ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 161 University; James Humphry, H. W. Wilson Co., Bronx, N.Y. We are planning an all-day meeting of these task forces and the Executive Committee in Dallas on Sunday, June 20, at which we hope to produce final recommendations which will be presented to the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors and then for discussion by ACRL membership. 2. Internship Committee. The Board of Di­ rectors approved, upon the recommendation of the Planning Committee, the establishment of a committee to develop a program for providing further training and assistance in the develop­ ment of professional skills for black librarians and librarians from other minority groups. The Committee consists of Mrs. Virginia Lacy Jones, Katharine Stokes, David Weber, Mrs. Annette Phinazee, and Mrs. Phyllis Cartwright. 3. Legislation. As many of you know, the Higher Education Act of 1965 runs out at the end of June. In addition, the availability of funds has been curtailed and the guidelines for their distribution redefined. The ALA Wash­ ington Office has been concerned with recom­ mendations to congressmen regarding the ex­ tension of the Act, the increase in appropria­ tions, and the guidelines for allocation of funds. To assist the Washington Office in its work, it has been given a list of college librar­ ians who could, when called on for quick ac­ tion, contact their own representatives and senators. Each ACRL librarian should also as­ sume individual responsibility for similar ac­ tion. 4. Dallas. The ACRL formal program time is being reserved for reports on various ACRL activities, with specific discussion directed to the work of the Academic Status Committee and discussion of federation proposals.—Anne C. Edmonds, President, ACRL. ■ ■ ACRL Board of Directors M ID W IN TER M EETIN G LOS ANGELES, 1971 Brief of Minutes Monday, January 18, 1971—8:30 p.m. Present: President, Anne C. Edmonds; Vice- President and President-Elect, Joseph H. Rea­ son; Past President, Philip J. McNiff; Direc­ tors-at-Large, Mark M. Gormley, Norman E. Tanis, David C. Weber; Directors on ALA Council, Page Ackerman, Andrew J. Eaton, Warren J. Haas, James F. Holly, Robert K. Johnson, Sarah D. Jones, James O. Wallace; Chairmen of Sections, Carl H. Sachtleben, Mrs. Joleen Bock, Julius P. Barclay, Eleanor Buist, David W. Heron; Chairmen and Chair­ men-Elect of Sections, Carl R. Cox, Hal C. Stone, Lee Ash, Wolfgang M. Freitag; Execu­ tive Secretary, J. Donald Thomas; Professional Assistant, Jordan M. Scepanski; Administrative Assistant, Elaine Swanson. Absent: Robert H. Blackburn, Herbert A. Cahoon, Ralph H. Hopp, Andrew Horn. Visitors: Warren Boes, Brendan Connolly, D. Davisson, Stuart Forth, Beverly Johnson, Arthur Plotnik, Eldred Smith, W. B. Walker. President Anne C. Edmonds presided. The meeting was called to order, and the minutes of the Detroit meetings were approved as published. Miss Edmonds then asked Mr. Thomas to report on the mail votes of the ACRL Board of Directors during the fall. Mr. Thomas noted some concern about mail bal­ lots and asked for opinions on this procedure. Mr. Holly supported the procedure as a means of expediting Board business and thus reduc­ ing time requirements at regular meetings. Mr. Weber asked who approved mail ballots. Mr. Thomas answered that the first set of ballots was sent upon the decision of the executive committee, while the second was sent out at the request of the Committee on Academic Status. Mr. Weber expressed the opinion that the officers should always determine what should be brought to a mail vote. He further stated there should be a requirement for a statement by an individual in opposition to a particular resolution. Statistical studies would seem to indicate that resolutions sent without such opposition statements are always sup­ ported he said, citing as examples the nearly unanimous approval of the various resolutions. Mr. Weber then moved that a majority of the Executive Committee concur in submitting a mail ballot to the Board, and, when possible, a member of the association be found to pro­ vide a written statement of opposition. Mr. Tanis SE C O N D E D . Mr. Eaton then asked if, instead of merely an opposing viewpoint, a statement of the problem with advantages and disadvantages of the resolution set forth might not be better. Mr. Weber replied that he assumed a committee wishing to submit an issue to a mail ballot would want to support it; that what would be lacking is a contrasting view. Mr. Tanis did not believe the officers would necessarily be in fa­ vor of an issue submitted for a mail vote. He 162 Announcing a joint venture with unique advantages for librarians: The NewYorkTunes and Congressional Information Service. 