ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 233 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. BOOKS BUILDING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS is one of our specialties. Foreign books and periodicals, current and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Box 532, White Plains, N.Y. OUT OF PRINT COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry; Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. Want lists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. PERIODICALS PERIODICALS—sets, files, numbers—bought, sold, exchanged. Microcard reprints of rare files. Catalogues, & buying lists. J. S. Canner Inc., Dept. ACRL, Boston 20, Mass. FOR SALE AMERICAN POET and translator, on Epoch (Cornell) list of “50 living poets,” offers his publications (about 200 titles, many issues, many rare) to a university in exchange for academic credit. Will also consider deposit of mss. and correspondence. Write; Charles Guenther, 2935 Russell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63104—664-2384 (area code 314). POSITIONS W ANTED MALE, SCIENCE BACKGROUND, public service position; univ. or college. MLS. Box 728, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. FLOORS: SELECTION AND M A IN TEN A N CE/Bernard Berkeley A comprehensive m anual which describes the many varieties of flooring materials that might be used in the construction of new library build­ ings, or in the renovation of existing buildings. It offers an analysis of factors to be considered in floor selection and detailed information on five general categories of floors—resilient, carpet, masonry, wood, and formed-in-place. Extensive instructions for the m aintenance of each type are given. 1968 330p Ulus Cloth $12.50 COMPACT LIBRARY SH ELV IN G /D rahoslav Gawrecki In this English translation of a work published originally in Czech, the author presents a discussion of the theoretical aspects o f storage space and a history of compact shelving in America and Europe. He describes the general characteristics and major types of compact shelv­ ing. The book also includes six appended articles on various aspects of compact shelving by Russian, Swedish, English, and American authorities. 1968 185p Illus Cloth $7.00 LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM T h e A m e r ic a n L ib r a r y A s s o c ia t io n 5 0 E a st H u r o n S tr e e t, C h ic a g o , I ll i n o is 6 0 6 1 1 234 MULTILINGUAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES—com­ position by expert linguist on IBM Composer. Nyqvist, 3468 Cowper Ct., Palo Alto, Calif. MAN, 31, MSLS, assistant head of reference, large university lib.; wants administrative or supervisory position in public service, univ. lib. Prefer urban northeast. Min. $11,000. Excellent references. Box 731, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN LARGE COLLEGE LIBRARY, NYC. SCI­ ENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Duties in­ clude maintenance of government science docu­ ments collection. Some experience preferred. CATALOG. Some experience plus knowledge of LC classification desirable. ACQUISITION LIBRARIANS (2). Serials: experience with organizational ability preferred. Gifts: some experience preferred. Both positions open 9/1/68. All positions will be at the instructor rank with guaranteed annual increases. As of 10/1/68, the salary will be $10,050. Work week 35 hours, 30 during the summer. 6 week paid vacation, choice of paid vacation, choice of paid health plans. Tenure after 3 years. MLS from accredited library school required. STATE FULL DETAILS OF EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE IN REPLY. Box 713, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. State University with enrollment of 13,000. Expand­ ing academic program including all profes­ sional schools on campus. Centralized acquisi­ tions for library system. Developing staff. Ac­ quisitions currently has twenty-five including eight professionals. Book budget nearly ¾ mil­ lion. Department includes Central Serials Rec­ ord. 5th-year degree, knowledge of book trade and successful administrative experience es­ sential. Salary open. Faculty rank. TIAA and all group insurances. One month annual leave plus nine holidays. Position open in July or September. Interviews can be arranged at ALA in Kansas City. Box 718, CRL, 50 E. Huron S t, Chicago, Ill. 60611. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN TECHINCAL SERV­ ICES for a large university library. Faculty status. Requires extensive and appropriate ex­ perience in technical processes plus MLS from an accredited school. Salary depends upon experience and qualifications. Box 724, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN PUBLIC SERVICES in a large university library. Responsible for 15 departmental libraries and service depart­ ments of main library. Requires MLS from an accredited school, appropriate experience, organizational ability, and administrative leadership. Salary open. Box 725, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD OF CIRCULATION for special aca­ demic library, MLS, experience, knowledge of Hebraica and Judaica, salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Send resume to Box No. 727, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. A LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE in upstate New York has immediate openings for the following: (1) Head of Public Services; (2) Head of Cir­ culation Department; ( 3 ) Cataloger. Each posi­ tion requires master’s degree in librarianship. Experience and administrative ability required for number one. High salary plus optional TIAA and CREF, major medical insurance, social security. The college presently assumes all cost of retirement and major part of contributions for medical insurance. Box 729, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS. Two positions open for September, 1968: Reference Assistant and Assistant Circulation Librarian. Latter po­ sition involves responsibilities for Reserve Book and Undergraduate Reading Room. New build­ ing opens September, 1968, with finest facili­ ties available. Salary open depending upon qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits. Faculty status with equated ranking. T.I.A.A. retire­ ment. Apply giving full qualifications to Mar­ vin A. Miller, Director of Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. HEAD LIBRARIAN for rapidly growing Cali­ fornia State College. Require M.L.S. and five years library administrative experience, pref­ erably in an academic setting. Evidence of scholarship beyond the professional degree is highly desirable. Excellent opportunity for a Librarian with demonstrated leadership ability to head a progressive organization. Salary $16,- 380-$19,908; increase expected July 1. Sub­ mit resume by September 1 to Dr. Paul Blom­ gren, Chairman, College Librarian Selection Committee, San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California 91324. ART AND ARCHITECTURE LIBRARIAN. Administer branch library of 32,000 volumes and staff of sub-professional plus student as­ sistants. Wide latitude of freedom and inde­ pendent exercise of responsibility in develop­ ment of collection and services. Prefer academic study in field and/or appropriate experience. Salary $8,000 up depending on qualifications. REFERENCE-BIBLIOGRAPHER with grad­ uate degree in Political Science. To work closely with faculty in acquisitions and collec­ tions development in addition to assignments as part of central Reference Department. Salary $9,000 up depending on qualifications. Fifth- year library degree required. Both positions carry faculty rank and perquisites. Transporta­ tion paid for one professional meeting each year. TIAA. Twenty-two days vacation. Open immediately. Send resume to: Leo W. Cabell, Assistant Director for Public Services, Univer­ 235 sity of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERI­ CA Libraries has the following openings: AS­ SISTANT DIRECTOR—M.S.L.S. plus five years university administrative experience. Co­ ordinates established Depts. of Technical, Pub­ lic and Special Services, liaison with faculty. $11,700-15,900. HEAD, PUBLIC SERVICES DEFT.—M.S.L.S. plus four years university administrative experience. Coordinates the ac­ tivities of 15 subject area libraries. $10,100-13,- 700. SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN— M.S.L.S. plus subject discipline background re­ lated to Social Sciences, 3 years professional and university library experience. $9,600-12,- 600. CATALOGERS—M.S.L.S. or sufficient ex­ perience. Preferably, but not necessarily, a facility in some European languages, especially German is desired. Salary open, depending on qualifications. CONTACT: Lloyd F. Wagner, Director, Catholic University of America Li­ braries, Washington, D.C. 20017. CATALOGING LIBN for rapidly growing state univ. lib. Required: 5th yr. lib. degree from accred. lib. sch., knowledge and use of LC classification, reading knowledge of one for. lang. Offered: $7,700-$8,000 depending on exp. Equivalent faculty rank. Excellent fringe benefits, good working conditions ( and new lib. bldg. now in planning stage). Lovely country, near skiing and other outdoor recrea­ tion. Write: E. Oboler, Univ. Libn, Idaho State Univ. Library, Pocatello, 83201. Position open now, can hold until Jan. 1. SERIALS LIBN to head division in rapidly growing state univ. lib. Required: 5th yr. de­ gree from accred. lib. sch., 2 yrs. exp. with serials. Offered: $7,700-$8,000 depending on