ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1989 / 237 brary community; discuss the implication of the National Commission on Libraries and Informa­ tion Science’s posture as related to federal li­ braries; and identify resources, publications, and specialized services provided by federal li­ braries. Participants will be addressed by 25 di­ rectors of federal information programs and sev­ eral membership association representatives. Contact: The School of Library and Information Science, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064; (202) 635-5085. ■ ■ THEECI FSIDSAS ADL Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.25 per line for ACRL members, $6.60 for others. Late job notices are $12.60 per line for members, $14.70 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $15 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY LIBRARY GRADUATE ASSISTANTS for 1989 Academic Year Mankato State University is seeking individuals who possess either an MLS or MA in Library Science and who wish to work on a subject master degree while gaining valuable professional experience in an academic library. MSU offers master degrees in over 60 academic d is c ip lin e s . G ra d u a te a s sista n tsh ip s are in te rn s h ip s in the discipline—in this case, two disciplines—library science and the sub­ ject discipline of your choice. Graduate assistants supervise student workers and perform other professional services in the public and technical services of the Library. Public service positions include ref- Annual ALA Peace Award ALA’s Social Responsibilities Round Table, its Peace Information Exchange Task Force, and Social Issues Resources Series, In c., have established an annual peace award. The award will be given to a library, which in the course of its educational and social mission, or to a librar­ ian, who in the course of professional activities, has contributed significantly to the advance­ ment of knowledge related to issues of interna­ tional peace and security. The contribution may be in the form of, but not limited to: a bibliographical compilation, research and publication of an original histori­ cal nature, or a non-print media creation, dis­ play, or distribution. Nominations must be submitted by January 6 , 1 9 9 0 . F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t: Stephen J. Stillwell J r ., Librarian/CSIA , 79 Kennedy St., #369, Cam bridge, MA 02138; (617) 495-1408. erence, government publications, online database searching, interli­ brary loan, educational resource center, media production, circula­ tion, maps, periodicals, and bibliographic instruction. Positions in the technical services include acquisitions, cataloging, and library research. Successful candidates must show evidence of demonstra­ ble working experience in one of the areas listed. A full assistantship averages 20 hours of work and pays $160 per week for 34 weeks of the academic year. Additionally, graduate assistants qualify for in­ state tuition and for one-half tuition remission of 6 to 12 graduate credits per quarter during the academic year. Mankato State Univer­ sity Library, a dynamic information center for over 16,000 students and area users, has a staff of 25 librarians, 24 classified staff, 20 graduate assistants, and over 200 student workers. Memorial Li­ brary is the home of the PALS automated system, a nationally known integrated library system featuring an online catalog, a circulation system, an interlibrary loan module, a serials control system, and an acquisition system. Authority control and inventory control are under development. A letter of application outlining your experiences in an academic library, your resume, and the names and telephone num­ bers of three current references should be sent to: Thomas M. Peis- chl, Dean of the Library, Mankato State University, MSU Box 19, Mankato, MN 56002; telephone 507-389-5953. Applications from minorities are encouraged; Mankato State University is an equal o p ­ portunity University and employer. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. James Madison University is seek­ ing a person to be responsible for management of m onographic ac­ quisitions department including 3 support staff; reports to the Univer­ sity L ib ra ria n . P ro vid e s le a d e rs h ip in d e v e lo p in g /c h o o s in g automated acquisitions system, administers allocation system, moni­ tors vendor performance and updates vendor contracts in conform­ ity with state regulations. Monographic budget currently in excess of $300,000. Member Collection Development Committee. Serves as liaison to one academic department including offering library instruc­ tion plus 4 - 6 hours/week on Reference Desk. Required: ALA- accredited MLS, minimum of 2 years experience in Acquisitions, fa­ miliarity with OCLC and autom ated library systems. Desirable: Knowledge of preservation issues and techniques, familiarity with using MARC formats for securing bibliographic data and database 238 / CirRL News management using microcomputers. Library faculty expected to meet service and research requirements for promotion and tenure. Minimum salary $2 8 ,0 0 0 .1 2-month tenure-track appointment. Ben­ efits include 20 days annual leave, state or TIAA/CREF retirement options, paid life insurance, BC/BS. Send letter of application with complete resume and names, addresses, phone numbers of 3 pro­ fessional references to: Dennis E. Robison, University Librarian, Car­ rier Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. Screening of candidates will begin April 15, position will remain open until filled. Interviewing will be held at ACRL conference. James Madison University is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity em­ ployer. ASSISTANT BUSINESS LIBRARIAN, Michigan State University Library (Librarian I). Reporting to Head of the Business Library, pro­ vides reference services in business and related subjects. Performs collection development, database searching, bibliographic instruc­ tion, and other specialized services, and actively participates in liai­ son with faculty, staff and students in the College of Business and related programs. Develops and updates bibliographies, handouts, and vertical files, and performs collection management activities. Su­ pervises student assistants. Responsibilities may include scheduled evening and weekend hours. Required qualifications include a mas­ ter’s degree from an accredited program in library science; dem on­ strated ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; and ability to work effectively with faculty, students and staff. Social sciences or business background, and training or experience in database searching preferred. Other desired qualifications include advanced study in business, social science or a related field. Mini­ mum salary, $21,000. Serving one of the largest and most active business programs in the United States, MSU’s Business Library is a dynamic service organization with two professional librarians, two full-time support staff, and approximately 8 FTE student assistants. Position approval is pending; mention position PRO-82E. Submit let­ ter of application, a resume, and the names and addresses of three current references to: Eugene Wiemers, Jr., Head, Social Sciences and Humanities Library, Main Library, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48824-1048. Applications received by March 31, 1989, will receive priority consideration. Position will remain open until filled. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. ASSISTANT UNDERGRADUATE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Par ticipates in a program of library services for undergraduates. Super­ vises the Reserve Book Room. Plans and manages the freshman ori­ entation program and participates in other undergraduate user education programs. Recommends new titles in some subject areas for the Core Collection (50,000 key books selected for undergradu­ ates) and works at Social Sciences and Humanities reference desk a few hours a week. (This is a permanently funded public services po­ sition but, due to planning in progress, the responsibilities may change in the future.) Qualifications: Master’s degree from accred­ ited library school required. Academ ic background in social sci­ ences or humanities and reading knowledge of a foreign language strongly preferred. Two years professional library experience. Aca­ demic library reference experience and supervisory experience re­ quired. Must have excellent communication skills. Salary $23,000 minimum. Send letter of application and resume to: Ann Smith, Per­ sonnel Manager, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60208. Applications received by March 31, 1989, will be consid­ ered. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Asian Stud ies, Michigan State University Library (Librarian I or II). Reporting to Head of Social Sciences and Humanities Collection Development, provides collection development, bibliographic instruction and spe­ cialized reference services in Asian studies, including East, South­ east and South Asia. Participates in all aspects of work of the Social Sciences and Humanities Collection Development, including selec­ tion, collection management, public service and outreach, and pro­ vides scheduled reference services in Social Sciences and Humani­ ties Reference or in Documents Library, including evening and weekend hours. Works with Technical Services staff to assist in bib­ liographic description and subject assignments of materials in ver­ nacular languages. Depending upon qualifications, assignment may include collection development and public service responsibili­ ties for subjects outside Asian studies. Required qualifications in­ clude a master's degree from an accredited program in library sci­ ence, ed u ca tio n a l b a ckg ro u n d or exp e rie n ce with research materials in one or more disciplines related to Asian studies, and knowledge of Japanese or Chinese (Chinese preferred). Demon­ strated ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and ability to work effectively with faculty, students and staff are also required. Appointment will be made at Librarian I or II level, depend­ ing upon qualifications; appointment at the rank of Librarian II re­ quires at least three years of successful professional experience in an academic or research library or substantial equivalent experi­ ence. Other desired qualifications include an advanced degree in a discipline related to Asian studies, additional foreign language ex­ pertise, collection development or reference experience in a re­ search library and teaching experience. Minimum salary $21,000, depending upon qualifications. SSH Collection Development has principal responsibility for developing and managing collections in social sciences and humanities. Staff includes 11 full-time librarians and 17 other selectors within the library system. Position approval is pending; mention position PRO-201E. Submit a letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three current references to: Eugene Wiemers, Jr., Head, Social Sciences and Humanities Li­ brary, Main Library, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48824-1048. Applications received by March 15,1989, will receive priority consideration. Position will remain open until filled. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. BUSINESS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities divided between Refer­ ence and Collection Development Departments in areas of business and economics; serves at Reference Desk, participates in biblio­ graphic instruction, assists in developing Reference collection; liai­ son between economic and business departments and library and selects materials in those fields. Qualifications: Master of Library Sci­ ence from ALA-accredited school; minimum of two years reference experience with significant business reference component required; academic degree in business or economics, experience with elec­ tronic databases and collection development experience highly de­ sirable. Salary: Minimum $25,000. Start Date: As soon as possible. Send resume and references to: Peggy Weissert, Library Personnel Officer, Theodore M. Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, by April 15,1989, for insured consid­ eration. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN (Immediate opening), Methodist College, a small liberal arts college and an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, welcomes applications for a tenure-track, twelve-month, faculty appointment. Responsibilities include cataloguing of materi­ als in all formats, archives, supervising catalog department, automa­ tion planning, some reference services. Occasional weekend work, MLS and two years of current cataloguing experience in an aca­ demic library; working knowledge of Dewey system, LC subject headings, AACR2; some online searching experience. Minimum of $18,000. Minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Send application, resume, graduate transcripts and three letters of reference by April 15, to: Susan Pulsipher, Director of Library Ser­ vices, Methodist College, 5400 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 28311-1499; (919)488-7110. CATALOG LIBRARIANS. The University Library System is seeking two faculty librarians. Both positions require an ALA-accredited MLS degree (or recognized equivalent). 1) Head, Copy Cataloging Sec­ tion. Responsible for the daily management and supervision of monographic copy cataloging under the direction of the Head, Cata­ log Department. The section handles both titles with Library of Con­ gress copy and most OCLC member copy, plus the cataloging of most Ph.D. dissertations and Master’s theses. Three years experi­ ence in technical services including demonstrated competency in original cataloging and classification required. Ability to work with at least two modern European languages is essential. Supervisory ex­ perience required as is a strong interest in work in an academic re­ search library. Working knowledge of a major bibliographic utility and local automated systems desirable. Must have strong interper­ sonal, oral and written communication skills, and be able to work with diverse groups in an ever changing automated environment. 2) His­ panic/Latin American Cataloger. The primary responsibility is the original cataloging of monographs, document, and non-print materi­ als in the Spanish and Portuegese languages, and the enhancing of some OCLC member copy cataloging. This position is in the Original Cataloging Section of the Catalog Department and reports to the Head of the Catalog Department. Fluency in Spanish is required, Portuguese helpful. Must have knowledge of AACR2 and LC classifi­ cation. Experience in original cataloging and using OCLC preferred. Applicant must have strong interest in work in an academic research library. Must have strong interpersonal, oral and written communica- March 1989 / 239 tion skills, and be able to work with diverse groups in an ever chang­ ing automated environment. Salary and rank commensurate with qualifications. Applications must be received no later than March 17, 1989. Apply in writing, including a resume and three letters of refer­ ence, to: Secretary, Search Committee, 271 Hillman Library, Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. The University of Pitts­ bu rgh is an a ffirm a tiv e -a c tio n , e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r. Minorities are actively sought. CATALOGER. The Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for Cataloger. This position shares responsibilities for cataloging using OCLC and a lo­ cally developed online catalog, assigning LC or NLM classification and MeSH headings, and investigating and helping resolve catalog­ ing problems or inconsistencies. Monographic retrocon, serials re- trocon, and the creation of detailed holdings records for serials are nearly complete; these records are included in a multi-institutional database. This position reports to the Head of Cataloging Services and works in a department totaling 7 FTE. Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree and minimum of two years cataloging experience using MARC and AACR2. Some of the following experience prefer­ red: using OCLC, MeSH and the NLM Classification; cataloging both monographs and serials; cataloging in non-print or rare books formats. Educational background in life sciences also helpful. Quali­ ties sought include: excellent interpersonal and communication skills, flexibility, initiative, good problem solving skills, interest in pro­ fessional involvement, and a commitment to serving the information needs of health professionals. Salary based on experience and other factors; minimum salary $22,000. The Health Sciences Library has a professional staff of 24; it serves 5 professional schools and North Carolina Memorial Hospital. Send letter of application, curriculum vi­ tae, and names of 3 references to: Carol Jenkins, Director, Health Sciences Library CS# 7585, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585. To be assured of consid­ eration, applications should be received by March 31, 1989. An Af­ firmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. C A TA LO G ER , M O N O G R A P H S /M U S IC . Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). Cataloging Department starting July 1. The suc­ cessful candidate will be responsible for the original cataloging of print and nonprint m onographic materials in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, with an emphasis on music; the editing of non­ Library of Congress copy from the OCLC database, including proce­ dures for Enhance and Upgrade; making series and name authority decisions for assigned subject and language areas; acting as a re­ source person for cataloging assistants in assigned subject areas and foreign languages; and completing special assignments as nec­ essary. Required: MLS from an Am erican Library Association- accredited library school; familiarity with OCLC or similar cataloging utility; knowledge of LC classification, LC subject headings, and AACR2; course work at the undergraduate or graduate level in mu­ sic history and/or music theory; and a good working knowledge of one European language. Preferred: Professional and/or preprofes­ sional cataloging experience and a secondary foreign language. $19,500 minimum for a 12-month contract. Salary may be higher de­ pending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant. Apply with full resume plus names and current addresses/telephone num­ bers of three references by April 15 to: Kent Hendrickson, Dean of Libraries, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lin­ coln, NE 68588-0410. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer. CLASSICS CATALOGER. University of Cincinnati. Responsible for original and OCLC cataloging of materials, primarily monographs, for the Classics Library with a collection of 130,000 volumes. The U.C. Libraries have an online catalog (UCLID), the database of which contains 900,000 records representing the holdings of all U.C. library system s. R equired Q ualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited program; reading knowledge of Latin and one or more European languages; degree in Classical Studies or related field; demonstrated knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and MARC tagging; ability to communicate clearly orally and in writing; and ability to work effectively with colleagues. Preferred Qualifica­ tions: Reading knowledge of Greek; experience in cataloging with OCLC or a n o th e r b ib lio g ra p h ic u tility. S alary Range $21,000-$25,000 depending on qualifications. Letter of application, including resume and the names and addresses of three references must be postmarked no later than May 1, 1989. Send to: Mark W. Weber, Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati Libraries, Mail Location 33, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. The University of Cincin- Chief of Catalog Department The Stanford University Libraries seek an experienced, energetic and flexible manager, comfortable with and effective in a dynamic technical services environment to head the Catalog Department. As the Libraries move to implement an integrated on­ line processing system, the Chief of the Catalog Department will play a key role in shaping and coordinating the process of transition. We invite applications from individu­ als who can demonstrate: significant experience in providing bibliographic access to and control of a wide range of library materials and an ability to see the relationship of cataloging to all local and national library pro-" grams; superior administrative and planning skills; effective interpersonal skills, including the ability to manage change in a complex environment; solic communications skills and evi­ dence of creative and imaginative contributions to overall library man­ agement. The Chief of the Catalog Department directs a staff of 60.25 FTE (including 22.25 librarians) and is responsible for all cataloging functions for monographs as well as for defining appropriate levels of bibliographic access for all library ma­ terials, developing appropriate policies and processes for achieving them, and coordinating necessary resources. Senior Librarian ($39,400­ 57,600). Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 professional references by March 3 1 ,1989 to Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Per­ sonnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305­ 6004. Cite #903-CRL, on all corre­ spondence, EEO/AAE. STANFORD UNIVERSITY t u t 240 / C irR L N ew s nati is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity em­ ployer. COLLEGE ARCHIVIST/SPEC IA L COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Seeks a creative, ener­ getic archivist/librarian to assume responsibility for its Archives and Special Collections Department housing historic and contemporary records from all divisions of the College plus rare books, photo­ graphs, and over 400 manuscript collections. This position involves continuing collection development and preservation, work with the Friends of the Library, provision of direct services to faculty and stu­ dents through a busy instruction program, liaison with several aca­ dem ic departments and active participation in the collegial m anage­ ment of the entire library. Master’s in history and ALA-accredited MLS preferred, or advanced degree in history with significant archi­ val experience. Previous work with AMC format highly desirable. Sal­ ary $26,500 or higher depending on qualifications. Full benefit pack­ age. Available July 1,1989. Send letter of application, vita and three letters of recommendation (or university placement file) to: Ella For­ syth, Chairperson, Department of Library Resources, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013. Closing date: April 15,1989. Will con­ duct some interviews at ACRL in Cincinnati. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. CURATOR (ASSOCIATE) LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Directs the technical processing and preservation of the Library’s special collections. Processes collections from original and retro­ spective cataloging of 18th-20th century manuscripts via OCLC/ MARC AMC format and the Library of Congress subject headings; requires graduate degree in American/European history or Library Science plus 1 -2 years experience and/or training in manuscript and archives processing, 1 year experience with the AMC format for cataloging archival and manuscript materials, some supervisory ex­ perience, and in-depth knowledge of colonial biographical and bibli­ ographical reference sources. Salary range is $16,6 50-$25,825 de­ p e n d in g up on e xp e rie n ce and e d u ca tion . E xcelle nt benefits. Application deadline is March 15, 1989. Send resume to: Employ­ ment Specialist, The Colonial W illiam sburg Foundation, P 0. Box C, Williamsburg, VA 23187. EOE/AA. DIRECTOR. The University of Wisconsin-Madison General Library System is accepting applications for the position of Director of the Steenbock Agricultural & Life Sciences Library. Full state benefits. Salary range: $39,058-$58,586. Responsibilities: Administration and management of Steenbock Library, including long- and short- range planning, setting goals & objectives, developing policies & procedures, allocating budget & personnel resources, and for pro­ gram development. Qualifications: ALA/MLS. 5 years experience in academic or research library, with movement to positions of increas­ ing responsibility, including 3 years high level administrative and su­ pervisory experience is required. Experience in the life sciences field desirable. Demonstrable leadership ability. Strong oral and written communication skills. Applicants should submit a writing sample and final candidates must present a paper on a relevant topic before an audience. Send letter of application, resume, & names, a d ­ dresses, and phone numbers of 3 references to: Priscilla Neill, Uni­ versity of W isconsin-Madison, Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, Wl 53706, or call Mary Baremore at (608) 262-2768, for full announcement. Deadline: April 3 ,1 9 8 9 . EEO/AA. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY, the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 30 miles east of St. Paul, Minnesota, enrollment of 5,200. Responsi­ bilities include management, planning, and development of an auto­ mated library with over 200,000 holdings, a textbook rental library and archives; supervision of 7 professional and 9 support persons; and administration of the budget. Reports to the Vice Chancellor. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited institution, 2nd master’s or doctorate preferred. Minimum of 5 years academic Library experi­ ence with increasing administrative responsibility. Salary range: $39,500-$48,800. Appointm ent available August 15, 1989. To re­ ceive full consideration, applications should be received by March 20,1989. A pply to: Brian Copp, Chair, Library Director Search Com­ mittee, 117 North Hall, University of W isconsin-River Falls, River Falls, Wl 54022. An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer. FINE ARTS LIBRARIAN at the University of California, Irvine Li­ bra ry. A ssistant or A ssociate Lib ra ria n rank, salary ran g e of $25,380-$44,676. Deadline April 1, 1989, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. As a reference librarian, shares responsibility for reference desk assistance, database searching and bibliographic instruction; acts as liaison with School of Fine Arts, specifically the D epartm ents of A rt History, Studio Art, Dance, Drama and Music. As a bibliographer, shares responsibility for de­ velopment and management of all library collections, especially to support the School of Fine Arts. Requires ALA-accredited MLS de­ gree, degree in Fine Arts or commensurate experience, commit­ ment to public service, excellent communication skills, basic com ­ puter literacy. Desired: Post-baccalaureate degree in Fine Arts (preferably Music or Art History); experience in collection develop­ ment, bibliographic instruction and database searching; reading knowledge of at least one major European language. Send applica­ tion letter with 1) complete statement of qualifications, 2) resume of education and relevant experience, and 3) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Anne Rimmer, Library Personnel Services, University of California, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. Telephone (714) 856-7115. GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, University Libraries Date of Appointment: September 1,1989. Salary: $22,000 entry level. Term of Appointment: Twelve-month contract. Academ ic Rank: Assistant Professor or above, depending upon qualifications, as a general ref­ erence librarian. Reports to: Head of the General Reference Depart­ ment. E du catio n R equirem ents: M inim um MLS from an ALA- accredited library school and a second master’s or 30 hours of graduate course work beyond the MLS, or its equivalent, required for an appointment at the rank of assistant professor. Qualifications: Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, basic knowledge of online database searching, strong interest in providing library in­ struction services. Duties and Responsibilities: Under the direction of the head of the general reference department, participates in the full range of departmental activities including reference service on a scheduled basis with some weekend and evening hours, online database searches, and library instruction in both formal and infor­ mal settings. Applicants should have a strong commitment to public service-oriented librarianship. Benefits: Illinois State Retirement Sys­ tem, 24 vacation days, faculty status and rank. Deadline for A pplica­ tions/Nominations: June 1,1 989 . Send a cover letter with 1) a com ­ plete statement of qualifications, 2) resume of education and relevant experience, and 3) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Elizabeth A. Titus, Assistant Director for Public Services, 414 Founders Memorial Library, Northern Illi­ nois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN Bucknell University Public services librarian in a new integrated refer­ ence service program. Available August 1, 1989. Desk coverage (some evening and weekend as­ signments), multi-format collection development in­ cluding government documents, online and CD- ROM services, user education, and database searching. Required: ALA-MLS, and database searching training. Preferred: experience with alter­ native information resources and social sciences background. Entry-level salary minimum $21,000. For maximum consideration please send resume and names of three references by April 15,1989, to: Ann de Klerk Director of Library Services Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 Applications from m embers of minority groups are encouraged. March 1989 / 241 G OVERNM ENT D O C U M E N T S /T E C H N IC A L SER V IC E S L I­ BRARIAN. Responsible for developing and maintaining a collection of federal, state, and local documents. The position involves both technical and public services duties including library instruction, fac­ ulty liaison, general reference desk work, and cataloging. Qualifica­ tions: an ALA-accredited MLS, good interpersonal skills are re­ quired. Strong interest and background in government documents; the ability to catalog using SuDocs, LC classification and subject headings, and AACR2; experience with library instruction; and knowledge of a foreign language are highly desirable. Minimum sal­ ary is $20,000, tenure-track, TIAA/CREF, 24 days’ annual leave. Send letter of application, resume, the names of 3 references, and a sample of written work by April 15 to: Ella Jane Bailey, University Li­ brary, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182­ 0237. Review of resumes will continue until position is filled. AA, EOE. HEAD, B IB L IO G R A P H IC M A IN T E N A N C E U N IT . Reports to Chair, Cataloging Department. KSU Library is currently implement­ ing NOTIS. This person will be involved in the planning and imple­ mentation of authority control and the online catalog on the NOTIS system. Responsibilities include maintenance and quality control of bibliographic records via autom ated library system (LS/2) and OCLC; manages and coordinates the maintenance of all card cata­ logs in the Libraries; monitors authority files and cross-reference structures; oversees physical processing of materials; selects, trains, directs, and evaluates unit personnel of 5 classified staff and 2 FTE student assistants. Engages in unit and departmental planning, de­ velops procedures, maintains unit statistics, prepares unit reports. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; two years ex­ perience in a cataloging department which uses an automated bib­ liographic utility; knowledge of LC classification and subject head­ ings, A AC R 2 an d M AR C fo rm a ts ; on e ye a r of s u p e rv is o ry experience, effective oral and written communications. Preferred: Knowledge of and experience with development of an online catalog and online authority control. Salary: $22,000 minimum for a 12- month appointment. Librarians at KSU have academic rank and are eligible for tenure, sabbatical leave, and research support. Vacation of 22 working days. Choice of retirement and medical plans. Kansas State University is a land-grant institution with an enrollment of over 19,000 students and a materials budget of over 2 million dollars. KSU is located in Manhattan, a community of 45,000 in the rolling Flint Hills. Deadline for applications is March 30,1989. Send letter of application, resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Jean McDonald, Administrative Services Officer, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhattan, KS 66506. KSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Women and mi­ norities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, CATALOG MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT. The Colum bia Libraries are in the process of implementing an online integrated system for information services. A central com ponent of the system is the online catalog, CLIO, which will become a NOTIS-based sys­ tem in Spring 1989. The Libraries add approximately 90,000 new catalog records each year, and will be engaged for some time in con­ tinuing retrospective conversion of older records. Active collection maintenance and preservation programs contribute to a high vol­ ume of catalog maintenance activity. We seek a Head of the Catalog Maintenance Department with the skills needed to manage a broad range of maintenance activities, and the vision and energy required to take an active role in planning database maintenance and author­ ity control functions in a changing environment. Reporting to the As­ sistant Director for Bibliographic Control, the Head of Catalog Main­ tenance manages catalog maintenance activities for both manual and machine-readable records, and participates in planning related to the Libraries’ bibliographic control functions. The Catalog Mainte- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Binghamton ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES s t a t e UN,v e r s ,TY o f n e w y o r k Associate Ubrarian or Librarian Rank The State University of New York at Binghamton is one of the four comprehensive doctoral-granting Uni­ versity Centers of the 64 campus system. The SUNY-Binghamton Library system is composed of the Glenn G. Bartle Library, serving the humani­ ties and social sciences and housing the centralized technical services operation, and two satellite libraries for Science and Fine Arts. The Library is a member of the Research Libraries Group and its Research Li­ braries Information Network. Reporting to the Director of Libraries, this position has primary responsibility for management and coor­ dination of the centralized Acquisitions, Serials, Cataloging and Bibliographic Services departments, cur­ rently comprised of 49 FTE staff. This person serves on the Director’s