163 hT he only service o f its kind Congressional Inform ation Service offers a u nique and vital library service-one that has been extraordinarily well received in a short tim e by librarians. Since January 1970, w hen CIS published th e fitst m onthly C IS/Index, nearly one thousand libraries have subscribed. T he story behind this acceptance is an exciting one. Legislation and policies in o u r nation are usually shaped behind the scenes- i n the offices and hearing room s o f almost 300 congressional committees and subcommittees. T h e legislative acts o f Congress are b u t the tip o f an enorm ous iceberg; hidden beneath them lie m o n th s o f intensive fact gathering and analysis. N o w , thanks to CIS, this w’ealth o f inform ation is readily accessible to you for the first time. 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Hailed by critics C hoice says: "Researchers and librarians… will be astonished by this current bibliographic tour de force.” Bill K atz evaluated CIS for the readers o f Library Journal this way: "This one's a winner.I t ’s a fine new reference tool that opens u p the contents o f the 450,000-ρlus pages o f o t s s C A t a J c l p s t i o o w t Y m A r T D l earings, reports, com m ittee prints and th er docum ents produced yearly by he U.S. Congress. T his easy-to-use ervice will be welcomed by librarians, tudents and the public alike.” Jo e Morehead sum m ed u p the IS /In d ex in R Q , published by the LA’s Reference Service Division, in hese words: "C IS /In d ex is quite simply masterful, major break-through in the congressional mazeway and offers to librarians, students, scholars and the laity an access to inform ation hitherto difficult o r arduous to attain.” A nd Richard Sloane had the following to say in Law Library ournal: "C IS /In d ex is professional, omprehensive, accurate, easy to use, egible and fast. Congressional research roblems that used to take hours to o lv e -it handles in seconds. I vote it he years most useful and most maginative new' library tool” N ow represented by the N ew Y ork Times Since m uch o f the "real w ork” f Congress is not reported in the press r covered anywhere else, any library ith a stake in current affairs will find h e C IS/Index indispensable. T he N ew ork Times is p roud to play a role in aking it m ore widely available to the merican public. Effeσive immediately, epresentatives o f T h e New' York im es Library and Inform ation Services ivision will bring to American ibraries the services that CIS provides. N ow ready— T he 1970 C IS/Annual T h e first C IS /Annual is now ready. It is a "one-stop” reference tool that provides a complete record o f the year o n Capitol Hill. C um ulating all the inform ation published by the m onthly C IS/Index during 1970, it unlocks material n o t available anywhere else. For example, your library users will find m ore than 40,000 pages o f reports, testimony and studies o n environmental pollution and control alone, abstracted and indexed in the 1970 Annual. In addition, the C IS /Annual contains a special section which offers the m ost complete coverage o f legislative history ever published for an entire Congress, go in g well beyond th e research materials available until now. Furtherm ore, all 695 Public Laws enacted by the 91st Congress are indexed, n o t only by m ajor subject, b u t analytically. Take advantage o f this special saving To m ark this first joint venture between CIS and T h e N ew Y ork Times we are happy to offer th e 1970 C IS /A nnual at a 2 5 # pre-publication saving. Place your order before Ju ly 15, 1971, and we will bill you only S i 20. After July 15, th e regular price o f $160 will apply. Use this 1450-page, two-volum e set in y our library for 30 days. I f you are n o t satisfied w ith the exceptional job it does, return it to us. T here will be no cost o r obligation. 164 stated that both the pros and the cons of the given issue should be included with the bal­ lots. Mr. Freitag asked what would happen if it were not possible to find an opposing view­ point. Mr. Weber then amended his motion to make it incumbent upon the executive sec­ retary to try to find two individuals willing to present contrasting opinions on each issue. The amendment was seconded and carried. The motion passed without dissent. Mr. Reason reported on the Sunday after­ noon meeting of the ALA Committee on Pro­ gram Evaluation and Support. At that meet­ ing the comptroller, Mr. Gaertner, reviewed income and expenditures. Although member­ ship in ALA decreased in 1970 due to an in­ crease in dues, income was up over last year. However, the Publishing Department is experi­ encing difficulty and is not optimistic about im­ proving its situation because of the continued tightening of library budgets. Mr. Reason noted that the Publishing Board questions whether ALA can continue to support all of the unit journals and newsletters. He pointed out that this may create difficulties for College & Re­ search Libraries and the News