exp. Equivalent faculty rank. Excellent fringe benefits, good working conditions ( and new lib. bldg, now in planning stage). Lovely coun­ try, near skiing and other outdoor recreation. Position open now, can hold until Jan. 1. Write: E. Oboler, Univ. Libn, Idaho State University Lib., Pocatello, 83201. LRC NEEDS ADDITIONAL STAFF—A pro­ fessional to direct cataloging activities for the new McHenry County College. Salary range $7,000-$11,000 for 9-month appointment. Sum­ mer session optional, paid separately. M.L.S. Required. Apply: Howard L. Dunlap, Director, Learning Resources Center, McHenry County College, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. CAREERS for young and ambitious library school graduates with strong academic back­ grounds in a major university library in a pleas­ ant Midwestern town. Vacancies in the acquisi­ tions, cataloging, g o v e r n ment publications, and serials departments, and in the education, mathematics, and medical libraries. Faculty status and exceptional fringe benefits including Social Security, TIAA (15% plan), and life, disability, and major medical increases. Starting salaries from $7,700 to $9,000. Apply to the Director, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY has openings for two GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARI­ ANS: reference, bibliographical and informa­ tion service at Library’s Central Reference desk. CATALOGER: will train a beginner with in­ terest, aptitude and language background, or give credit for experience. SPECIAL COLLEC­ TIONS CATALOGER: to work primarily with growing rare book collection including some recataloging of current holdings. Also work with Ohio Valley regional history materials and general materials of a special nature. Knowledge of and experience in this field re­ quired as well as foreign language ability. 5th-year degree required for all positions. Sala­ ries open and based on experience, training and subject degrees. Faculty rank appropriate to training and experience. No teaching duties. Tenure after appropriate probationary period. One month annual leave plus five legal holi­ days and special Christmas vacation. Generous sick leave. Participation in TIAA, major med­ ical, group life and Blue Cross insurance pro­ grams. Positions open in July. Interviews can be arranged at ALA in Kansas City. Apply to Harold D. Gordon, Associate Director, Uni­ versity of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington 40506. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES to direct order, serials and cataloging activities of col­ lege library converting to LC classification. Degree from ALA-accredited school, and pro­ fessional experience at supervisory level essen­ tial. Usual benefits. Library collection of 125,000 volumes. Department staff of eight. Under­ graduate liberal arts college for women, mid­ way between Boston and Providence. Apply: Miss Hilda F. Harris, Librarian, Wheaton Col­ lege, Norton, Mass. 02766. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN: Oakland University requires a Science Librarian who will be re­ sponsible for science reference services, will assist in the selection and building of the science collection, and will maintain liaison with science faculty. A Bachelor’s degree with a science concentration and a Master’s degree in Librarianship from an accredited school are required. The salary range is from $8,500 to $10,000, depending upon education and ex­ perience. Kresge Library is located twenty-five miles from Detroit in beautiful surroundings. Send resume to: W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Mich­ igan 48063. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, St. Louis, Mo., has openings for Chief, Catalog Department to manage a smooth-running department of ten professionals and twenty non-professionals; 236 Rare Book Librarian I Humanities Bibliographer to select materials in the Anglo-American field ( literature, history, e tc,) and to serve as as­ sistant to Head of the Rare Book Department with varied duties in this area; Japanese Cata­ loger to handle Japanese language material in growing East Asian Collection; Reference L i­ brarian to work in General Reference Depart­ ment with staff of five professionals and four non-professionals; Cataloger to work on books for the general collection; and Humanities Bib­ liographer/Reference Librarian to select books in Western European history and literature and assist students and faculty at the Reference Desk. All positions are in superb new central library building. Salaries and benefits competi­ tive. Opportunity to teach a library science course for extra compensation open to staff members. Please address inquiries to: Andrew J. Eaton, Director of Libraries, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Private, liberal arts college. 