience in cataloguing would like to find employment in reference work at a small library. Has good command of French and is perfect in German. Will sup­ ply references. Box 717, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN HEAD OF CIRCULATION, middle-size uni­ versity library in midwest. Should have desire and ability to renovate old-fashioned system. Some interest in electronic data processing de­ sirable, but EDP experience not essential. Sal­ ary $10,000 up depending on qualifications. Position open July 1, 1968; might negotiate earlier start if desired. Box 707, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LARGE COLLEGE LIBRARY, N.Y.C. SCI­ ENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, $8,750- $13,900, Instructor rank. Duties include main­ tenance of government science documents col­ lection. CATALOGER $8,750-$ 13,900, Instruc­ tor rank. Knowledge of LC classification de­ sirable. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRAR­ IAN, starting 9/1/68, $10,300-$17,000, Assist­ ant Professor rank. Organize college archives and establish bibliographic control of m anu­ script materials. Guaranteed annual increases for each position. Work week 35 hours, 30 during summer. 6 week paid vacation, choice of paid health plans. Tenure after 3 years. MLS from accredited library school required. STATE FULL DETAILS OF EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE IN REPLY. Box 713, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Accredited liberal arts college, 1100 students. Fifth year degree 155 required. Scenic Central Pennsylvania, clear air, summer and winter sports, convenient to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Wash­ ington. Faculty status and rank, TIAA retire­ ment program. Group life and health insur­ ance, major medical. New building. Salary open, depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Write to Box 719, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN to direct public services in state College for women with present enrollment of 1,700. Salary $7,608-$9,600 in six steps. Write Box 720, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. State University with enrollment of 13,000. Expand­ ing academic program including all profes­ sional schools on campus. Centralized acquisi­ tions for library system. Developing staff, Ac­ quisitions currently has twenty-five including eight professionals. Book budget nearly ¾ mil­ lion. Department includes Central Serials Rec­ ord. 5th-year degree, knowledge of book trade and successful administrative experience es­ sential. Salary open. Faculty rank. TIAA and all group insurances. One month annual leave plus nine holidays. Position open in July or September. Interviews can be arranged at ALA in Kansas City. Box 718, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, I11. 60611. PHYSICS The A rg o L n n e I B N a ti R o n a l A L a b R o ra to I ry A , lo c N a te d in th e southw estern C h ic a g o suburbs, is seeking an in d iv id u a l who has a ba ck­ g ro u n d in physics and m a th, w ith a 5th yea r lib ra ry d e g re e . W ill be responsib le for tw o bra n ch lib ra rie s w ith extensive s u b je c t c o lle c tio n s . This n o n -C iv il Service p o sitio n offers a s ta rtin g sa la ry of $9,000 o r m ore, d e p e n d in g upon exp erien ce, plus an a t ­ tra c tiv e be n e fits pa ckage. Please w rite t o : Professional P lacem ent ARGONNE NATIONAL L 9700 A So B uth O Cass R Ave A nue T ORY A rgonne, Illin o is 60439 An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer, M&F REFERENCE LIBRARIAN for growing lib­ eral arts college. New building. MLS or equiva­ lent. Faculty status. Salary open depending upon experience. Fringe benefits. Write: Mrs. Alice F. Flint, Chapman College Library, 333 North Glassell, Orange, California 92666. REFERENCE-BIBLIOGRAPHER with M.A. in Sociology to work closely with faculty in acquisitions and collections development in addition to assignments as part of central Ref­ erence Department. MLS required. Salary, $9,000 up, depending on qualifications. CATA- LOGER to work with Spanish language ma­ terials and capable of working in at least one other romance language. Prefer some cata­ loging experience. MLS required. Salary, $8,500 up, depending on qualifications. MUSIC L I­ BRARIAN to administer book and record col­ lection, listening rooms, and staff. Must work closely with faculty in development of collec­ tion. Prefer advanced study in music. MLS required. Salary, $8,500 up, depending on qualifications. All positions carry faculty rank and perquisites. Transportation paid for one professional meeting each year. TIAA. Twenty- two days vacation each year. Open August 1, 1968. Send résumé to Leo W. Cabell, Assistant Director for Public Services, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMER­ ICA Libraries has the following openings: AS­ SISTANT DIRECTOR—M.S.L.S. plus five years university administrative experience. Co­ ordinate established depts. of Technical, Public and Special Services, liaison with faculty. $11,700-15,900. HEAD, PUBLIC SERVICES DEPT.