edition. He then made a detailed presentation of the budg­ et which would be submitted by ACRL for fiscal year 1971-72. A major item will be the request for funding of a position for an Asso­ ciate Executive Secretary, whose primary re­ sponsibilities will be in the area of academic status. Other items on the proposed budget were reviewed and compared with requests made last year. The Executive Committee seeks an increase in their budget to enable it to meet more frequently. The Standards and Ac­ creditation Committee also requested addition­ al funding. Mr. Tanis said the committee hopes to establish more effective relationships with accrediting agencies. He added that the com­ mittee wishes to achieve support for ACRL Standards. Mr. Thomas then explained the budget item concerning representation to the Committee on Scientific and Technical Infor­ mation. After clarification of the other funding requests, the Board was asked to assign prior­ ities to the various items. Mr. McNiff, reporting for the Advisory Com­ mittee for the Publication of a Book catalog for Core Collections, stated that Richard W. Tet­ reau had been hired as editor. Mr. McNiff gave a short review of Mr. Tetreau’s back­ ground and said the new editor had been given guidelines to aid him in getting the proj­ ect underway. Mr. Forth, chairman of the Committee on Academic Status, spoke about areas the com­ mittee considers to be of major concern to ACRL members. He emphasized the impor­ tance of additional staffing for academic status matters. The committee has been under con­ siderable pressure to produce standards which will be approved by membership and the ALA Council, he said. A meeting of the committee was held in November to review reactions to the published draft of “Standards for Faculty Status for College and University Librarians.” All of the suggestions were discussed, and mod­ ifications were made in the published version. He went on to say that ACRL has talked about status for academic librarians for many years, and now it was imperative that the or­ ganization become active in this area. He men­ tioned the many difficulties librarians are ex­ periencing in either obtaining or retaining their status as faculty members. The committee has been unable to provide any substantive sup­ port to those who have appealed for assistance. Mr. Forth then reviewed some of the changes made in the published standards, particularly mentioning educational requirements and the area of professional responsibility and self-de­ termination. He stated that several professional and accrediting associations have been ap­ proached concerning the issue of faculty status for librarians, and there has been a reasonably good response from them. ( See EXHIBIT I for “Standards for Faculty Status for College and University Librarians” as presented to the Board.) Replying to the question of how the stan­ dards will be enforced, Mr. Forth said that they must first be adopted by membership. The next step would be the establishment of investigative procedures and sanctions. Imple­ mentation of the standards depends to a large extent upon the approval of the budget re­ quest for additional staffing. Expressing con­ cern that other units of ALA were charged with investigating cases involving intellectual freedom and tenure, Mr. Forth said he be­ lieved all matters relating to academic librar­ ians should be under the jurisdiction of ACRL. He submitted the following resolution for the Board’s consideration: Resolved: that ACRL be officially rec­ ognized as the body within ALA which H A S T H E A U T H O R IT Y T O E S T A B L IS H A N D E N ­ FO R C E A L L ST A N D A R D S W H IC H A F F E C T A C A ­ D E M IC L IB R A R IE S . At this point Mr. Forth added that he per­ sonally hoped reorganization of ALA will re­ sult in a federation of library associations. He sees this as necessary if the key problems fac­ ing academic libraries are to be solved. He further stated that his committee requested permission to speak as a representative of the Board on matters relating to academic status. Pointing out the necessity of acting in crisis situations where time is of the essence, Mr. Forth said such permission would be of great help in answering the pleas of librarians in difficulty. 