565 students. 45,000 bound volumes. M.L.S. and experience required. Up to $10,000 depending upon qualifications. Apply: Dean, Rocky Mountain College, Billings, Montana 59102. COLLEGE PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN who believes Lyle philosophy of Circulation Work (see his “Administration of the College Library,” 3d ed., p. 96-143). 11 staff mem­ bers (5 prof.), 1500 students, 110 faculty, 48,000 books, 2,000 recordings, 500 paid sub­ scriptions + other media. Need MLS. Salary negotiable circa $8,000 depending upon appro­ priate experience. TIAA/CREF, other fringes. Heart of ski area. Faculty Status. Call collect or write: Miss Janice Gallinger, College Li­ brarian, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, New Hampshire 03264. 603-536-1550. LIBRARIAN CONSULTANT FOR 7-COL­ LEGE CONSORTIUM. For one year. Mini­ mum of 10 years demonstrated successful ad­ ministrative experience required. Candidate should expect to divide time equally at each campus and be prepared to implement and direct approved projects as agreed upon with each librarian. Possible areas for action: In- service staff training; analysis and improve­ ment of routines; assistance in budget prepara­ tion; talks to faculty members to improve li­ brary use; act as building consultant; write proposal for group and individual long-range development program, etc. Salary range $16,- 000 to $18,000 for one-year contract, to start as soon as possible. Inquiries should be sent to: Sr. Albina, Rivier College, Nashua, New Hampshire 03060. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR READERS SERVICES. New position has just become available at rapidly growing multipurpose col­ lege close to New York, Philadelphia, and Princeton. Library known for its strong col­ lections and its tradition of comprehensive reference service; greatly expanded facilities (large annex) to be ready 1969. Job provides real opportunity for energetic, imaginative, enthusiastic younger librarian with administra­ tive abilities and broad academic interests. Ap­ pointment as Assistant Professor with full fac­ ulty status. Salary range for ten months $8,957- 11,645 with annual increments of $448; sum­ mer session optional, paid separately. Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Major Medical, life insur­ ance and pension; good vacations. Library school degree plus one additional year of graduate study required; minimum of four years professional experience. Immediate in­ quiry by letter suggested. After Labor Day, phone collect Dr. Felix E. Hirsch, Trenton State College Library, 609-882-1855, extension 314. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN to develop section in small liberal arts college. Located on South Shore of Long Island 50 miles from New York City. Faculty rank, TIAA, and other bene­ fits. 5th year library degree and experience re­ quired. Salary commensurate with experience. Send application to: Martha R. Schmidt, Chief Librarian, Adelphi Suffolk College, Oakdale, N.Y. 11769. THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, College at Brockport invites applications to fill the position of Director of Library Services. Located 15 miles from Rochester, New York. Unique opportunity to recruit professional staff and plan new 500,000 volume library. Interest in automated library system. Rapidly expand­ ing graduate and undergraduate programs. Present working staff of approximately 30. Totally paid retirement (TIAA with CREF or New York State); one month vacation; other liberal fringe benefits. Ph.D. desirable plus experience. Salary open. Apply: Dr. Gor­ don F. Allen, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, State University College, Brockport, New York 14420. ADELPHI UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ( 1 ) Cata­ log Librarian (2 ) Reference Librarian. MLS degree required. New air-conditioned building designed by R. J. Neutra. University within commuting distance of New York City. 35 hour week, 32½ during summer. Month’s vacation, TIAA/CREF; other benefits including faculty status and sabbaticals. Starting salary: $7,200. Apply to Miss D. Nora Gallagher, Director of Libraries, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York 11530. LIBRARY CATALOGUER: State University of New York College at Purchase, Purchase, New York (about twenty-five miles from New York City), a new four-year liberal arts college 237 opening in September 1971, will specialize in performing arts. Unusual opportunity for ad­ vancement. Minimum of two years experience, with LC and MLS required. Salary dependent on qualifications. Usual benefits. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY needs two Rare Book Bibliographers. Must be willing to cata­ log. Salary $7,500-$8,000. Also opening for general cataloger. MSLS from accredited Li­ brary School, experience. Excellent fringe bene­ fits including educational benefits. Apply; Mrs. Elizabeth S. Newlove, Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, New York 13210. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts col­ lege of 1400 students. Holdings 97,000 vols. 5 professionals, 4 non-professionals on staff. Posi­ tion now open, salary $7,500-$8,500, M.L.S. or equivalent. One month vacation, % academic vacations. Faculty status, TIAA, major medical and other group benefits. Apply: J. B. Arm­ strong, Librarian, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio 43762. LIBRARIAN for the Div. of Rubber Chemis­ try, American Chemical Society and Science Libn for the U. of Akron. A university position with faculty rank, excellent fringes and work­ ing conditions. MLS, experience and appro­ priate chemistry background required. Apply, stating salary, to H. P. Schrank Jr., Univ. Libn, U. of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44304. THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON is seeking a qualified person for the position of HEAD OF THE SERIALS DEPARTMENT. Serials and Periodicals collection totals more than 3,800 titles and is being developed in depth as well. This is a challenging position allowing self determination. A new $4,700,000.00 building is in the near future. Salary open. TIAA. Faculty status with rank not tied to position. Other usual benefits. Requirements: Fifth year degree, at least 3 years experience as serials assistant in a large university library or as head of a small or medium size university. Send resume to: Bro. Raymond H. Nartker, S.M., Director of University Libraries, Univer­ sity of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45409. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Help develop a library for the new Hamilton Campus of Miami Univ. Establish reference services, assume ad­ ministrative duties in librarian’s absence. Ideal for young M.L.S. looking for more responsi­ bility. Salary: $7,000-up. Apply: Jean M. Lucas, Librarian, Miami University-Hamilton, Hamil­ ton, Ohio 45011. 513-529-6889. UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARIAN, $10,000- $12,000, depending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in 8 subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hues­ ton Woods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Assoc. Dir. & University Librarian, Miami Uni­ versity, Oxford, Ohio 45056. CATALOGER, $7,600 and up, depending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in 8 subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hueston Woods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Assoc. Dir. & University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, EASTON, PA., urban area near New York City, Philadelphia and the Poconos. Expanding library in a new building. ( 1 ) Acquisitions Librarian ( 2 ) Refer­ ence Librarian (3) Assistant Cataloger. Ex­ cellent salaries and fringe benefits. Apply: Clyde L. Haselden, Librarian, Lafayette Col­ lege, Easton, Pa. 18042. ASSISTANT CATALOGER (with some work in reference) in liberal arts college library located in beautiful and historic rural setting near eastern metropolitan centers. Participant in active 10-college library cooperative pro­ gram. 5th year library degree. Salary depends on qualifications and experience. Attractive fringe benefits. Apply: Mrs. Lillian H. Smoke, Librarian, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa. 17325. HEAD, GENERAL REFERENGE DIVISION. Temple University requires Librarian to super­ vise its reference services to faculty, graduates and undergraduates. The division also handles interlibrary loan. Reference staff of ten pro­ fessionals and others. A minimum of five years of pertinent reference and administrative ex­ perience essential. Broad cultural background and reading knowledge of western languages. Appointment in range of $10,400-$12,660. TIAA and usual benefits. Apply to: Office of the Director, Temple University Libraries, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122. INTER AMERICAN UNIVERSITY of Puerto Rico has the following professional positions available in its San German Campus Library: (1) Head Cataloger. Requirements: two years of professional experience and reading knowl­ edge of Spanish. (2) Reference Librarian. Re­ quirement; general knowledge of Spanish. TIAA, faculty status, and other fringe benefits are provided. Salaries are open. Apply; Laur­ 238 ­ ence Miller, Area Director of Libraries, Inter American University, San German, Pueto Rico 00753. THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knox ville. Two positions, reference