—M.S.L.S. plus four years university administrative experience. Coordinates the ac­ tivities of 15 subject area libraries. $10,100 to $13,700. SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN— M.S.L.S. plus subject discipline background related to Social Sciences, 3 years professional and university library experience $9,600- 12,600. Contact: Lloyd F. Wagner, Director of Libraries. NOVA UNIVERSITY of Advanced Technology, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida is seeking several young professional librarians eager to apply special library techniques in a new graduate university setting. Positions open include Head, Tech­ nical Processes; Head, Readers Services; Chief, Cataloging and Classification; and Chief, Seri­ als and Periodicals. The library is in the process of establishing several departmental libraries and is planning a $4 million library- communications center to be built in the near future. Salary will be commensurate with ex­ perience and eagerness to apply new ideas. See Time Magazine of June 30, 1967 for de­ scription of University program. Please write Mr. Robert J. Havlik, Director of Libraries, Nova University, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 156 ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN to head the Techni­ cal Services Department in a small private college. Excellent opportunity for professional development. Salary $7,000-8,669. 37⅝ hour week, 24 days vacation. Excellent medical, salary replacement and term life insurance at no cost to employee. TIAA-CREF retirement. Faculty status. Send personal data and resume to Mrs. Dorothy L. Hagerman, Librarian, Lincoln College, Lincoln, Illinois. BECAUSE OF the tremendous expansion of Northern Illinois University, The Library has the following positions open September 9, 1968: Assistant Acquisitions Librarian; Assist­ ant Government Documents Librarian; Assist­ ant Circulation Librarian; Assistant Periodicals Librarian; Assistant Reference Librarians with specialties in ( 1 ) art, ( 2 ) business and law, (3 ) music. Librarians for Cataloging (3 need­ ed ) ; Experienced cataloger to head team which is reclassifying from Dewey to L.C. Library Science degree required and experience desired. Minimum salary $720 a month and up, de­ pending on qualifications. 11 months contract, all college vacations, Illinois retirement system providing disability, pension and death bene­ fits. Faculty status, academic rank. Interested applicants should send a detailed letter, trans­ cripts of credits, experience record and have letters of reference sent to Mr. Clyde C. W al­ ton, Director, University Library, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, Illinois 60115. LAW LIBRARY. New positions open for ex­ perienced librarians (public services, docu­ ments, serials, cataloging). Experience in a law library not required. W e offer an opportuni­ ty to specialize. Liberal salary and benefits. Pleasant community. For more information, write: Richard G. Hutchins, Director, Law Library, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY has openings for two GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARI­ ANS: reference, bibliographical and informa­ tion service at Library’s Central Reference desk. CATALOGER: will train a beginner with in­ terest, aptitude and language background, or give credit for experience. SPECIAL COLLEC­ TIONS CATALOGER: to work primarily with growing rare book collection including some recataloging of current holdings. Also work with Ohio Valley regional history materials and general materials of a special nature. Knowledge of and experience in this field re­ quired as well as foreign language ability. 