165 Mr. Sachtleben expressed interest in the letters received after the initial publication of the standards. Mr. Forth said these ranged from all-inclusive letters of support to thought­ ful, point-by-point consideration of each item. Replies were received from individuals and groups of librarians. He said there were a num­ ber of objections to certain statements made in the standards, but that this was to be expect­ ed. Only standards so bland as to be worthless would be completely acceptable to everyone. He did not believe the committee would be willing to make any extensive revisions of the document. In a discussion concerning approval of the standards, Mr. Weber stated he was under the impression that ACRL could speak for ALA in areas of its specific responsibility. Mr. Thomas replied that the areas were ambiguous. He re­ called that at the Atlantic City meeting Coun­ cil sent the entire matter of academic status back to ACRL and expressed the hope that a statement they could approve would be brought before them. Mr. Forth reiterated the need for action and urged the Board to give its approval of the standards and of the budget request which would implement them. He pointed out that it had already endorsed the standards in prin­ ciple at Detroit. Mr. Holly moved that the Board of Directors approve the report of the committee and recommend it for endorsement by the membership. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Bock. Mr. Weber commended the committee for its work, said most of the items set forth in the standards were needed, and strongly supported the association in taking a position like this. He then proceeded into a detailed review of the document. Expressing some editorial criticism, he also made known his reservations about a number of specific items including the section on library gov­ ernance, which he felt reflected such a sharp change in present library structure as to weaken what was trying to be achieved. He took strong exception to the section dealing with educational requirements. Mr. Forth acknowl­ edged Mr. Weber’s remarks, stating that the committee was not in complete agreement on all points and that he also had certain reser­ vations about a number of items. He again pointed out, however, the necessity of pre­ senting a strong statement to the membership. Miss Ackerman remarked that since this was a tentative document to be revised again on the basis of membership response, there was little to be lost in presenting a stimulating document. Mr. Haas supported Mr. Weber’s comments and offered his own criticism of the wording in the section on compensation. At this point a vote was called for on the motion. The mo­ tion carried with two dissenting votes. Mr. Forth then again suggested the Board consider a resolution declaring ACRL to be the body within ALA which has responsibility for establishing and enforcing all standards af­ fecting academic libraries. Mr. Thomas stated that what is involved is clarification of item four of the ACRL statement of purpose: “Co­ ordination of the activities of all units within ALA as they relate to academic and research libraries.” Mr. Tanis took exception to the word “standard,” and Mr. Wallace pointed out that ACRL was not yet in a position to enforce the Standards for College Libraries and Standards for Junior College Libraries. Mr. Forth then said his only intention was to alert the Board to the difficulties his committee will experience if other units of ALA become involved in mat­ ters pertaining to academic librarians. It was agreed that the matter should be postponed until the next meeting. Miss Edmonds then brought up Mr. Forth’s request that his committee speak for the Board on all matters of academic status. Pointing out that the Board had just discussed mail ballots, she asked Mr. Forth if his request would ex­ empt the committee from this policy. Mr. Forth replied that it would. He again mentioned the necessity for quick action in crisis situations. A discussion of the time involved in passing the November resolutions ensued, and Miss E d­ monds suggested the matter be taken up in Dallas. It was mentioned that Mr. Forth had the right to speak as chairman of his commit­ tee, but the Board was reluctant to grant the committee authority to speak for it. The matter was dropped. Mr. Reason reported as chairman of the Planning Committee. He said two items had been discussed at the meeting held that morn­ ing: ACRL committee roles and ACRL’s recom­ mendations concerning ALA reorganization. In discussing the first item, he stated that most of the time was devoted to the Subject Specialist Section and its relationship to the subsections. They also discussed the committee on Cooperation with Educational and Profes­ sional Organizations. At this time there were no recommendations from the Planning Commit­ tee concerning these units. The second matter, possible reorganization of ALA, was discussed with Pearce Grove, a member of ANACONDA. It was the consensus of the Planning Committee that more autonomy should be the primary concern of ACRL. It was decided to request that the Board reaffirm its statement on federation and submit it to Council. The resolution as amended was then read. (EXHIBIT II.) Miss Edmonds offered some background on the resolution. She reported that the Executive Committee felt ACONDA had misinterpreted ACRL’s position on what would be the financial 166 STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume XXIV Edited by F redson Bowers, and L. A. Beaurline, University of Virginia. 