and cataloging. Foreign language competency and experience desirable for the cataloging position. Library of Congress classification. Write to Ruth C. Ringo, Associate Director. Zip 37916. HEAD CATALOG LIBRARIAN with experi­ ence at the university or research library level and the ability to direct staff of professionals and assistants. Starting salary at least $12,000. New building, good fringe benefits. Write Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. SERIALS CATALOGER with experience at the university library level and with LC classi­ fication. Knowledge of languages desirable. Starting salary of $800 per mo. Houston cost of living lowest of any major city. Write Hardin Craig, Jr., Librarian, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Person chosen will or­ ganize move of small college library (36,000 volumes) into new facility and will plan and direct rapid and vigorous growth which move will allow. Salary $9,000-$11,000. Apply; Rob­ ert V. Cramer; President; Northland College; Ashland, Wisconsin 54806. CATALOGER. Fall opening for cataloger in Marquette University Libraries, Memorial (Cen­ tral) Library. Accredited Library degree re­ quired, cataloging experience and Spanish language desirable. Write for information or send resumé and reference to: Dr. William A. FitzGerald, Director of Libraries, Marquette University Libraries, Memorial Library, 1415 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wiscon­ sin 53233. EDUCATION LIBRARIAN. University of Alberta Library requires Librarian to take charge of an Education Library serving a stu­ dent body of 3,000 undergraduates enrolled in a four-year degree program, almost 300 graduate students, and faculty. The Education Library houses 80,000 volumes, a Curriculum Laboratory, and circulates 200,000 volumes per year. An automated circulation system will be in operation in September. Staff of 23. Preference given to a librarian with an edu­ cation degree or with some experience in teach­ ing. Salary range; $11,000-$12,950. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, tran­ script of record, and the names of three refer­ ences to the Librarian to the University, Uni­ versity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, CANA­ DA. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY. First Assistant for Order Department. Must be capable of becoming Acting Head during aca­ demic year 1968-69 when present head is on leave. Book budget approximately $1.7 million. Must be graduate of accredited library school with experience in acquisition and ability to supervise staff of fifty. Salary according to qualifications and experience. Apply to: Chief Librarian, University of Toronto, Toronto 5. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO, WATERLOO, ONTARIO, CAN­ ADA. The University Librarian is required to direct the total Library resources, presently organized as the Dana Porter Arts Library and the Engineering, Mathematics & Science Divi­ sional Library. 250,000 catalogued items (cur­ rent rate approximately 50,000 per annum), 25 professional librarians, 85 non-professional staff. Book budget approximately $600,000. The University Librarian is a member of Senate, Faculty Councils and other senior academic bodies. Salary range: $17,000-$22,000. The University of Waterloo (founded 1957) is the third largest of 14 provincially supported autonomous universities in the province of On­ tario. It is situated in the twin cities of Kitch­ ener-Waterloo (population 125,000), located 70 miles from Toronto. 1968-69 enrollment is estimated at 7,500 undergraduates and 1,000 graduate students in degree programmes in Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Science, Optometry, Mathematics, and Physical Education and Recreation. Reply to; Dr. H. E. Petch, Vice-President, Academic University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY, a steadily expanding Montreal institution with an established undergraduate and a developing graduate program, invites applications for the following positions: Head of Circulation De­ partment. This administrative position involves the direction and development of circulation services for the book collection. Staff consists of twenty full-time assistants (including stack attendants) as well as part-time employees. Experience in circulation work is desirable Starting salary will be in the vicinity of $9,000. Documents Librarian. Dynamic person is re­ quired to direct the development of a govern­ ment documents collection and accompanying services to faculty and students. Academic background in social sciences is desirable and experience in reference and documents work is essential. Salary range begins at $8,000 with allowance for relevant experience. Graduation from an accredited library school is required. Staff benefits include one month’s paid vaca­ tion, pension plan, group life insurance, and health insurance. 