5th-year degree required for all positions. Sala­ ries open and based on experience, training and subject degrees. Faculty rank appropriate to training and experience. No teaching duties. Tenure after appropriate probationary period. One month annual leave plus five legal holi­ days and special Christmas vacation. Generous sick leave. Participation in TIAA, major med­ ical, group life and Blue Cross insurance pro­ grams. Positions open in July. Interviews can be arranged at ALA in Kansas City. Apply to Harold D. Gordon, Associate Director, Uni­ versity of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington 40506. LOYOLA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, New Or­ leans invites applications for two professional positions: 1) Science Reference Librarian 2) General Reference Librarian. Requirements: ALA accredited library degree. Salary open depending on experience. Liberal fringe bene­ fits. Apply: James G. Volny, University Librari­ an, Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118. POSITIONS OPEN at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, a state liberal arts college in rural area 70 miles south of Washington, D.C. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN—Library Master’s required; PERIODICALS and A-V LIBRARIAN—Bachelor’s degree with Library major. New library building to house 50,000 volumes will be ready for occupancy January 1969. Intensive acquisition program underway. Staff of five professionals and five clericals. Positions open July 1, 1968 on a 12-month basis with one month summer vacation, plus the regular Christmas and spring recesses. So­ cial Security. State retirement plan. Group health insurance offered. Salary range for the Master’s degree, $8300-10,940 (7 steps) and for the Bachelor’s degree, $ 7 0 0 0 - 9 1 6 0 ( 7 steps). Send résumé to: Miss Margaret Keen, Director of Library, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, Maryland 20686, Telephone—301-994-1600, Ext. 50. CATALOGER. Fall opening for head cata­ loger in Boston Athenaeum. Library school de­ gree desirable, experience essential in both general and special collections. Write for in­ formation or send résumé and references to Peter R. Haack, Asst. Librarian, Boston Athe­ naeum, 10½ Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. CATALOGER, for rapidly growing liberal arts college. LS degree required. Experience de­ sired. Blue Cross pd., TIAA, Christmas, Easter vacation and 1 month in summer. Salary open, competitive. W rite James A. Dodd, Director, Shipman Library, Adrian College, Adrian, Mich­ igan 49221. HEAD OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. A new position. The fastest growing University Library in western Michigan is looking for a self-starting, working administrator-bibliogra­ pher, to supervise and train professional assist­ ants, as well as, supporting technicians and clericals. This is an opportunity to work in a unique technical services area which is being developed. Plenty of room for creative and imaginative ideas to be introduced. Faculty rank and faculty status. Salary open and com­ petitive. Generous fringe benefits. Kalamazoo is a pleasant city and a cultural center itself. Has 157 excellent freeway connections in all directions and is two hours driving time from such major cities as Detroit and Chicago. Position available after July 1st. Please send your application or call: Peter Spyers-Duran, Director of Libraries, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001. Telephone: 383-1847, area code 616. COLLEGE PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN who believes Lyle philosophy of Circulation Work (see his “Administration of the College Library,” 3d ed., p. 96-143). 11 staff mem­ bers (5 prof.), 1500 students, 110 faculty, 48,000 books, 2,000 recordings, 500 paid sub­ scriptions + other media. Need MLS. Salary negotiable circa $8,000 depending upon appro­ priate experience. TIAA/CREF, other fringes. Heart of ski area. Faculty Status. Call collect or write: Miss Janice Gallinger, College Li­ brarian, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, New Hampshire 03264. 603-536-1550. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN. Newark State Col­ lege—a growing multipurpose institution lo­ cated on 120-acre campus in Union, N.J., 15 miles from NYC—is seeking a qualified library administrator to direct the activities of a li­ brary with some 90,000 volumes, currently pre­ paring to move into a new facility covering three floors. Position is available February 1 or July 1, 1969 at faculty rank. Full professor­ ship available for person with doctorate and a minimum of 8 years experience, preferably in college library administration. Beginning salary in excess of $12,000.00 for ten month contract—additional compensation for summer employment, plus usual fringe benefits. Con­ tact: Dr. Eugene G. Wilkins, President, New­ ark State College, Morris Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07083. THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK at Stony Brook invites applications from ex­ perienced librarians to fill recently approved positions. Head of General