240 pp., illus. $15.00 (Bibliographical Society) This latest volume of the Studies includes nineteen articles and a Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1970. Topics range from Collier’s forgery in the Second Folio of Shakespeare, to the importance of paper analysis in descriptive bibliographies, and an examination of trade practice of eighteenth- century London printers. All twenty-four volumes of the Studies are available from the Press. COLERIDGE ON SHAKESPEARE The Text of the Lectures of 1811-12 By R. A. F oakes, University of Canterbury, x, 166 pp., plates, apps. $5.75 (Folger Library) Coleridge’s famous lectures on Shakespeare, given during the winter of 1811- 12, were compiled by John Payne Collier under the title of Seven Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton and not published until 1856. The accuracy of Collier’s text has always been in question, however, and recently R. A. Foakes began to study Collier’s shorthand notes. He uncovered their code, transcribed them himself, and discovered that his transcription differed considerably from Collier’s. Here for the first time is the accurate text of Collier’s original notes. Truer to Coleridge’s actual lectures, it makes more sense and is livelier in style than Collier’s embellished transcription. WILLIAM BYRD OF WESTOVER 1674-1744 By Pierre L. Marambaud, University of Nice, France. 344 pp. (tnt.), index $12.50 William Byrd, a prominent eighteenth-century Virginia planter and politician, was the most noteworthy writer in Southern Colonial America. His letters, diaries, and publications are witty, skillfully written, and have proved to be valuable historical sources. Despite the historical importance of Byrd’s writings, his last biography was published in 1932 just before the discovery of three secret diaries. It has long been out of date. Now, Marambaud has studied all of Byrd’s writings thoroughly and has finally fashioned this comprehensive, unbiased his­ tory of Byrd and eighteenth-century Virginia. This history justifies Byrd’s posi­ tion in American letters and gives a complete and honest picture of the man. University Press of Virginia Charlottesville 167 Library of Congress / National Union Catalogs Each section is available f o r im­ mediate delivery on 10 5 x 148mm ( 4 ” x 6 ”) positive microfiche, I negative microfiche or micro­ opaque cards. Order from N CR / Microcard Editions, 901 26th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. I on Microfiche A CATALOG OF BOOKS REPRESENTED BY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRINTED CARDS ISSUED TO JULY 31, 1942. Ann Arbor, 1942-46. 167 vols. This is the first of three series containing reproductions of printed catalog cards produced by the Library of Congress from 1898 to 1952. “ Because of the immensity of the collections, the excellence of the cataloging and the full bibliographic descriptions, the catalog is an invaluable work in any library and indispensable in those where research is done.” Winchell, pp. 7-8. $699.00 A CATALOG OF BOOKS REPRESENTED BY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRINTED CARDS: SUPPLEMENT: CARDS ISSUED AUG. 1, 1942-D EC. 31, 1947. Ann Arbor, 1948. 42 vols. The second of three series (233 volumes total) which essentially list all books held by the Library of Congress as of the end of 1952 except for a small percentage fo r which printed cards had not yet been issued. $199.00 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AUTHOR CATALOG: A CUMULATIVE LIST OF WORKS REPRESENTED BY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRINTED CARDS, 1948-52. Ann Arbor, 1953. 24 vols. The last of three series which together contain reproductions of nearly 3,000,000 catalog cards describing books held by the Library of Congress. $119.00 NATIONAL UNION CATALOG: A CUMULATIVE AUTHOR LIST REPRESENT­ ING LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRINTED CARDS AND TITLES REPORTED BY OTHER AMERICAN LIBRARIES, 1953-57. Ann Arbor, 1958. 28 vols. The NUC continues the above series and expands the coverage to include books held and reported by some 500 other libraries. Thus the NUC is an attempt to list all books acquired for and cataloged by major North American libraries from 1953 onward, and to identify the library holding each book. $125.00 NATIONAL UNION CATALOG: 1952-55 IMPRINTS: AN AUTHOR LIST REPRE­ SENTING LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRINTED CARDS AND TITLES RE­ PORTED BY OTHER AMERICAN LIBRARIES. Ann Arbor, Edwards, 1961. 30 vols. “ This series, supplementary to the regular set, and not included in its chronological sequence, lists titles previously included in earlier catalogs with additional locations, as well as newly reported titles, many not represented by L.C. printed cards.” Winchell, p. 8. $199.00 NATIONAL UNION CATALOG: A CUMULATIVE AUTHOR LIST REPRESENT­ NG LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRINTED CARDS AND TITLES REPORTED BY OTHER AMERICAN LIBRARIES, 1958-62. New York, 1963. 