35-hour week; full-time staff of 116. Address letter of application and re­ sume of education and experience to: Uni­ versity Librarian, Sir George Williams Uni­ versity, 1435 Drummond St., Montreal 25, Canada. 239 CLEAN ING AND PRESERVING BINDINGS AND R ELA TED MATERIALS A practical guide concerning the cleaning and conserving of paper, cloth, and leather bindings, and the m anner in which minor repairs can be made to torn leaves, maps, and disintegrating bindings. Also discussed are procedures for attachm ent of book plates, enclosures, and loose illustrations, and for avoiding dangers of m igratory acids in materials. Information about supplies and equipment used in such conservation work is included. Over th irty line drawings by the noted illustrator, Aldren A. W atson, clarify points in the text. The first pam phlet in a projected series on the conservation of library materials. W ritten by Mrs. Carolyn Horton, hand bookbinder and expert in the field of conservation of library collections. Planning and editing of this publication was done by a distinguished advisory committee under the chairmanship of Harold W. Tribolet. Committee members are H. Richard Archer, Paul X. Banks, M argaret C. Brown, Richard W. Luce, Stew art P. Smith, and Colton Storm. Useful to librarians, conservators, and private collectors everywhere. $3.50 LIBRA RY TECH N O LO G Y PROGRAM American Library Association 50 E ast Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611 N E W TITLES A N D REVISED EDITIONS OF STA N DA R D REFERENCE W O R K S N O W IN PRINT ENGLISH LANGUAGE NEWSPAPERS ABROAD —A Guide to Daily Newspapers in Non-English- Speaking Countries. By Dennis L. Wilcox. A directory of 202 English-language newspapers in 56 countries and geographical areas. Arranged alphabetically by country, city where published, and name of newspaper, each detailed entry in­ cludes data on frequency of publication, date founded, circulation, format, owner, and news agencies used. 250 pages. $11.75. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES AND RE­ LATED WORKS. Edited by Robert B. Slocum. A major new international bibliography of col­ lective biography published since 1500 about per­ sons of note throughout the world. Cited are 4,829 who’s who’s, directories, bibliographies, encyclo­ pedias, etc., that contain biographies. Author, title, and subject indexes. 705 pages. $20.00. BOOKMAN’S PRICE INDEX, VOLUME 3. Edited by Daniel F. McGrath. The third sequential volume in the Bookman’s Price Index series brings together in one alphabet 45,000 rare and out-of-print items offered in the separate 1965 catalogs of leading antiquarian and specialized book dealers in the U.S., England, and Western Europe. Entry information includes author, title, place and date of publication, and condition. 1,080 pages. VOLUME 1, published in 1965, collates 32,000 book entries in one section and 28,000 periodical entries in another from indi­ vidual dealer catalogs issued in 1962. 2,009 pages. VOLUME 2, published in 1967, groups into one alphabet the 66,000 listings in dealers’ 1963 cat­ alogs. 1,304 pages. Each volume $32.50. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS. Fifth Edition. Edited by Frederick G. Ruffner, Jr., et al. VOLUME I: NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE U.S. An enlarged and updated edition of the foremost guide to vital information on over 10,000 subjects. The details given for each or­ ganization include its name, acronym or name abbreviation, address, chief official, founding date, members, activities, staff, chapters, special com­ mittees, publications, aff i liations, and a three-year schedule of coming conventions and annual meet­ ings. Entries grouped into 18 subject classifications. 35,000-entry alphabetical/keyword index. 1,331 pages. $29.50. VOLUME 2: GEOGRAPHIC-EXECUTIVE IN­ DEX. The geographic index gives the names and addresses of all organizations carried in Volume 1, listed alphabetically by state and city. The ex­ ecutive index lists each chief official’s name al­ phabetically, followed by title, organization, city, and state. 392 pages. $17.50. VOLUME 3: NEW ASSOCIATIONS. A periodic updating service. In about twelve 32-page supple­ ments, subscriptions will cover details on over 2,000 new associations. Inter-edition subscription $25.00. DIRECTORY OF SPECIAL LIBRARIES & IN­ FORMATION CENTERS. Second Edition. Edited by Anthony T. Kruzas. The second edition updates all entries in the first edition and also provides full details on three thousand new units and four hundred new sub­ ject collections. 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