Reference; Associate Cataloger with administrative experience: $9,870-$ll,590; Senior Cataloger with knowl­ edge of Spanish, and/or Russian, and/or Ger­ man: $8,890-$10,510. Million dollar book budg­ et. On Long Island’s north shore, 55 miles from Manhattan. Totally paid retirement (TIAA with CREF or New York State); Par­ tially paid Blue Cross-Blue Shield with Metro­ politan major medical; one month vacation; faculty equivalent. Apply to: Director, Li­ brary, State University at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11790. CATALOGER for college library still with Dewey, 1500 enrollment, adding 4,000 vols. year, degree from accredited library school, two years experience. Foreign language ability not necessary. New building being designed, all student holidays, faculty status. Salary open. W rite: Otis Coefield, Librarian, Atlantic Chris­ tian College, Wilson, N.C. 27893. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts col­ lege of 1400 students. Holdings 97,000 vols. 5 professionals, 4 non-professionals on staff. Posi­ tion now open, salary $7,500-$8,500, M.L.S. or equivalent. One month vacation, ⅛ academic vacations. Faculty status, TIAA, major medical and other group benefits. Apply: J. B. Arm­ strong, Librarian, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio 43762. NEW POSITIONS: Undergraduate librarian $10,000-$12,000 depending on qualifications. General reference, $7,600 and up depending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in eight subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hueston Woods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Associate Director and Uni­ versity Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES. Supervise acquisitions, classification, cataloging, process­ ing. Conversion from Dewey to LC, pro­ grammed reclassification and division of cata­ log likely in near future. Status of Associate Professor, salary highly competitive, commen­ surate with status. Fifth year degree and ex­ perience required. ASSOCIATE CATALOGER. Classification and cataloging, revision of work of clerical assistants. Starting salary to $8,000. Fifth year degree. For both positions: 8 weeks vacation, 36-hour week, TIAA-CREF, full in­ surance program. Kenyon, a small college for men (800) is in Gambier, Ohio, an unusually attractive town north of Columbus and 5 miles east of Mount Vernon, an All America city. A coordinate college for women to be opened in 1969. Rapid growth of collection antici­ pated. Interviews at ALA-Kansas City may be arranged. Contact Edward C. Heintz, Ln., Kenyon College Library, Gambier, Ohio. Tel. 614-427-2244. . CATALOGER: vacancy July for person compe­ tent to do original cataloging, preferably L.C. experience. Starting salary $8,448. ALA inter­ view desirable. Write Jean P. Black, Portland State College Library, P.O. 1151 Portland, Ore­ gon 97207. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION-ECONOMICS ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN wanted at Portland State College. MLS, Business Ad or Economics major or experience in divisional library of this type required. Entering salary $7296. ALA interview desirable. W rite Jean P. Black, P.O. Box 1151, Portland, Oregon 97207. REFERENCE/ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN (MAN) To begin July 1 in rapidly expanding community college near Philadelphia. Approx, half-time acquisitions, half-time reference. Some evening work. Must have Masters degree from A.L.A. accredited school. Prefer someone with acquisitions experience but will consider well- 158 qualified beginner. Librarians have full faculty rank and status; liberal employee benefits in­ clude Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Life and Health Insurance, T.I.A.A., one month’s vacation plus part of faculty/student holidays. Salary scale competitive, with position on scale depending on education and experience. Present profes­ sional staff: 3. Apply: Mrs. Marjorie F. Davis, Librarian, Montgomery County Community College, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428. UNIVERSITY OF PENNA, PHILADELPHIA. Several positions are available for imaginative and energetic individuals who have demon­ strated a high level of professional competence and maintain active subject interests. In addi­ tion, recent or future professional school grad­ uates are urged to apply for one of several professional trainee positions that offer excel­ lent opportunities for wide ranging library ex­ perience. Salaries and supplementary benefits are competitive and excellent opportunities exist for continuing education. Please address inquiries to: W arren