54 vols. $265.00 NATIONAL UNION CATALOG: A CUMULATIVE AUTHOR LIST REPRESENT­ NG LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRINTED CARDS AND TITLES REPORTED BY OTHER AMERICAN LIBRARIES, 1963-67. Ann Arbor, Edwards, 1969. 72 vols. $393.00 168 relationship of the division to ALA under a federated organization. She was invited to meet with ACONDA and explain ACRL’s views. It was also learned that the American Associa­ tion of School Librarians passed a resolution supporting the concept of reorganization as a federation. In view of these events the Plan­ ning Committee felt ACRL’s resolution should be presented to council the next day. She fur­ ther explained th at the section on the percent­ age of dues to be allotted to ALA headquarters, found in the original resolution, had been omitted. The resolution, previously moved by Mr. Reason, carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Brief of Minutes Thursday, January 21, 1971—8:30 p.m. Present: President, Anne C. Edmonds; Vice- President and President-Elect, Joseph H. Rea­ son; Past President, Philip J. McNiff; Directors- at-Large, Norman E. Tanis, David C. Weber; Directors on ALA Council, Page Ackerman, Andrew J. Eaton, Andrew Horn, James F. Hol­ ly, Robert K. Johnson, Sarah D. Jones, James O. Wallace; Chairmen of Sections, Carl H. Sachtleben, Mrs. Joleen Bock, Julius P. Bar­ clay, Eleanor Buist, David W. Heron; Chair­ men and Chairmen-Elect of Sections, Carl R. Cox, Hal C. Stone, Wolfgang M. Freitag; Exec­ utive Secretary, J. Donald Thomas; Profes­ sional Assistant, Jordan M. Scepanski; Admin­ istrative Assistant, Elaine Swanson. Absent: Lee Ash, Robert H. Blackburn, Her­ bert A. Cahoon, Mark M. Gormley, Warren J. Haas, Ralph H. Hopp. Visitors: Brendan Connolly, D. Davisson, Beverly Johnson, E. J. Josey, Roy L. Kidman. President Anne C. Edmonds presided. The report of the second meeting of the Planning Committee was presented by Mr. Reason. It was recommended that the com­ position of the conference program committee be changed to include the past president. He would serve in an ex-officio and advisory ca­ pacity. The proposal was moved, seconded, and C A R R IE D . Mr. Reason then moved that the Library Services Committee be discontinued. The mem­ bers of that committee had recommended it be abolished and the Planning Committee concurred. Mr. Weber seconded. The motion C A R R IE D . Mr. Reason reported on the visit of Mrs. Jessie Carney Smith, who had been invited to speak to the committee about a program of li­ brary internships for blacks. He said it was his understanding the Board had suggested ACRL look into the matter of continuing this type of program. Headed by Mrs. Smith and Virginia Lacy Jones, the program had been financed by the Ford Foundation. The possibilities of fi­ nancing by the J. Morris Jones-ALA-World Book Encyclopedia Goals Award or through a government grant were mentioned. In answer to Mr. Holly’s question, Mr. Reason said the internship would be from four to six weeks in length. Mr. W eber urged ACRL’s support, stating his belief th at federal funds would be made available. He suggested the formation of a committee to consider the program. Mr. Mc­ Niff pointed out the benefits to the individual in being exposed to situations in larger librar­ ies and the corresponding benefits to the larger libraries in learning of the problems facing smaller institutions. After further discussion about the program and possible financing of it, Mr. McNiff made a motion instructing the pres­ ident to move the project ahead as energetical­ ly as possible. In seconding the motion, Mr. Johnson suggested that the program might be expanded to include all minority groups. Miss Edmonds pointed out that this would result in a different program from the one presented, but should be considered. The motion carried without dissent. The next item on the agenda concerned academic library statistics. Mr. Reason ex­ plained that a statistical survey would be made by the National Center for Educational Statis­ tics in the fall. Unlike in the past, these sur­ veys will be conducted biannually instead of annually. Information about individual salaries will not be included. He said NCES hopes to involve state agencies in the collection of these statistics. Previous difficulties encountered when the state agencies had gathered these data were pointed out by Mr. Heron and Miss Ackerman. The resolution offered by the Committee on Academic Status at the Monday evening meet­ ing of the Board was brought forth for recon­ sideration. Miss Edmonds read a revision of the resolution submitted by the committee: Resolved: that ACRL be officially rec­ ognized A S T H E B O D Y W I T H I N ALA W H IC H