Council and will have an opportunity to play a leadership role in organizational changes and in the implementation of automated systems in a dynamic and changing organization. Qualifications include an MLS from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated leadership, manage­ ment and human relations skills with successful supervisory experience; five years of progressively respon­ sible experience in technical services in a university library, including supervision of staff and faculty; expe­ rience with automated cataloging systems (preferably RLIN and NOTIS); demonstrated ability to communicate clearly both orally and in writing. Screening will begin on April 1 and will continue until position is filled. Salary range $38,000 to $45,000, commensurate with qualifications, plus excellent fringe benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Send cover letter, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Eleanor L. Heishman Director of Libraries State University of New York at Binghamton Glenn G. Bartle Library Binghamton, NY 13901 SUNY-Binghamton is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 242 / C& RL N ews nance Department (6 support staff plus 2 FTE student assistants) has responsibility for withdrawals, shelflisting and central shelflist mainte­ nance, error analysis and correction, bibliographic headings mainte­ nance, and maintenance of physical catalogs. With the transition to a NOTIS-based catalog, it is anticipated that the department will as­ sume additional responsibilities for the quality and control of on-line authority files, as well as for such post-cataloging activities as trans­ fers and reclassification, with an increase in the size of the depart­ ment possible. As one of four department heads within the Biblio­ graphic Control Division, the incumbent coordinates activities with the heads of Original Monographs Cataloging, Cataloging with Copy, and Serials Cataloging. The incumbent also provides advice and assistance in support of catalog maintenance activities in de­ partmental libraries and distinctive collections. In addition to an ac­ credited MLS, requirements include: strong organizational and ana­ lytical skills; effective oral and written communications skills; energy and vision as demonstrated through successful supervisory experi­ ence and/or innovative work in technical services; and knowledge of and experience in the application of cataloging principles and proce­ dures such as AACR2, LC subject headings and classification, and MARC formats. Knowledge of automated cataloging procedures and bibliographic control developments, research library and super­ visory experience, and experience in the use of RLIN and NOTIS are desirable. Salary ranges are: Librarian I, $26,500-$34,450; Librar­ ian II, $28,500-$38,475; Librarian III, $31,500-$48,575. Excellent benefits include tuition exemption for self and family and assistance with University housing. Send resume, listing names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Direc­ tor of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is March 31, 1989. An affirmative action equal opportunity employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, College of Jewish Studies. Gratz College, the oldest non-denominational college of Jewish studies in the U.S. seeks chief librarian for 100,000+ item collection. Gratz is relocating to a suburban campus where a new library is being built. Qualifica­ tions: familiarity with computerization and databases; Hebrew re­ quired, Yiddish desirable; management experience; MLS, Jewish studies degree; 5 + years experience. Salary commensurate with qualifications, in the 30’s. Send vitae and 3 references by March 30, to: Chair Library Search, Gratz College, 10th St. & Tabor Rd., Phila­ delphia, PA 19141. HEAD OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS AND MICROFORMS DEPARTMENT (Search extended). Department is staffed by one FTE librarian (the department head), and three FTE library assis­ tants. It maintains five areas: U.S., California state and local, British, UN, and international organizations. The department is responsible for Microtext operations as well. Duties and Responsibilities: Opera­ tion of the Government Publications and Microforms Department for The Libraries of The Claremont Colleges: develops and manages the department; direct responsibility for one of the five collection ar­ eas; participates in reference services and instructional programs. Analyzes, recommends and implements the automation of the proc­ essing and control of government publications as warranted by cur­ rent developments. Oversees Microtext operations. Hires, orga­ nizes, trains, schedules, supervises, and evaluates government publications staff. Conducts in-house staff development workshops. Prepares budgets, annual reports and other reports as needed. Consults with the Libraries’ subject bibliographers on selections. Serves as member of the Libraries' Expanded Line Officers Group. Salary: $25,000-530,000. Qualifications: MLS degree. Thorough knowledge of depository programs and government publications collection development; ability to provide public services in one or more of the five collection areas; one to two years’ supervisory expe­ rience, preferably in a academic library. Highly desirable: Experi­ ence in reference services and library instructional programs. Expe­ rience with automated library systems. Send resume with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Include cover letter with statement of qualifications. Apply to: Alberta Walker, Chair-Search Committee, Honnold Library, The Claremont Col­ leges, Claremont, CA 91711. Applications accepted until a selec­ tion is made. HEAD OF REFERENCE SERVICES at Arizona State University, where a totally new reference complex is being created on the mez­ zanine overlooking the new underground library addition. Primary responsibilities include management of the Reference Department (15 librarians, 3 support staff) in the main library, development and administration of active programs of reference support and faculty liaison (including collection development), coordination with other administrators of related information services; strategic planning; ref­ erence desk service. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; five years’ experience at the professional level in academic or research libraries; three years’ experience in the provision of reference ser­ vices; successful experience as a supervisor of librarians; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; skill in the use of new tech­ nologies in the provision of reference services, including online data­ bases, microcomputers and com pact disks; experience and/or train­ ing in collection developm ent and management; demonstrated leadership qualities. Preferred: Three years’ experience at the de­ partment head level in a large academic or research library; aca­ demic degree or experience in providing library services in the social « w w * w . w * w w - w w w - w . REFERENCE LIBRARIAN The Pennsylvania State University Penn State University at Erie, The Behrend Col­ lege, seeks an energetic, creative reference librar­ ian for a growing and increasingly busy library. Du­ ties include reference desk coverage, including evening hours, participation in an expanding biblio­ graphic instruction program, computerized litera­ ture searching, and collection development. The Behrend College library is part of a system of li­ braries linked by Penn State’s LIAS, a sophisti­ cated, user-friendly, interactive computer system. Librarians are members of both a beautiful 600 acre campus in suburban Erie, Pennsylvania, is a dy­ namic, growing, comprehensive liberal arts institu­ tion offering more than 25 four-year and graduate degree subscriptions and will be moving to a new, greatly expanded facility in 1991. The city and county of Erie offer a low cost of living and a variety of cultural and year-around recreational opportuni­ ties. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­ lent, strong oral and written communication skills, strong generalist background and orientation. Sec­ ond advanced degree in the humanities or social sciences, experience in computer searching, in­ structional experience desirable. Potential for pro­ motion and tenure will be considered. Available July 1, 1989. Salary and rank depen­ dent on qualifications, minimum $23,000. Benefits include liberal vacation, excellent insurances, State or TIAA/CREF retirement options and educational privilege. To apply, send letter of application, resume and names of three references to: Nancy Slaybaugh Personnel Coordinator Box BR-ACRL Penn State University E1 Pattee Library University Park, PA 16802 Application deadline April 15, 1989. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. iV ^ V W A W A W iV W W A W . March 1989 / 243 sciences or humanities. Salary: $38,000 minimum (negotiable, de­ pendent on qualifications and experience). To apply: Send letter of application and resume which together address all of the qualifica­ tions listed above, and the names, addresses and telephone num­ bers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean of University Libraries, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006, (Phone 602-965-3417). Recruitment will re­ main open until the position is filled, but review of applications will begin April 15,1989. ASU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. HEAD, ONLINE CATALOGING SECTION The Online Cataloging Section Head supervises personnel involved with the plans for biblio­ graphic record searching, online cataloging of MARC monographs, and the creation of machine-readable bibliographic records for ret­ rospective conversion. The section Head supervises six library assis­ tants and three part-time student assistants. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; experience with MARC formats and online cataloging. Preferred: Experience with integrated online sys­ tems; supervisory experience. Salary: Minimum $28,000. Applica­ tions received by April 28,1989, will be given first consideration; ap­ plications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references and/or Place­ ment Bureau address to: Dennis R. Defa, 328 Marriott Library, Uni­ versity of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. The University of Utah is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Women and Mi­ norities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, O R IG IN A L C A TA LO G IN G DEPA RTM ENT (search ex tended). Provides overall supervision and management for the origi­ nal cataloging department under the direction of the head, process­ ing division. Department is responsible for all description cataloging, LC classification, and LC subject headings as needed for OCLC member-input records. Participates in weekly planning meetings. Department consists of 4 entry-level professional librarians, 2 experi­ enced catalogers, and 4.5 classified staff. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. Minimum 4 years progressively responsible professional (post-MLS) cataloging experience, preferably in an online environment. Require at least one year in an academic or large research library. Experi­ ence with MARC formats, AACR2, LC rule interpretations, and Li­ brary of Congress subject headings. Must have experience with OCLC or similar bibliographic utility. Experience with NOTIS desir­ able. Supervisory and management skills appropriate to the posi­ tion. Salary: $24,000 minimum for 10.5 months; $25,000 with addi­ tional master’s. Benefits: Competitive benefits package. No state income tax. Faculty rank. Texas A&M is located in Bryan/College Station, between Austin and Houston. Closing Date: Applications re­ ceived by April 30,1989, will receive first consideration. Write or call for complete description of duties, qualifications and benefits. To ap­ ply, send letter of application, resume and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Roberta Pitts, Head, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, Texas A&M University, Col­ lege Station, TX 77843-5000. Phone: (409) 845-8111. AA.EEO em­ ployer. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. The Henry Madden Library of California State University, Fresno, seeks an innovative, flexible, and service-oriented librarian to provide leadership for the library's Reference Department. The Department consists of 7 professionals, 3 support staff, and 6.8 FTE student assistants. The Head of Refer- HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT LIBRARIAN University of California-Berkeley Serving the Library at Berkeley plus 19 of the 23 library branches on campus, the Catalog Department is responsible for all original cataloging of monographs, media, and machine-readable datafiles in all lan­ guages except Chinese, Japanese and Korean. In addition, the Department coordinates cataloging and authority control policy throughout the Library, including the Bibliographic Services Department, the Seri­ als Cataloging Division, four branch cataloging units and other departments. Duties: The Catalog Department Head Librarian is responsible for the management of the Department, including planning, personnel administration, budgetary control, administrative reporting, and overall op­ eration of the services provided by the staff. As Chair of the Cataloging Council, an advisory group of 13 Heads of cataloging units at Berkeley, the individual in this position coordinates cataloging and authority control policies. Qualifications: MLS degree or equivalent and substantial academic or research library experience is required, plus demonstrable successful management of a cataloging or similar unit, including experience with budget and personnel administration. The ability to exercise leadership with a large staff, a commit­ ment to staff participation, and excellent communication skills are also essential. Rank and salary (range: $42,900-$49,000) will be based on the qualifications of the candidate selected. The position will be avail­ able 1 July 1989 or as soon thereafter as possible. Closing Date for Applications: This position will remain open until 25 April 1989. Apply in writing, including a complete resume with cover letter and the names and addresses of three professional references, to: Janice H. Burrows Director, Library Human Resources Human Resources Department Room 447 Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. 244 / C irR L News Curator of Judaica and Hebralca collections The Stanford University Libraries seek applications from qualified professionals with strong backgrounds in Jewish Studies to become the first Reinhard Family Curator of Judaica and Hebraica Collections at Stanford. Principal responsibilities of the Curator are to develop and manage the Libraries’ growing collections in support of Stanford’s recently created Jewish Studies Program. The Curator is also expected to develop programs of specialized reference and instruction, work with technical services staff to develop procedures for the processing of materials, participate in Library development efforts, and to contribute to the general effectiveness of the Libraries’ Collection Development Pro­ gram. Candidates should have significant experience in academic libraries, a knowledge of the nature and distribution of library materials in the field of Jewish Studies, and demonstrated professional accomplishments. Appropriate linguistic skills and MLS or the equivalent in practice are also required. Graduate training in Jewish Studies and related fields is highly desirable as is familiarity with technical processing practices, especially cataloging. Evidence of effective oral and written communication is necessary, and candidates should be able to demonstrate the ability to work effectively with library staff as well as with faculty and students. Applications received by March 31, 1989 will be given first consideration. Associate Librarian ($29,700-$41,400) or Librarian ($33,900-$50,000) rank depending on qualifica­ tions and experience. Send letter of application, resume and three letters of reference from professionals who are knowl­ edgeable of your qualifications for this position to Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Cite #902-CRL on all correspondence. EEO/AAE. STANFORD UNIVERSITY March 1989 / 245 ence is responsible for general reference service; interlibrary lend­ ing; bibliographic instruction; com puterized information service (database searching and CD-ROMs); and, selection and manage­ ment of the reference collection. The Head of Reference reports to the Associate Dean for Administration and serves on the Library’s Administrative Council. Qualifications required: MLS from an ALA- accredited institution; substantial reference and/or other public ser­ vice experience in an academic library, including some supervisory responsibilities; ability to establish effective working relationships with faculty, staff and students in a culturally diverse environment; knowledge of trends and issues in academic libraries and the ability to participate in systematic planning; strong commitment to service; evidence of research, publication, and professional activity. Twelve­ month appointment, full-time, tenure-track, faculty status. Appoint­ ment at ra n k a p p ro p ria te to q u a lific a tio n s . S a la ry ran g e $31,560-$55,548. Attractive benefits package. Correspondence, applications and confidential papers should be sent by May 10, 1989, to: Herb Fox, Search Committee Chair, Henry Madden Li­ brary, Administrative Office, California State University, Fresno, Fresno, CA 93740-0034. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, SCIENCE & ENGINEERING REFERENCE/RESEARCH SERVICES, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Institute of Tech­ nology Libraries. The University of Minnesota invites applications for the position of Head, Science and Engineering Reference/Research Services. The position will provide leadership in the development of information services for the academic community, as well as busi­ ness and industry. A strong emphasis is placed on the application of technology to enhance services. Responsibilities include: planning, implementing and participating in programs for reference service, computer-based information service, user education and document delivery; management of the work of the d e p a rtm e n t, directing the activities of 5 science reference librarians, participating in space and facilities planning; developing long-range planning for the Science and Engineering Library. Reporting to the Director of the Institute of Technology Libraries, the Reference Head serves as a member of the management team, which involves discussion of major program and administrative policy issues. Qualifications: 1) ALA-Accredited Master’s degree or related Master’s degree; 2) Minimum 5 years professional experience as a science or engineering librarian in a re­ search library, with a minimum of two years administrative experi­ ence; 3) Strong commitment to experimentation and change with an interest in long-range planning for innovative reference services; 4) Highly developed skills in areas of reference service and online searching; 5) Knowledge of trends and issues in information services for science and technology; 6) Excellent written and oral communi­ cation skills. The Science and Engineering Library is a division within the Institute of Technology Libraries, one of four major departmental library units within the University Libraries. Its collections and ser­ vices are focused on chemistry, physics, engineering, geology, his­ tory of science. Taken together with the departmental libraries of Mathematics and Architecture, the collections consist of 400,000 volumes, 4,500 current serials and a staff of 46. The University of Minnesota Libraries, including IT Libraries, utilizes NOTIS software for its integrated online systems. Salary: Minimum $34,000. Appoint­ ment: Assistant or Associate Librarian, depending upon qualifica­ tions. Initial review of applications will begin April 15, 1989, but the search will continue until the position is filled. Send application letter, resume, and names of three references to: Barbara J. Doyle, Per­ sonnel Officer, University of Minnesota Libraries, 453 Wilson Li­ brary, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ HEAD, INFORMATION ACQUISITION DEPARTMENT Case Western Reserve University Under the general direction of the Assistant Director for Technical Services, is responsible for planning and supervising the acquisition of monographs and serials in all formats for University Libraries. There are two units, the Information Accounting Unit and the Information Resources Unit. The Head manages the department, supervising its personnel and activities; establishes new policies as required; coordinates the quality standards for departmental routines; assigns priorities, reviews responsibilities and work-flow; facili­ tates communication between the department and University Libraries collection managers, vendors, and external information providers. The staff consists of 3 professionals, 6 support staff, and student assistants. University Libraries, an ARL member, is composed of Sears and Freiberger Libraries, plus two branches, and houses the collections in humanities and arts, social and behavioral sciences, engineering, science, management, and music. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; second Master’s degree preferred. Five years increasingly re­ sponsible experience in an academic research library with at least three years in acquisitions, serials, or, preferably, a combination of both. Demonstrated knowledge of the serials industry, the book trade, and emerging information technologies; substantial managerial/supervisory experience; experience with a lo­ cal online library system; demonstrated initiative, originality, and judgment in applying established princi­ ples and procedures to complex and unusual problems; experience with scientific and technical materials desirable. Salary: Minimum $30,000. Send resume and names of three current references to: Karen K. Griffith Personnel Librarian Case Western Reserve University 11161 East Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44106 Review of applications will begin on 24 March 1989; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 246 / C& RL N ew s TWO POSITIONS Columbia University Libraries Social Science Division The Columbia University Libraries are seeking two talented professionals to join the staff of the Social Science Division. The Division consists of the Business, Lehman, Journalism and Social Work Libraries, and the Documents Service Center. These department libraries work together in coordinating, planning and evaluating traditional information/instructional services, access services, collection management, and the introduction of new non-traditional products and services. The Head of the Documents Service Center and the Lehman Librarian play major roles within the Division, and have the opportunity to work in an excit­ ing and challenging environment. Both positions report directly to the Assistant Director for the Social Sci­ ences. Head, Documents Service Center: The Head of the Documents Service Center provides leadership in developing documents services and collections for the Columbia University library system, including ad­ ministering and coordinating systemwide service, resource development, and technical processing. The Head provides reference and consultation services, instructs individuals and groups in the use of docu­ ments, and is expected to provide leadership in the incorporation of government information in machine readable form into information services at Columbia. The incumbent has responsibility for hiring, training and evaluation of all Documents Service Center staff (2 support staff plus student assistants), and repre­ sents the Columbia Libraries in local and national documents forums. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements include previous public service experience with U.S. Government Documents in an academic or large public library, superior verbal and written communica­ tions skills, and demonstrated ability to work effectively with others in a complex environment. Knowledge of machine readable data files and data archives management, experience with CD-ROM technology and products, and previous supervisory experience are highly desirable. Salary ranges are: Librarian I, $26,500-$34,450; Librarian II, $28,500-$38,475; Librarian III, $31,500-345,675. Deadline for applications is March 31,1989. Lehman Librarian: The Lehman Librarian is responsible for planning and developing programs, poli­ cies and procedures for intellectual and physical access to the Lehman/Social Work collections, including administrative responsibility for reference and instructional services, circulation and reserves, technical ser­ vices and physical facilities. The Librarian will maintain close contact with faculty and students of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and the School of Social Work, including regular meetings with SIPA administrators and service on Lehman and Social Work advisory boards. The incumbent will partici­ pate in collection management, including preservation, inventory projects and planning for automated cir­ culation. , In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements include at least five years of experience in managing access and information services in an academic library; superior verbal and written communications skills; demonstrated ability to work effectively with others in a complex environment; and relevant management experience. Experience with reserves management and automated circulation; previous successful pro­ gram development for instruction in the social sciences; knowledge of U.S. Government documents, and CD-ROM technology and products; and experience in online/end-user database searching desirable. Reading knowledge of at least one foreign language (preferably Russian or Spanish) also desirable. Salary ranges are: Librarian II, $30,500-$41,175; Librarian III, $33,500-$48,575. Deadline for applica­ tion is April 30,1989. Columbia offers an excellent benefits package, including tuition exemption for self and family and assist­ ance with University housing. To apply, please send letter of interest (specify which position), resume, and names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire Director of Personnel Box 35 Butler Library Columbia University 535 West 114th Street New York, NY 10027 An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. M arch 1989 / 247 identify application with UL 177. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer and invites and encourages applica­ tions from women and minorities. Note: The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires all new employees to submit verification of identity and authorization to work in the United States at time of hire. HEAD, SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY, University of California, Santa Barbara. Plans, organizes and manages public ser­ vice activities within department; supervises and provides leader­ ship for 6 librarians and 5 support staff who work to enhance access and delivery of information in a rapidly changing environment. Re­ quires MLS and degree in science, engineering, or related field; ex­ perience in establishing strong faculty relationships and experience in collection m an a g e m e n t and developm e nt. Salary ran ge is $31,944-$54,060. Send letter of application, names of 3 references and resume by May 15, 1989, to: Margaret Deacon, Associate Uni­ versity Librarian-Personnel, University of California, Santa Bar­ bara Library, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligi­ bility for U.S. employment will be required prior to employment (Im­ migration Reform and Control Act of 1986). HU M A N ITIES C O L LE C TIO N D E V E LO P M E N T LIB R A R IA N , Brown University Library. Reports to the Head of the Collection De­ velopment. Responsible for the development of the Library’s collec­ tion in Humanities, specifically Art and Art History and related disci­ plines; works with the Head of Collection Development in planning and implementing goals, strategies, procedures and programs for- College Maintenance; performs some Reference duties. Require­ ments: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; advanced degree in Art/Art History or related fields; at least two years experi­ ence in Collection Development in an academic/research environ­ ment; background in Collection Maintenance and/or Preservation acquired through education or experience; knowledge of Western European languages; some reference experience desired; strong organizational, interpersonal and communications skills; familiarity with online catalogs and other technologies appropriate to libraries. Hiring range: $23,000-528,700 based upon experience. Interested candidates should send letter of application, resume and names of three re fe re n c e s to: G e n e va Ferrell, P erso nn el O ffice , Box 1879/MG834, Brown University, Providence, Rl 02912. Applica­ tions received by March 31, 1989, will be given first consideration. Brown University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Em­ ployer. INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Responsible for refer ence service, online searching, reference collection development, instructional sessions and preparation of user guides and bibliogra­ phies. Some evening and w eekend work. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS, strong commitment to public service, excellent communication skills, and ability to work effectively with university cli­ entele. Preferred: Experience with or training in reference services, online database searching and teaching. Salary: $22,500. Excellent benefits. As faculty members librarians must meet expectations for promotion and tenure. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer and encourages the applications of women and minorities. The Library offers an exceptional environ­ ment for career growth and challenge and the city of Ames provides a strong educational system and active cultural base. Submit appli­ cation letter, vitae, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references by April 14,1989, to: William K. Black, Chair, Infor­ mation Services Librarian Search Committee, 302 Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-2140. LIBRARIAN. Faculty rank and tenure-track position in a combina­ tion of areas including reference, cataloging, instruction, and collec­ tion development. Responsibilities include cataloging new mono­ graphs, supervising processing, and bibliographic instruction. Serves on daytime, evening, and weekend reference rotation. The Library has an integrated computer system (CLSI) and serves the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Science and Professional Studies, and School of Business Administration. Re­ quired: Accredited MLS, minimum 2 -3 years experience, effective oral and written communication skills. Most desirable: Academic background in technical and public service; ability to communicate in a collegial environment; prior experience with OCLC and auto­ mated systems; experience in supervising support staff. Twelve months faculty appointment to a tenure-track position available July 1,1989. Salary commensurate with qualifications (minimum starting salary $23,000). Send letter of application, completed resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Robert M. Brooks, Li­ brary Director, Guggenheim Memorial Library, Monmouth Col­ lege, Cedar Avenue, West Long Branch, NJ 07764. An Equal O p­ portunity Employer. LIBRARIAN. We need a “ Compleat Librarian" to do some com bi­ nation of reference, instruction, collection development, database searching, etc.; business or science experience is a plus. We have been successful in developing positions from our previous searches that give individuals a good breadth of involvement in library ser­ vices and operations. The Library has 10 librarians and 18 staff, an online catalog/circulation/acquisitions system, 300,000 titles, and 1900 subscriptions for 5000 students and 200-plus faculty. We are looking for a self-motivated individual with an ALA/MLS, some expe­ rience in two or more of the library services listed above, and an inter­ est in working in an environment that emphasizes professional peer responsibilities and relationships. Faculty status/rank requires usual obligations; tenure requires a second subject master’s. Excellent benefits include TIAA; 12-month contract. Targeted starting date is September 1; earlier negotiable. Minimum salary, $28,000. We will be pleased to review your application if our kind of environment ap­ peals to you and if you believe your background might fit our needs. Apply by March 31 with letter, resume, and names, addresses, tele­ phone numbers of three references to: Ross Stephen, Director of Li­ brary Services, Rider College Library, 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-3099. Rider College is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. LIBRARIANS FOR SIUC-N JAPAN PROJECT, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in Nakajo, Japan. Librarian: to direct all phases of the library portion chief duties include providing leader­ ship and policy direction for planning, organizing, coordinating, di­ recting, and evaluating all library functions and integrating them within the instructional programs. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS. Minimum 3 years increasingly responsible adminis­ trative positions as well as bibliographic instruction and reference ex­ perience in a university library. Strong commitment to service to undergraduates; proven leadership ability; effective communication skills; ability to work with diverse patrons. Preferred: second ad­ vanced degree; experience in establishing a library; experience with international students; international experience; knowledge of auto­ mated library systems. Initial screening begins approximately Febru­ ary 1,1 989, with applications/nominations considered until the posi­ tion is filled. Assistant Librarian: to direct the technical service phase. Chief duties include the management and direction of technical ser­ vices, including acquisitions, cataloging, classification, serials, bind­ ing, physical processing, and bibliographic records. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum two years administrative experience in technical services as well as bibliographic instruction experience in a university library; strong commitment to service to undergraduates; proven leadership ability; effective communication skills; ability to work with diverse patrons. Preferred: second ad­ vanced degree; experience in providing reference, research, and related assistance to users; experience with international students; international experience; knowledge of automated library systems. Initial screening begins approximately March 1, 1989, with applica­ tions/nominations considered until the position is filled. Both librari­ ans will be in Japan for a minimum of one year with possible exten­ sion. Salary: dependent upon qualifications and experience; 25 percent overseas differential allowance provided. Japan Librarian $32,000 and up depend ing on qualifications and experience; Japan-Assistant Librarian $25,000 and up depending on qualifica­ tions and experience. Fringe benefits: medical insurance; retirement package; housing; travel allowance; holiday schedule, etc. Send let­ ter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Judith Ann Harwood, Chair, Search Committee, SIUC-N, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901; Telephone: (618) 453-2818. The University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. M A N USCR IPTS LIB RAR IA N, Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries (Re-advertisement). Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS required, with an advanced degree in History or other appropriate subject preferred. At least two years experience in an academic library with demonstrated successful processing and cataloging of manuscript collections required. Familiarity with archi­ val and records management desirable. Individual in this position must have a thorough knowledge of standard manuscript and archi­ val processing and preservation techniques; strong analytical and 248 / C irR L N ew s writing skills with aptitude for bibliographic detail; excellent commun­ ication and interpersonal skills; ability to work independently and well with other staff members and the general public; commitment to public service necessary. A broad general understanding of history and politics and an expertise for recognizing significant historical items are needed. Supervisory skills required. Duties: Organization and arrangement of manuscript collections; preparation of descrip­ tive inventories, collection cataloging, subject and other indexing. Compiling of guides to the collections and submitting detailed de­ scriptions to various national publications. Reference service to re­ searchers and patrons of Special Collections and University Ar­ chives. Rotating weekend assignments, with special assignments as necessary for overall operation of Department. Supervision of sup­ port staff and Library Student Assistants in processing work. Bene­ fits: Include faculty rank, status, privileges and responsibilities; en­ rollment in the State Retirement System; comprehensive medical coverage; University holidays and annual and health care leave. Sal­ ary: $19,000, or higher, depending upon qualifications and/or expe­ rience. Position Available: This position will be filled only if a suitable applicant is found. The Search and Screening Committee will begin to consider nominations and applications immediately and will con­ tinue to do so until the position is filled. Application Procedure: Send application and resume, including names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three (preferably work) references to Frances N. Coleman, Chair Search Committee, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. MEDIA LIBRARIAN. Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina, afour-year liberal arts college with 1,100 students and a faculty of 70, will establish a full-time professional library staff position, July 1, 1989. Responsibilities include initial development and subsequent direction of a program of media services and materials to support the education program. ALA-accredited MLS preferred; experience in reference work is desirable; Master’s in Educational Media or In­ structional Technology will be considered. Creativity and the ability to communicate effectively with individuals and groups are essential. Salary negotiable: $21,500 minimum. Full job description sent upon request. Send application, resume (including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references) by April 1, 1989, to: Lennart Pearson, Media Librarian Search Committee, Presbyterian College Library, Clinton, SC 29325; (803) 833-8295. EOE. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Search Extended California State University, Los Angeles Applications and nominations are invited for the position of University Librarian with a starting date of July 1, 1989. The University Librarian reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Candi­ dates must have a terminal degree and qualify for tenure in the Library. Significant administrative experi­ ence, demonstrated scholarly activity, and demonstrated commitment to affirmative action also are re­ quired. Annual salary range $42,000-$75,000. The salary is negotiable, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Chief duties include: providing leadership and policy direction for planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and evaluating all Library functions and integrating them with the instructional programs of the University. The University Librarian works with faculty in formulating Library policy and with the Provost, other officers in the University, and the Academic Senate in developing Universitywide policy; supervises long-range planning and development, including applications of Library technology, Library administra­ tive and services organization, and assignment of Library personnel; responsible for long-range growth, control and quality of the book, periodical, and non-print collections; supervises the recruitment and orien­ tation of professional personnel and approves personnel appointments, promotions, and terminations; ad­ ministers the budget of the Library; extends resources through cooperative programs and consortial ar­ rangements; oversees orientation of faculty to the use of the Library and promotes services to users; supervises staff and encourages staff development; and maintains good relations with faculty, students, University, and CSU administrative officers. The University Librarian assists in public relations efforts such as speaking engagements and other activities of the University. The University, one of 19 campuses of The California State University, was founded in 1947. Programs are offered in more than fifty academic and professional fields in four state-supported quarters per year. The campus is located at the eastern boundary of the City of Los Angeles, with a student body of approxi­ mately 20,000 full- and part-time students reflecting the ethnic diversity of the area. The University has col­ lective bargaining contracts with the faculty, including librarians, and eight other employee units. Even though the committee has begun the screening process, applications and/or nominations will con­ tinue to be accepted until the position is filled. Applicants should include a current resume and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional references. Applications, nominations, and inquiries should be addressed to: Chair, Search Committee c/o Dee Flanagan Human Resource Management California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032 An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Handicapped, Title IX Employer. March 1989 / 249 M ICRO CO M PUTER SPEC IA LIST/R EFER E N C E LIBRARIAN. The University of Nevada-Reno Library seeks an energetic librarian with a strong interest and aptitude in microcomputers to provide guidance, training, and support of microcomputer applications in the public service areas of the library. The position functions as a member of the Reference Department and participates in its varied activities, such as online searching and instruction. ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of and keen interest in microcomputer applications and software (including laser disk technology); working knowledge of a variety of major m icrocomputer software packages; online data­ base searching experience; strong public service skills and orienta­ tion. Faculty status requires librarians to meet faculty standards for appointment, promotion and tenure. Salary open, depending upon qualifications and experience (minimum $25,000). 12-month ap­ pointment; TIAA/CREF; 24 days vacation. Open July 1,1989. Moun­ tains, desert, lakes, 5 hours by car from San Francisco. Send resume and names and addresses of three references to: Mary Ansari, Head of Administrative Services, University of Nevada-Reno Library, Reno, NV 89557-0044. Closing date April 15 or until position is filled. AA/EOE. UNR employs only individuals lawfully authorized to work in the United States. MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. Performs original and complex copy cataloging of m onographs in a variety of languages, subjects, and physical formats, using Northwestern's NOTIS system, AACR2, LCSH, and Dewey classification. Contributes eligible authority rec­ ords to NACO. Qualifications: Master’s from an ALA-accredited li­ brary school. Working knowledge of two or more modern European languages, preferably including German and a Romance language. Broad educational background, including some science desirable. Familiarity with the MARC books and authorities formats. Fully origi­ nal cataloging experience in an automated environment preferred. Salary: $21,000-$25,000. Send application and resume, including names of three references to: Ann Smith, Personnel Manager, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60208. Applica­ tions received by April 15 ,198 9 will be considered. An EEO/AA em­ ployer. MONOGRAPHIC HU M ANITIES CATALOGER. Responsible for original cataloging in the humanities and OCLC-member copy cata­ log in all disciplines using AACR2 and other national standards. A d­ ditional responsibilities as assigned including possible coordination of acquisitions and cataloging for Chinese language materials under a Title VI Dl Grant. Participates in development of policies and full implementation of online catalog. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; cataloging experience including use of LC classification and subject headings, application of AACR2 MARC tagging via a biblio­ graphic utility; reading knowledge of a modern European language; ability to work in a changing environment. Preferred: OCLC experi­ ence in cataloging; humanities, including history, background with preference for literature. Salary: $22,500. Excellent benefits. As fac­ ulty members librarians must meet expectations for promotion and tenure. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer and encourages the applications of women and mi­ norities. The Library offers an exceptional environment for career growth and challenge and the city of Ames provides a strong educa­ tional system and active cultural base. Submit application letter, vi­ tae, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references by April 14,1989, to: William K. Black, Chair, Monographic Humani­ ties Cataloger Search Committee, 302 Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-2140. MUSIC LIBRARIAN. Overall responsibility for planning and devel­ oping the services and resources of the Music Library. Assists with cataloging music scores, sound recordings, monographs, and seri­ als. Liaison between the library and the faculty and students of the Department of Music. Collaborates with colleagues at Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore Colleges. Participates in and designs bibliographic instruction programs relating to music. Reports to Librarian of the College. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, excellent interpersonal skills, strong user-oriented philosophy. Two years experience in a music library preferred. Performance background and a graduate degree in Music are desirable. Salary: $23,000 minimum, generous fringe benefits. Application deadline, 10 April 1989. Please send let­ ter of application, resume, transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Michael Freeman, Librarian of the College, Haverford College, Haverford, PA 19041-1392. EOE/AA. PRINCIPAL BIBLIOGRAPHER. Department head equivalent posi­ tion reporting to the Assistant Director for Public Services and Collec­ tion Development. Responsible for coordinating the collection devel­ opm ent process and special p ro je cts on a day-to-day basis; planning and overseeing implementation of collection development policies and procedures; training new collection development staff; establishing work assignments in consultation with the Head of Ref­ erence; evaluating performance of collection development activities of 20 Reference Librarian/Bibliographers; facilitating a smooth work­ ing relationship with other units in the Libraries involved in collection development; and other duties as assigned. The incumbent will also be responsible for collection development and faculty liaison in a subject field, and will participate in the administration of the Libraries by membership on the Library Administrative Committee. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; relevant collection develop­ ment experience in an academic library; excellent oral communica­ tion skills; demonstrated skill in planning, organizing, and coordinat­ ing the work of others; knowledge of issues and trends in collection management; ability to work effectively with library staff at all levels; strong analytical skills; experience in budget management. Desired: Working experience with approval plans, additional graduate de­ gree, reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Rank and salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Minimum salary $29,000. Full-time, 12-month appointment. Librarians at Vir­ ginia Tech have faculty status and are eligible for TIAA-CREF retire­ ment program. 24 working days vacation per year. Generous sick leave. Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Life insurance. Tuition waiver. Posi­ tion available July 1, 1989. Send letter of application, current re­ sume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Frances O. Painter, Personnel Officer, 201 Newman Library, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0434. Applications received by March 31, 1989, will receive first consideration. Virginia Tech is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and em­ ploys only U.S. citizens and lawfully authorized alien workers. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Temporary Replacement) full-time for 1989/90 academic year with possibility of re-employment if tempo­ rary position is approved for 1990/91. General reference desk work, library instruction and/or online searching. ALA-accredited degree required by 28 August 1989. Demonstrated ability to relate to ethni­ cally diverse student body and other expertise desired. Instructor or Assistant Professor, salary range of $21,000-$34,215 (summer ad­ ditional). Excellent benefits. Application deadline April 15, 1989. Send resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: M. D. Endres, Chair, Search and Screen Com­ mittee, Harvey A. Andruss Library, Bloom sburg University, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. Bloomsburg University is an AA/EEO Em­ ployer. Persons of color and members of other protected classes are urged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND EDUCATION BIBLIOGRAPHER, Michigan State University Library (Librarian I or II). Reporting to Head of Social Sciences and Humanities Reference, provides spe­ cialized reference, comprehensive database searching and biblio­ graphic instruction services, and participates in all reference and in­ structional activities of the unit, with emphasis on social sciences. Takes primary responsibility for developing and coordinating spe­ cialized services in education and psychology, and selects current and retrospective materials for libraries in those areas. Provides scheduled reference services in Social Sciences and Humanities Reference or in Documents Library, including evening and weekend hours. Assignment may include coordination of one or more major functions of the unit. Required qualifications include a master’s de­ gree from an accredited program in library science; educational background or experience with research materials in one or more social science disciplines, particularly in education. Appointment will be made at Librarian I or II level, depending upon qualifications; ap­ pointment at the rank of Librarian II requires at least three years of successful experience in an academic or research library or sub­ stantial equivalent experience. Demonstrated ability to communi­ cate effectively, both orally and in writing; and ability to work effec­ tively with faculty, students and staff are also required. Other desired qualifications include an advanced degree in a discipline related to areas of assignment, database experience, collection development or reference experience, teaching experience, or foreign language expertise. Minimum salary $21,000, depending upon qualifications. Social Sciences and Humanities Reference is the principal service unit for specialized reference in social sciences and humanities, in­ cluding education and law, and is staffed by approximately 7 FTE librarians, 1.5 FTE support staff, and 2.3 FTE student assistants. Po­ sition approval is pending; mention position PRO-203E. Submit letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three current 250 / C irR L N ew s references to: Eugene Wiemers, Jr., Head, Social Sciences and Hu­ manities Library, Main Library, Michigan State University, East Lansing, M148824-1048. Applications received by March 15,1989, will receive priority consideration. Position will remain open until filled. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. Two reference positions, Assistant Li­ brarian rank. The SUNY-Binghamton Libraries seek two librarians to participate in reference services, including desk duty, online search­ ing, patron instruction, and collection development. The library sys­ tem is composed of the Glenn G. Bartle Library, serving the humani­ ties and social sciences, and two satellite libraries for Science and Fine Arts. Qualifications include MLS from an ALA-accredited pro­ gram, effective interpersonal skills, excellent oral and written com ­ munication skills, training in database searching, and a strong com ­ mitment to service and professional development. Academ ic library experience, a second advanced degree relevant to the position, and a working knowledge of library automated systems are desirable. Reference Librarian/Sociology-Afro-American and African Studies Bibliographer: Provides patron assistance at the Bartle reference desk and collection development for Sociology, including Fernand Braudel Center, Afro-American and African Studies. Position reports to the Head of Reference/Coordinator of Bartle Collections. Science Reference/Health Science Bibliographer: Provides reference ser­ vice to Science Library patrons and collection development for the School of Nursing and the Department of Psychology. Position re­ ports to the Head of the Science Library. Screening will begin on April 1 and will continue until positions are filled. Salary range $22,000-$26,000, commensurate with qualifications, plus excellent fringe benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Send cover letter, current re­ sume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three ref­ erences to: Eleanor L. Heishman, Director of Libraries, State Uni­ versity of New York at Bingham ton, Glenn G. Bartle Library, Binghamton, NY 13901. SUNY-Binghamton is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (2 positions), full-time, tenure- track, 12-month, available on or before June 18. Responsible for general reference in the Science Library, a collection of 230,000 vol­ umes; collection development in mathematics, computer science, the physical, biomedical, biological, or earth sciences; conducts on­ line literature searches on the NLM, DIALOG and STN International systems; presents bibliographic instruction sessions; assists in im­ plementing a major move to a new $13.9 million science library, scheduled to be completed Fall 1989; helps develop and implement programs for new reference equipm ent and services, such as CD ROM and end-user searching. The first position will supervise access services including circulation, stack maintenance, reserve and pho­ tocopying. The second position will be the automation coordinator fo r the p u b lic and staff e q u ip m e n t in the b u ild in g . R equires ALA/MLS; strong interpersonal and communication skills; strong subject competence (coursework or experience) relevant to the scope of the Science Libraries. Prefer successful reference, collec­ tion development, and supervisory experience in a special library or a large academic library; strong subject competence in organic chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science or geology; training or experience with online literature searching, especially NLM, STN International and DIALOG; experience with microcom ­ puter hardware and software and their applications to library ser­ vices and operations; demonstrated initiative and good organiza­ tional skills. Salary: $21,000-$26,000. To apply, submit letter of application describing candidate's ability to meet qualifications, three confidential letters of recommendation, copies of undergradu­ ate and graduate transcripts, to: Sandra Gilliland, University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Applications post­ marked by March 31 ,198 9, will receive first consideration. A pplica­ tions will be considered monthly thereafter until the positions are filled or until May 31, 1989. An AA/EOE employer. SERIALS CATALOGER. Full-time, two-year temporary position with possible conversion to tenure track. Responsible for serials cat­ aloging, including periodicals conversion project; some original cat­ aloging of materials in all formats. Salary range $31,680-$43,896 (Senior Assistant Librarian). Minimum of one-year serials experi­ ence. Liberal benefits package. Available August 21,1989. Send let­ ter of application with complete resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of 3 professional references by April 17, 1989, to: The University Librarian, Humboldt State University, Areata, CA 95521; (707) 826-3441. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: Reports to the Acquisitions Librarian and assists in all aspects of coordinating and integrating serials with acquisitions and cataloging. Supervises the Processing Supervisor, two and one-half Acquisitions Department support staff as pertains to their serials duties, and part-time students. Does origi­ nal and copy cataloging of periodical titles using OCLC. Coordinates the review of gift and duplicate exchange lists for periodicals. Super­ vises the updating of the library’s holdings in a cooperative OCLC union list of serials. Supervises the use of Innovacq for serials check in and binding. Responsible for the bibliographic control among the library’s manual and automated files. Responsible for collection de­ velopment in assigned subject area. Requirements: ALA-accredited M LS. Ability to manage the complexities of serials; knowledge of cur­ rent theory and practice of bibliographic control; skills in problem solving; listening, oral and written communication skills; ability to work independently and cooperatively with patrons and colleagues. Experience with online systems highly desirable. Technical services experience is desirable but recent graduates are encouraged to ap­ ply. UOP is an independent coeducational institution with 3,944 un­ dergraduates, 195 graduate students, and 336 faculty. UOP offers more than 50 major programs in most of the traditional areas of the physical and life sciences, the humanities, and the social and behav­ ioral sciences. Programs are also offered by the six professional schools including: Conservatory of Music, Business and Public A d ­ ministration, Education, Engineering, International Studies, and Pharmacy. Three doctoral programs are offered in chemistry, phar­ macy, and education. The library holds 355,829 volumes and re­ ceives 3,120 current subscriptions. Rank, Salary: Appointment at as­ sista n t rank. S alary o f $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 m in im um (d e p e n d in g on qualifications and experience). One-month vacation, TIAA/CREF and generous benefits. Applications will be accepted until position is filled, but those received before April 15 will receive first consider­ ation. Send letter of application, resume and the name, addresses, and phone numbers of three current references to: Jessica A. Mar­ shall, Associate Dean, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211. UOP is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer. S ER IA LS/G EN ER A L C A TA LO G ER, Old Dominion University. One of three departmental professionals, the Serials/General Cata- loger has primary responsibility for the cataloging/classification of serials in all format/materials categories. He/She shares responsibil­ ity for cataloging monographs, selected government publications, music and media materials. The incumbent will also share responsi­ bility for some computer room operations, supervision and training of classified personnel, and general departmental planning and pol­ icy development. The individual selected will be expected to be thor­ oughly familiar with AACR2 and OCLC and aware of the role of bib­ liographic database control in an integrated automated systems environment. Qualifications: ALA-accredited Master's Degree and evidence of continued professional development; knowledge of OCLC and integrated automated systems preferred; flexibility and good interpersonal communications skills essential. Some experi­ ence desirable. Salary: Base $20,000. For full consideration, send letter of application, resume, the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, and photocopies of all academic tran­ scripts by April 1, 1989, to: Linda Farynk, Assistant University Librar­ ian, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529-0256. Old Do­ m inion U n iversity is an a ffirm ative action, equal o p p o rtu n ity institution and requires compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. The special collections li­ brarian is responsible for managing the Special Collections Depart­ ment which includes: Area Research Center for Northeastern Wis­ consin, Belgian American Ethnic Resource Collection, Wisconsin Indian history, a small map and photograph collection, UWGB Mas­ ters theses, and University Archives. Duties include: collection devel­ opment, reference, instruction, conservation, outreach, processing, and supervision of support staff. This position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited school and training in archives management, with a degree in American History or related field preferred. Other requirements include: an understanding of the historical research process, the ability to appraise historical records, skills in basic con­ servation practices, and the ability to work effectively with a diverse clientele consisting of faculty, students and the general public. Effec­ tive written and oral communication are extremely important along with the ability to promote interest in the use of historical records. This is a full-time, 12-month position with 22 days vacation and excellent benefits. Minimum salary is $22,640. Please send letter of applica­ tion, credentials and the names of three references to: Kathy Plet- cher, Chair, Search & Screen Committee, Library, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, 2420 Nicolet Dr., Green Bay, Wl 54311, by April 15, to be considered in the first screening. Position will remain posted until filled. UWGB is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Racial or ethnic minorities, women and disabled persons are encouraged to apply and may identify themselves as such if they wish. LATE JOB LISTINGS ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, Boise State University. Responsibilities: Coordinate administrative functions under direction of University Librarian; supervise public service department heads; participate in collection development and other professional duties; assist in planning, policy development, and budgeting. Qualifications: MLS; demonstrated ability to plan, manage, and supervise; seven years of professional library experience in academic or research libraries; direct provision of professional services and a minimum of five years in increasingly responsible managerial positions; knowledge of automation and networks—strong preference will be given to applicants with experience in directing the implementation of an automated system; oral and written communication skills; ability to foster constructive interpersonal relationships. Salary: $40,000. Tenure track; rank dependent upon professional background. Closing Date for Applications: March 31,1989. Starting Date: July 1, 1989. To Apply: Submit letter of application and detailed resum e with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references in position to assess professional potential on the basis of direct observation of work. Applicants should arrange for library school credentials to be forwarded to: Timothy A. Brown, University Librarian, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725. EEO/AA Employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Performs original and adaptive cataloging according to AACR2, OCLC, and LC standards; creates and maintains records in card and online files; participates in formulating cataloging policies and procedures; assists with training personnel; is responsible for monitoring status of uncataloged library materials and handling requests for priority processing; resolves catalog problems, and coordinates theses cataloging. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; academic library cataloging experience with AACR2 and LC classification desirable; knowledge of OCLC and other automated systems desirable; working knowledge of a Western foreign language, preferably German. Minimum salary $19,728. Send letter of application, resume and three letters of reference to: Personnel Office, Box 1184, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130­ 4899. Position will remain open until filled. Initial review of applications will begin April 3, 1989. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF CIRCULATION, HUMANITIES AND HISTORY DIVISION. Reporting to the Head of Access Services, Humanities and History Division, the Head of Circulation administers and coordinates the overall circulation operations of Butler Library, the Butler Annex, the Burgess-Carpenter Instructional Library, the Periodical Reading Room and the Microform Reading Room, and also oversees evening/weekend operations of the College Library. This position is responsible for 5 supervisors, 25 support staff, and 5 FTE student assistants. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: previous successful management/ supervisory experience; superior interpersonal and communications skills; ability to plan and implement change; and ability to work effectively in a complex academic environment. Familiarity with automated circulation systems (particularly NOTIS), advanced degree in relevant subject area (humanities or history), and working knowledge of modern European language(s) desirable. Salary ranges are: Librarian I, $26,500- $34,450; Librarian II, $28,500-$38,475; Librarian III, $31,500--$45,675. Excellent benefits include tuition exemption for self and family and assistance March 1989 / 251 252 / C irR L N ew s with University housing. Deadline for applications is March 31, 1989. Send resume, listing names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. INFOSOUTH INFORMATION MANAGER. University of Georgia Libraries. INFOSouth, a Southern Forestry Information Service, is funded by U.S. Forest Service grants and self-generated income for the purpose of providing information services to the forestry community in the South. INFOSouth operates in a highly automated environment employing innovative approaches to the delivery of information services. (Salary minimum $19,700 commensurate with experience.) Duties: Responsible to the INFOSouth Coordinator for performing literature searches, providing general reference service, technical development and local interaction with the FS INFO database, preparing and supervising database input, overseeing office automation activities, and acting in a decision-making capacity in the absence of the coordinator. The five person staff serves U.S. Forest Service employees and subscribers in the thirteen southeastern states. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; experience with online searching; working knowledge of basic reference sources; practical experience with applications in a micro- or mini­ computer environment; familiarity with MARC format and AACRII for minimal-level cataloging; interest in the biological or agricultural sciences; ability to work independently with initiative and good judgment; ability to establish and m aintain effective working relationships; effective written and oral communication skills; interest in academic librarianship preferred. Application Procedure: Send letter of application by April 14, 1989, including resume and names of three references to: Florence E. King, Personnel Librarian, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Engineering Library, Cornell University. Provide reference desk service, online searching, interlibrary loan verification, and handle microfiche requests. Edit Engineering Library Newsletter and Engineering Library Handbook. Prepare handouts and library guides. Supervise and operate Document Photocopy Service. Provide orientation tours and bibliographic instruction. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school or equivalent; academic background or equivalent experience in engineering, physical sciences or computer science preferred; two years’ reference experience desirable; familiarity with Macintosh computer software helpful. Salary minimum $20,000. Applications due April 15, 1989, but accepted until position is filled. Send cover letter, resume, and names of three references to: Ann Dyckman, Personnel Director, Cornell University Library, 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853. AA/EO employer. SEVEN POSITIONS, Auburn University Libraries. A ssistant Archivist for Arrangement and Description (New Position): Reports to University Archivist. The University Archives is part of the University Libraries system. Directs arrangement and description of holdings that include archives, manuscripts, still photographs, and sound recordings on the history of Auburn University, Alabama agriculture, the Civil War, and twentieth-century Alabama politics. Supervises graduate assistants and work-study students involved in arrangement and description activities. Qualifications include MA in archival administration, MA in history with course work in archival administration, or ALA MLS with course work in archival administration. Two years’ experience as a full-time, professional archivist may be substituted for coursework i f the candidate has an MA in history or an ALA MLS. Demonstrable knowledge of archival arrangement and description (including the US MARC AMC format) required. Apply to: Dwayne Cox, University Archivist, University Archives, R.B.D. Library, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5607, (205) 826-4465. Technology Cataloger (New Position): Responsible for the cataloging (both original and revision) of monographs in the technology area (LC classifications S, T, U, and V), and the supervision of a support staff position. Humanities Cataloger: Responsible for the cataloging (both original and revision) of monographs in the humanities area (LC classifications A, N, P, and Z), and the supervision of two support staff positions. Information relevant to both positions: Cataloging experience including the use of OCLC, LC classification and subject headings, and AACR2; flexibility; good interpersonal skills. Desirable: NOTIS experience; 2 or more years of cataloging experience in an academic library; supervisory experience; written and verbal communication skills; knowledge of a modern European language; undergraduate science major. Apply to: David M. Smith, Chairperson. Humanities Reference Librarian (New Position): Provides reference services for the Humanities; responsible for collection development in one or more areas of the Humanities; participates in bibliographic instruction activities; prepares reference guides; conducts computer searches in Humanities databases. An academic background in a Humanities discipline is required. Graduate work in a Humanities discipline and reference experience are desirable. Apply to: Judith A. Adams, Chairperson. Microforms and Documents Reference Librarian (New Position): Reports to Head of Microforms and Documents Department. Provides reference and information services for the Libraries’ federal publications and microforms collections, assists in the maintenance and development of the collections, prepares subject bibliographies, participates in the Libraries’ bibliographic instruction and online searching programs, assists in the ongoing project to load GPO MARC records into the NOTIS database and the subsequent reviewing and correcting of these records and other duties as assigned. Reference experience, an academic background in either the social sciences or agriculture, background in bibliographic instruction, experience in either a card or online cataloging environment. Apply to: T. Harmon Straiton, Jr., Chairperson. Interlibrary Loans Librarian (New Position): Responsible for the interlibrary loan department, including recommending policies and procedures, supervision of the ILL staff, online bibliographic searching, OCLC searching, coordination of services for faculty and students, coordination of services w ith NAAL and serving as assistant to the head of circulation services when necessary. Some successful supervisory experience, online bibliographic searching, OCLC searching and experience with NOTIS or an automated library system are highly desirable. This position will require that the candidate enjoy working with the library patrons and be service-oriented. Apply to: Sherida Downer, Chairperson. Serials Cataloger (Search Reopened): Responsibilities include original and copy cataloging oF serials, series and volumes of monographic series using AACR2, LC classification/subject heads, OCLC and NOTIS, supervision of one paraprofessional. Apply to: Thomas R. Sanders, Chairperson. Information Relevant to All Positions (unless noted otherwise): ALA-accredited MLS and strong academic and communication skills required. A commitment to scholarly and professional achievement with evidence of research and professional activity desirable. Salary: $22,000- $25,000 or higher, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Benefits include 12-month appointment; faculty status but not professional titles; eligibility for tenure; participation in state teachers’ retirement (mandatory), TIAA/CREF (optional); health and life insurance, disability benefits; sick leave; 20 working days vacation. The application review process will begin March 15, 1989. Starting date negotiable. Send letters of application, resume, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and 3 confidential letters of reference specific to the position to the chairperson of the search committee for desired position to: Ralph B. Draughon Library, A u b u rn U n iv e r s ity , Auburn, AL March 1989 / 253 36849-5606. Auburn University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. SYSTEMS AND AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona Library is seeking applicants to fill this position reporting to the University Librarian for continuing development of an integrated online system, and general support responsibility for existing automation, including OCLC, a GEAC circulation system, an INNOVACQ Serials and Acquisitions system, and an INNOPAC online catalog in the Science/Engineering Library. The Library is on the brink of acquiring funding for significant new steps toward a fully integrated system. Staffing and other resource growth will be included in the funding package. Successful supervisory experience is essential. Applicants with an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school will be preferred. Substantial experience in a large academic library is required, and preference will be given to persons with degrees and/or experience directly related to library automation. The person in this position m ust have excellent communication skills. Salary competitive, minimum $35,000. Librarians at the University of Arizona have status as Academic Professionals, a division of the faculty, with privileges equivalent to the teaching faculty, and eligibility for continuing status. They may take up to 24 days professional leave per year. They have 22 days paid vacation, 12 days sick leave and 10 holidays. Several health care and retirement plans are available. Send a resume, including the names of three references, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, A349 Main Library, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. Applications m ust be postmarked no later than April 30, 1989, to be considered. The University of Arizona is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer with an Affirmative Action plan. Women, minorities and other protected classes are urged to apply. TWO POSITIONS. The North Carolina University Libraries invites applications and nominations for the positions of: 1) Librarian for Professional Development & Education, and 2) Assistant Head of the Reference Department. Librarian for Professional Development & Education. Responsibilities: Under the direction of the A ssistant Director for Administration, provides leadership for and management of the Libraries’ personnel program. Manages the recruitment, appointment, and evaluation process for over 225 FTE staff. Develops and manages a comprehensive plan for the professional development and continuing education of the Libraries’ staff. As a department head, serves as a member for the Libraries’ middle management group. Participates in the Libraries’ planning activities and is expected to be active professionally. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Significant training, experience, and/or education in personnel/human resource management. Relevant professional experience in an academic library. Knowledge of and experience with library personnel programs. Demonstrated interpersonal skills, including excellent oral and written communication skills. Mediational skills. Strong commitment to affirmative action and equal opportunity principles. Preferred: Knowledge of microcomputer applications. A ssistant Head of the Reference Department. Responsibilities: Reports to and shares with Head of Reference responsibility for planning, managing, and providing creative leadership in a department oriented towards innovative service programs. Manages a major service program, as either Coordinator of Instruction or Coordinator of Reference Desk Services, including supervision of staff. Takes part in developing the reference collection, providing reference service/library instruction, and performing database searches in specific subject areas. Participates in the Libraries’ planning activities and is expected to be active professionally. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library school. Substantial experience and proven ability to provide excellent reference services in a research library. Demonstrated interpersonal skills, including excellent oral and written communication skills. Experience 254 / C irR L N ew s March 1989 / 255 with emerging information technologies and their application to library services. Strong commitment to responsive and innovative services. Preferred: Background in the sciences and/or science reference experience. The University: North Carolina State University is located in Raleigh within the Research Triangle. This region of North Carolina contains one of the nation’s premier concentrations of academic, corporate, and public research. The area offers outstanding opportunities for professional growth and an exceptional quality of life. Salary and Benefits: 1) Librarian for Professional Development & Education, minimum $35,000; 2) Assistant Head of Reference, minimum $26,000. Librarians at NCSU have academic status without tenure or faculty rank. Benefits include: 24 days vacation; health, dental, life, legal, and disability insurance; state retirement. Tuition waiver program for all 16 campuses of the University of North Carolina available. Application Process: The Librarian for Professional Development & Education position is available July 1, 1989; the Assistant Head of the Reference Department is available immediately. The review of applications for both positions will continue until the positions are filled. Interested candidates should send a resume and the names and addresses of three current, confidential references to: 1) Chair, Professional Development Librarian Search Committee or 2) Chair, Reference Search Committee, Office of Personnel Services, Box 7111, N o r th C arolin a S ta te U n iv e r s ity Libraries, Raleigh, NC 27695-7111. North Carolina State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Washington H otline, cont’d) measure should im pose no significant costs on the federal government, and should reduce fu- uture preservation costs. Sen. Pell appended to his statement the resolution o f support by ALA (CD #37, 1988-89, adopted January 11) as well as a letter o f support from the Association of Research Libraries. A ction needed. Additional cosponsors are needed to move the legislation through the process this year. Especially important are members of the Governmental Affairs Committee, to which S.J.Res. 57 will be referred. Urge your Senators to sign on as cosponsors o f S.J.Res. 57. Thank those w ho have already done so. B udget. The final Reagan Administration budget for federal library programs, since endorsed by President Bush, requests funds equal to current year funding of $137.2 million for the Library Services and Construction Act and the Higher Education Act title II. However, the fiscal year 1990 request is predicated on passage o f legislation to be proposed later which would repeal the existing LSCA and HEA II. Such legislation was submitted to Congress last spring as the proposed Library Improvement Act with total funding o f $76 million. Congress took no action on the proposal, which now apparently will be resubm itted with a higher author­ ization level. M eanwhile, congressional appropriations committees must base funding actions on the existing LSCA and HEA II, and authorizing committees must act to extend LSCA this year. A reauthorization hearing focusing on the accomplishments of LSCA is expected to be held on April 11, which is also Library Legislative Day in W ashington, D.C. See us at Booth 601 in Cincinnati Systems Without Standards Miss the MARC M o s t l i b r a r y a u t o m a t i o n v e n d o r s W O U L D LIKE YOU T O B ELIEV E TH A T TH EY N O W S U P P O R T T H E M A RC STAN DARD. DHERENCE TO MARC, and to all library- U N FO R TU N A TELY , SO M E O F T H E M . r U o U b u n i v e r s i t i e s U K e lU llb . eOO-325-OB8B Uniled Scales 800-351)515 Canada 314*432-1100 Missouri A The Approval Plan with No Surprises. Old-fashioned approval plans are they are spending. designed for the book budgets of the Our approval plans feature pre­ 1960s. Too often they surprise you publication title notification, person­ with unpredictable performance, ally selected (not computer-selected) high returns, and unforeseen cost books, a carefully defined list of pub­ fluctuations. lishers, and m anagem ent reports In contrast, we put librarians that really help you control future firmly back in control of the books approval activity. they are receiving and the money Call or write us fo r more information Academic Book Center 5600 NE Hassalo Street P ortland, OR 97213 1-800-547-7704 503-287-6657 Scholarly Book Center 451 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10013 1-800-223-4442 212-226-0707 SURPRISE! NEW REFERENCE TOOLS FOR LIBRARIES FROM OMNIGRAPHICS, Inc. P en obscot B u ild in g _____________ D etroit, MI 48226______________ (313) 961-1340 A timely new video series... 6. Columbus’s Other Voyages. The Great Explorers Lands and cultures he encountered. His fall from power, final years, and a summary Right in tim e for the 500th anniversary in of his lasting contributions. In prep. 1992, O m n ig rap h ics p re se n ts six video program s, 25 m inutes each, featuring on­ New quarterly journal... site filming and interviews with the w orld’s le a d in g C o lu m b u s a u th o ritie s in Italy, Jobs Today: Spain, the Caribbean, and the U.S. $85 per Current Developments Concerning Em ploy­tape, VHS or Beta. Standing order for all ment, Particularly o f the Young the Elderly, six, $450 (save $60). , W o m en a n d th e D isabled. T h is new 1. Columbus: The Man and the Myth. quarterly journal focuses on groups which are often the last hired and first fired. Issue T h e o rig in s, th e p e rs o n a litie s and th e N o .l, subtitled Youth, has five sections: power, with the facts separated from the fic­ P ro b le m s...T ra in in g ...O p p o rtu n itie s...In ­ tions. In prep. novative Ideas...Entry-Level Jobs...Advice (p re p a rin g for interview s, using library 2. Preparations for the 1492 Voyage. resources, etc.). Future issues will focus on The ships, the crews, the m eans of naviga­ the elderly, women, and the disabled. Edited tion, the first landings in the New W orld. In by Annie M. Brewer. Quarterly (March, prep. June, September, December) 1989. ISSN 1040-9300. Annual subscription $48. Single 3. Search for La Navidad. issue $15. Free sample on request. Long a mystery, the location of Colum bus’s ill-fated first settlem ent is actively inves­ New book—just published tigated by scientists, technicians and ex­ perts in docum entary research. Now ready. Phonames Directory This is the first ever practical "how-to" guide 4. The New World Columbus Found. to help business firms and institutions coin Historians, linguists, and m odern explorers p r o m o tio n a l p h o n e n u m b e rs such as recreate the pre-C olum bian Indians of the B U T C H E R , F L O R I S T , L A W Y E R S , C aribbean, th eir cultures, conflicts, lan­ LIBRA RY , D O C T O R S —or the winning guages, and the colonies Columbus estab­ com bination that enables A M TR A C K to lished in their midst. In prep. a d v e rtise n a tio n w id e: call 1-800-U SA - R A IL . 