J. Haas, Director of Uni­ versity Libraries, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. General reference position at expanding state college library of 95,000 volumes. New 100 acre campus, air- conditioned building, near beaches and country­ side. Faculty status, major medical, TIAA. Posi­ tion open July 1, 1968. Apply to Director of the Library, Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Island 02908. HEAD CATALOG LIBRARIAN with experi­ ence at the university or research library level and the ability to direct staff of professionals and assistants. Starting salary at least $12,000. New building, good fringe benefits. Write Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. SERIALS CATALOGER with experience at the university library level and with LC classi­ fication. Knowledge of languages desirable. Starting salary of $800 per mo. Houston cost of living lowest of any major city. W rite Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN: To catalog and to supervise acquisitions program in liberal arts college library. Four professionals on present library staff. Year-round library operation. One-month vacations, T.I.A.A., paid major medical, etc. Salary open. Minimum $7,200. Higher for appropriate experience, or other qualifications. Graduate L.S. degree re­ quired. W rite to: William R. Brandt, Librarian, Lane Library, Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin 54971. WISCONSIN STATE UNIVERSITY, River Falls seeks candidates for two openings to work in new air-conditioned library wing. Circulation librarian to supervise main circula­ tion desk and reserve desk. Two classified as­ sistants plus student help. We intend to change present circulation system and offer challenge in selecting new one. Reference librarian to handle reference and bibliographic needs for an emerging university. Salary range for both positions is from $8,000 to $8,300 w ith de­ sirable experience for academic year. Summer session optional at 2 /9 additional salary. M.S.L.S. required. Professional librarians re­ ceive academic rank and faculty privileges. Blue Cross-Blue Shield, group insurance, so­ cial security plus new retirement system. Both positions begin September 1, 1968. W e offer small town atmosphere with metropolitan Twin Cities attractions only one half hour driving time away. Apply Richard A. Cooklock, Li­ brarian, Wisconsin State University, River Falls 54022. HEAD, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE DIVISIONAL LIBRARY. The University of Waterloo invites applications for this senior position which becomes vacant July 1, 1968. A minimum of five years’ library ex­ perience and proven administrative ability is required. Academic background in related sub­ ject fields and a master’s degree are preferred. Duties include overall supervision of a full time staff of 20 in reference and circulation. The librarians participate in book selection, and the Head of the Division is responsible for co-ordination of this work and for liaison with the faculty and the entire library system. A new building for this Divisional library is in the planning stages. Automated circulation con­ trol is planned for 1969. Computer-produced reference lists are in use. The collection, which presently numbers 75,000 volumes, is growing at the rate of 15,000 voltunes per year. This position offers an opportunity for responsible work in a new and rapidly growing university with well established undergraduate and grad­ uate programs in engineering, mathematics and science. The present enrollment in these three facilities is close to 5,000. The Computer Centre offers unusual facilities for sophisticated re­ search with its I.B.M. 360/75 computer sys­ tem. Starting salary $10,000-$12,200 depend­ ing on background of education and experi­ ence. Normal moving expenses paid. Four weeks vacation, excellent fringe benefits. Li­ brarians are eligible to join the Faculty Club, and are encouraged to participate in further study and in professional activities. The twin cities of Waterloo and Kitchener (population 125,000) are located in the attractive south­ western region of Ontario, an hour’s drive from Toronto, Hamilton and London, and thirty miles from the Stratford Shakespearian Festival. Apply to Mrs. Doris Lewis, University Librarian, University of Waterloo, Waterloo. Ontario, Canada. Interviews may be arranged for the C.L.A. Conference at Jasper Park, Al­ berta, in June, or by letter or telephone. As­ sistance will be given candidates coming to Waterloo for an interview. 159 W e ’ ll M ove O ver! There’s Room fo r You in A LA ! AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 6061 1