H A S T H E A U T H O R IT Y TO E S T A B L IS H A N D E N ­ FO R C E A L L ST A N D A R D S W H IC H A F F E C T T H E A C A D E M IC S T A T U S O F A C A D E M IC L IB R A R IA N S . Mr. McNiff offered the information that the committee felt they had not clearly stated their intent and perhaps had been misunderstood. He said they had no intention of pulling all standards under their aegis, but seek to em­ phasize ACRL’s responsibility within ALA for all matters concerning libraries in institutions of higher education. ACRL’s statement of pur­ pose would be reinforced by the resolution, he stated, and it would help to strengthen the posture of academic status. He moved that the resolution be approved. Th e motion was sec­ onded and carried. 169 aMrs. Bock remarked that there should be a representative from the junior colleges on the Committee on Academic Status. She noted that junior college librarians are encountering problems similar to those faced by other aca­ demic librarians seeking to gain or retain status as faculty members. Mr. Holly asked whether consideration should now be given to how the resolution just passed will be implemented. Mr. Tanis said the Standards and Accreditation Commit­ tee is working on a paper concerning problems in this area. It was hoped that the committee would be able to make future recommendations to the Board on how they could best act on these matters. Miss Edmonds mentioned the resolution brought before council by a mem­ ber of the Intellectual Freedom Committee re­ quiring that all matters of intellectual free­ dom and tenure come under its jurisdiction. She said that ACRL had been given assurance by council th at a meeting would be held of all units involved in questions of investigations, status, tenure, etc., and that action would be deferred until after this meeting. Considera­ tion will be given as to whether these should be handled by the divisions. Mr. Kidman, speaking for the Committee on Academic Status in the absence of Mr. Forth, stated that the committee needed to proceed with a method­ ology for handling requests for assistance. He said intellectual freedom and tenure are only two of the committee’s concerns. An ALA com­ mittee set up to investigate these areas would not be able to cover all of the intricacies of academic status. He suggested that his com­ mittee could better accomplish the tasks given it by implementation of the resolution bringing all matters affecting academic libraries in ALA under ACRL. Referring to the committee set up to inves­ tigate the goals, structure, and finances of ACRL, Mr. McNiff said a concrete program for implementing the resolution will probably be recommended to the Board. In connection with Mr. McNiff’s remarks, Miss Edmonds ex­ plained that when the resolution urging a federated structure of ALA was passed, it was agreed th at task forces be set up to study par­ ticular areas. She mentioned that a number of individuals had agreed to do this work. Returning to the subject of investigations, tenure, and intellectual freedom, Miss Acker­ man informed the Board th at she was chair­ man of a Library Administration Division Com­ mittee set up to make recommendations as to how investigations of complaints could be han­ dled by ALA and w hat LAD’s role in this area should be. She said she thought juris­ diction was a problem in this area, bu t that it wasn’t the major problem. She stated that what happens to people is the major prob­ lem and that she wasn’t convinced a central s t gency could not do a better job. Mr. Johnson tated that he had been surprised to learn LAD was involved in matters of intellectual freedom and tenure, bu t decided that perhaps his was appropriate. He pointed out, however, the danger of fracturing the effort if too many groups became involved. Emphasizing the im­ portance of ALA having a strong arm in this area, he expressed the thought that perhaps the Intellectual Freedom Committee should be the central agency for all investigations. Re­ quests for assistance might go to the member’s division, where preliminary data would be gathered and then forwarded on to the IFC. Mr. Heron said he was concerned about the cost of properly conducted investigations. He stated there should be careful coordination of effort and that he wasn’t entirely sure the di­ visions of ALA ought to be doing these things separately. Mr. Holly expressed primary concern with the individuals involved and wondered what liaison existed between the committees. There has to be some way for ACRL or ALA to re­ spond to arbitrary dismissals and similar mat­ ters, he said. There must be immediate at­ tention given to requests for assistance. He stated that this was a very crucial period for academic librarians. The major concerns and interests of the Intellectual Freedom Commit­ tee are such that many of the important prob­ lems of academic