672 p a g e s . I n s tr u c tio n s . O v e r 5. God and Gold. 330,000 N um bers with Corresponding L et­ The business of discovery and the relentless te r C om binations and alphabetically ar­ missionary zeal of Columbus and those who r a n g e d L e t t e r C o m b i n a t i o n s w i t h followed him. In prep. Corresponding N um bers. $350. In print. ALL BO OK S AND VIDEOS AVAILABLE ON 60-DAY APPROVAL O rder by m ail, p h o n e or Fax (313-961-1383) Structure Bookmarks March 1989 / 237 brary community; discuss the implication of the National Commission on Libraries and Informa­tion Science’s posture as related to federal li­braries; and identify resources, publications, and specialized services provided by federal li­braries. Participants will be addressed by 25 di­rectors of federal information programs and sev­eral membership association representatives. Contact: The School of Library and Information Science, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064; (202) 635-5085. ■ ■ Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.25 per line for ACRL members, $6.60 for others. Late job notices are $12.60 per line for members, $14.70 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their m Annual ALA Peace AwardALA’s Social Responsibilities Round Table, its Peace Information Exchange Task Force, and Social Issues Resources Series, Inc., have established an annual peace award. The award will be given to a library, which in the course of its educational and social mission, or to a librar­ian, who in the course of professional activities, has contributed significantly to the advance­ment of knowledge related to issues of interna­tional peace and security.The contribution may be in the form of, b erence, government publications, online database searching, interli­brary loan, educational resource center, media production, circula­tion, maps, periodicals, and bibliographic instruction. Positions in the technical services include acquisitions, cataloging, and library research. Successful candidates must show evidence of demonstra­ble working experience in one of the areas listed. A full assistantship averages 20 hours of work and pays $160 per week for 34 weeks of the academic year. Additionally, gradu 238 / CirRL News management using microcomputers. Library faculty expected to meet service and research requirements for promotion and tenure. Minimum salary $28,000.12-month tenure-track appointment. Ben­efits include 20 days annual leave, state or TIAA/CREF retirement options, paid life insurance, BC/BS. Send letter of application with complete resume and names, addresses, phone numbers of 3 pro­fessional references to: Dennis E. Robison, University Librarian, Car­rier Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 2 knowledge of Japanese or Chinese (Chinese preferred). Demon­strated ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and ability to work effectively with faculty, students and staff are also required. Appointment will be made at Librarian I or II level, depend­ing upon qualifications; appointment at the rank of Librarian II re­quires at least three years of successful professional experience in an academic or research library or substantial equivalent experi­ence. Other desired qualifications March 1989 / 239 tion skills, and be able to work with diverse groups in an ever chang­ing automated environment. Salary and rank commensurate with qualifications. Applications must be received no later than March 17, 1989. Apply in writing, including a resume and three letters of refer­ence, to: Secretary, Search Committee, 271 Hillman Library, Uni­versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. The University of Pitts­burgh is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Minorities are actively sought.CATALOGER. The He Chief of Catalog DepartmentThe Stanford University Libraries seek an experienced, energetic and flexible manager, comfortable with and effective in a dynamic technical services environment to head the Catalog Department. As the Libraries move to implement an integrated on­line processing system, the Chief of the Catalog Department will play a key role in shaping and coordinating the process of transition.We invite applications from individu­als who can demonstrate: significant experience in providing biblio 240 / CirRL News nati is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity em­ployer.COLLEGE ARCHIVIST/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN.Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Seeks a creative, ener­getic archivist/librarian to assume responsibility for its Archives and Special Collections Department housing historic and contemporary records from all divisions of the College plus rare books, photo­graphs, and over 400 manuscript collections. This position involves continuing collection development and preservation, work w and bibliographic instruction; acts as liaison with School of Fine Arts, specifically the Departments of Art History, Studio Art, Dance, Drama and Music. As a bibliographer, shares responsibility for de­velopment and management of all library collections, especially to support the School of Fine Arts. Requires ALA-accredited MLS de­gree, degree in Fine Arts or commensurate experience, commit­ment to public service, excellent communication skills, basic com­puter literacy. Desired: Post-baccalaureate degree March 1989 / 241 GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/TECHNICAL SERVICES LI­BRARIAN. Responsible for developing and maintaining a collection of federal, state, and local documents. The position involves both technical and public services duties including library instruction, fac­ulty liaison, general reference desk work, and cataloging. Qualifica­tions: an ALA-accredited MLS, good interpersonal skills are re­quired. Strong interest and background in government documents; the ability to catalog using SuDocs, LC classification and subject he experience, effective oral and written communications. Preferred: Knowledge of and experience with development of an online catalog and online authority control. Salary: $22,000 minimum for a 12- month appointment. Librarians at KSU have academic rank and are eligible for tenure, sabbatical leave, and research support. Vacation of 22 working days. Choice of retirement and medical plans. Kansas State University is a land-grant institution with an enrollment of over 19,000 students and a materials budget of o lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBinghamtonASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES state UN,vers,TY of new york Associate Ubrarian or Librarian RankThe State University of New York at Binghamton is one of the four comprehensive doctoral-granting Uni­versity Centers of the 64 campus system.The SUNY-Binghamton Library system is composed of the Glenn G. Bartle Library, serving the humani­ties and social sciences a 242 / C&RL News nance Department (6 support staff plus 2 FTE student assistants) has responsibility for withdrawals, shelflisting and central shelflist mainte­nance, error analysis and correction, bibliographic headings mainte­nance, and maintenance of physical catalogs. With the transition to a NOTIS-based catalog, it is anticipated that the department will as­sume additional responsibilities for the quality and control of on-line authority files, as well as for such post-cataloging activities as trans­fers and reclassifi liaison (including collection development), coordination with other administrators of related information services; strategic planning; ref­erence desk service. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; five years’ experience at the professional level in academic or research libraries; three years’ experience in the provision of reference ser­vices; successful experience as a supervisor of librarians; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; skill in the use of new tech­nologies in the provision of refe March 1989 / 243 sciences or humanities. Salary: $38,000 minimum (negotiable, de­pendent on qualifications and experience). To apply: Send letter of application and resume which together address all of the qualifica­tions listed above, and the names, addresses and telephone num­bers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean of University Libraries, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006, (Phone 602-965-3417). Recruitment will re­main open until the position is filled, but review o nal cataloging department under the direction of the head, process­ing division. Department is responsible for all description cataloging, LC classification, and LC subject headings as needed for OCLC member-input records. Participates in weekly planning meetings. Department consists of 4 entry-level professional librarians, 2 experi­enced catalogers, and 4.5 classified staff. Qualifications: ALA-MLS. Minimum 4 years progressively responsible professional (post-MLS) cataloging experience, preferably in an o HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT LIBRARIANUniversity of California-BerkeleyServing the Library at Berkeley plus 19 of the 23 library branches on campus, the Catalog Department is responsible for all original cataloging of monographs, media, and machine-readable datafiles in all lan­guages except Chinese, Japanese and Korean. In addition, the Department coordinates cataloging and authority control policy throughout the Library, including the Bibliographic Services Department, the Seri­als Cataloging Division, four b 244 / CirRL News Curator of Judaica and Hebralca collectionsThe Stanford University Libraries seek applications from qualified professionals with strong backgrounds in Jewish Studies to become the first Reinhard Family Curator of Judaica and Hebraica Collections at Stanford. Principal responsibilities of the Curator are to develop and manage the Libraries’ growing collections in support of Stanford’s recently created Jewish Studies Program. The Curator is also expected to develop programs of specialized reference and instru ence is responsible for general reference service; interlibrary lend­ing; bibliographic instruction; computerized information service (database searching and CD-ROMs); and, selection and manage­ment of the reference collection. The Head of Reference reports to the Associate Dean for Administration and serves on the Library’s Administrative Council. Qualifications required: MLS from an ALA- accredited institution; substantial reference and/or other public ser­vice experience in an academic library, including computer-based information service, user education and document delivery; management of the work of the department, directing the activities of 5 science reference librarians, participating in space and facilities planning; developing long-range planning for the Science and Engineering Library. Reporting to the Director of the Institute of Technology Libraries, the Reference Head serves as a member of the management team, which involves discussion of major program and administrative policy issues. Qualifica HEAD, INFORMATION ACQUISITION DEPARTMENTCase Western Reserve UniversityUnder the general direction of the Assistant Director for Technical Services, is responsible for planning and supervising the acquisition of monographs and serials in all formats for University Libraries. There are two units, the Information Accounting Unit and the Information Resources Unit. The Head manages the department, supervising its personnel and activities; establishes new policies as required; coordinates the quality standards March 1989 / 245 246 / C&RL News TWO POSITIONSColumbia University Libraries Social Science DivisionThe Columbia University Libraries are seeking two talented professionals to join the staff of the Social Science Division. The Division consists of the Business, Lehman, Journalism and Social Work Libraries, and the Documents Service Center. These department libraries work together in coordinating, planning and evaluating traditional information/instructional services, access services, collection management, and the introduction of new non-tr March 1989 / 247 identify application with UL 177. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer and invites and encourages applica­tions from women and minorities. Note: The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires all new employees to submit verification of identity and authorization to work in the United States at time of hire.HEAD, SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY, University of California, Santa Barbara. Plans, organizes and manages public ser­vice activities within department; supervises and salary $23,000). Send letter of application, completed resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Robert M. Brooks, Li­brary Director, Guggenheim Memorial Library, Monmouth Col­lege, Cedar Avenue, West Long Branch, NJ 07764. An Equal Op­portunity Employer.LIBRARIAN. We need a “Compleat Librarian" to do some combi­nation of reference, instruction, collection development, database searching, etc.; business or science experience is a plus. We have been successful in developing positions from our p 248 / CirRL News writing skills with aptitude for bibliographic detail; excellent commun­ication and interpersonal skills; ability to work independently and well with other staff members and the general public; commitment to public service necessary. A broad general understanding of history and politics and an expertise for recognizing significant historical items are needed. Supervisory skills required. Duties: Organization and arrangement of manuscript collections; preparation of descrip­tive inventories, collection catal tinue to do so until the position is filled. Application Procedure: Send application and resume, including names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three (preferably work) references to Frances N. Coleman, Chair Search Committee, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution.MEDIA LIBRARIAN. Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina, afour-year liberal arts college with 1,100 studen UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANSearch Extended California State University, Los AngelesApplications and nominations are invited for the position of University Librarian with a starting date of July 1, 1989. The University Librarian reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Candi­dates must have a terminal degree and qualify for tenure in the Library. Significant administrative experi­ence, demonstrated scholarly activity, and demonstrated commitment to affirmative action also are re­quired. Annua March 1989 / 249 MICROCOMPUTER SPECIALIST/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN.The University of Nevada-Reno Library seeks an energetic librarian with a strong interest and aptitude in microcomputers to provide guidance, training, and support of microcomputer applications in the public service areas of the library. The position functions as a member of the Reference Department and participates in its varied activities, such as online searching and instruction. ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of and keen interest in microcomputer applications tion Development. Responsible for coordinating the collection devel­opment process and special projects on a day-to-day basis; planning and overseeing implementation of collection development policies and procedures; training new collection development staff; establishing work assignments in consultation with the Head of Ref­erence; evaluating performance of collection development activities of 20 Reference Librarian/Bibliographers; facilitating a smooth work­ing relationship with other units in the Librari 250 / CirRL News references to: Eugene Wiemers, Jr., Head, Social Sciences and Hu­manities Library, Main Library, Michigan State University, East Lansing, M148824-1048. Applications received by March 15,1989, will receive priority consideration. Position will remain open until filled. MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. Two reference positions, Assistant Li­brarian rank. The SUNY-Binghamton Libraries seek two librarians to participate in reference services, including desk duty, Librarian and assists in all aspects of coordinating and integrating serials with acquisitions and cataloging. Supervises the Processing Supervisor, two and one-half Acquisitions Department support staff as pertains to their serials duties, and part-time students. Does origi­nal and copy cataloging of periodical titles using OCLC. Coordinates the review of gift and duplicate exchange lists for periodicals. Super­vises the updating of the library’s holdings in a cooperative OCLC union list of serials. Superv Wisconsin-Green Bay, 2420 Nicolet Dr., Green Bay, Wl 54311, by April 15, to be considered in the first screening. Position will remain posted until filled. UWGB is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Racial or ethnic minorities, women and disabled persons are encouraged to apply and may identify themselves as such if they wish. LATE JOB LISTINGSASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, Boise State University. Responsibilities: Coordinate administrative functions under direction of University Librarian; supervise public service department heads; participate in collection development and other professional duties; assist in planning, policy development, and budgeting. Qualifications: MLS; demonstrated ability to plan, manage, and supervise; seven years of professional library experience in academic or research libraries; direct provision of p March 1989 / 251 252 / CirRL News with University housing. Deadline for applications is March 31, 1989. Send resume, listing names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.INFOSOUTH INFORMATION MANAGER. University of Georgia Libraries. INFOSouth, a Southern Forestry Information Service, is funded by U.S. Forest Service grants and self-generated inc archival arrangement and description (including the US MARC AMC format) required. Apply to: Dwayne Cox, University Archivist, University Archives, R.B.D. Library, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5607, (205) 826-4465. Technology Cataloger (New Position): Responsible for the cataloging (both original and revision) of monographs in the technology area (LC classifications S, T, U, and V), and the supervision of a support staff position. Humanities Cataloger: Responsible for the cataloging (both original and March 1989 / 253 36849-5606. Auburn University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.SYSTEMS AND AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona Library is seeking applicants to fill this position reporting to the University Librarian for continuing development of an integrated online system, and general support responsibility for existing automation, including OCLC, a GEAC circulation system, an INNOVACQ Serials and Acquisitions system, and an INNOPAC online catalog in the Science/E 254 / CirRL News March 1989 / 255 **************************************************************************** (Washington Hotline, cont’d)measure should impose no significant costs on the federal government, and should reduce fu- uture preservation costs. Sen. Pell appended to his statement the resolution of support by ALA (CD #37, 1988-89, adopted January 11) as well as a letter of support from the Association of Research Libraries.Action needed. Additional cosponsors are needed to move the legislation through the process this year. Espec See us at Booth 601 in CincinnatiSystems Without Standards Miss the MARCMost library automation vendorsWOULD LIKE YOU TO BELIEVE THAT THEY NOW SUPPORT THE MARC STANDARD. DHERENCE TO MARC, and to all library- UNFORTUNATELY, SOME OF THEM .