librarians, problems of status, would get no hearing if IFC was the sole in­ vestigating agency. There are a great many problems still to be studied, he said, and he cautioned against hurried decisions. Mr. Heron pointed out that the form ALA takes if there is a reorganization will have a bearing on how investigations should be handled. Mr. Tanis felt ACRL’s activities, studies, and reports on questions of status and standards were ex­ tremely important and should continue. He too was concerned that IFC as a central investigat­ ing agency would not involve itself in certain problems academic librarians deem important. Mr. Thomas reminded the Board of the sit­ uation of the California librarians. The lack of real action by ALA in that case led to the formation of ACRL’s committee on Academic Status. He said the committee is concerned about ACRL’s inability to carry out investiga­ tions and is mainly interested in seeing that investigations are properly funded and han­ dled. Mr. Holly mentioned David Berninghau­ sen’s remarks in the Intellectual Freedom sec­ tion of American Libraries and stated he would be very reluctant to see a resolution pass coun­ cil which would assign additional responsibil­ ities to the IFC. Miss Edmonds stated that the IFC resolution could come before council the next day, and she reviewed the action of mem­ bership in first defeating an amendment to ex­ clude ACRL from the resolution and then de­ 170 feati ng the resolution itself. Miss Ackerman stated what her position would be if the issue were brought before council. She said she thought it would be premature to decide at this council meeting which agency of ALA should do all of the complex things that have to be done in this area. If the Office of Intel­ lectual Freedom which, she pointed out, has more experience and has gone further in the development of procedures than any other agency, feels it should have overall responsi­ bility for investigations, then it certainly should define the scope of its activity. There were areas related to academic status, she said, that had nothing to do with David Bem­ inghausen’s proposals. Since the matter is so important, Miss Ackerman concluded, there should be conversation among the members be­ fore a decision is reached. Mr. Wallace expressed his strong feeling that any ALA activity which concerned academic institutions should be carried out through ACRL. Mr. Horn said th at with requests for as­ sistance it was terribly important to know where to refer various items. He was not aware of any provision for making such refer­ ences. Miss Edmonds answered him saying she had been informed a staff committee had be­ gun doing this. Mr. W eber asked if the resolu­ tion on matters affecting academic libraries should be reconsidered at this time. After some discussion the Board decided that the matter could be brought up again at a later date if circumstances warranted. The resolution stood as passed. The next item on the agenda was a request for approval of the Adult Services Division’s document “Library Rights of Adults, A Call for Action.” It was decided that the wording of the statement was ambiguous and that it seemed to pertain mainly to public libraries. Mr. W eber moved to table the document. The motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Tanis requested permission to dissem­ inate a draft of the proposed “Guidelines for College Libraries” in order to obtain com­ ments and suggestions. He said the document would be sent to accreditation and other as­ sociations and to individual librarians. Mr. Hol­ ly moved that permission be granted. Mrs. Bock seconded and the motion carried. Miss Edmonds brought up a proposal of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. She point­ ed out that the committee had been asked at Detroit to prepare a procedure enabling mem­ bership to more rapidly amend the constitution and bylaws. Miss Edmonds submitted the fol­ lowing for Mr. Pullen: Article IX Amendments. Section 1. Con­ stitution. All proposals for amending the Constitution shall be referred to the Board of Directors. A proposed A M E N D M E N T S H A L L B E C O M E E F F E C T I V E W H E N I T S H A L L H A V E B E E N A P P R O V E D B Y A M A JO R IT Y O F T H E M E M B E R S O F T H E B O A R D P R E S E N T A N D V O T IN G A T T W O C O N S E C U T IV E M E E T IN G S H E L D N O T L E S S T H A N T W O M O N T H S A P A R T , F O L ­ L O W E D BY R A T IF IC A T IO N B Y T H E M E M B E R S O F the Association either by a vote by mail O F A M A J O R IT Y O F T H E M E M B E R S V O T IN G , O R B Y A M A J O R IT Y V O T E O F T H E M E M B E R S P R E S E N T A N D V O T IN G A T A M E E T I N G O F T H E Association. At least two months writ­ ten notice shall be given to the Asso­ ciation O F T H E T E X T O F T H E P R O P O S E D A M E N D M E N T B E F O R E F I N A L C O N S ID E R A T IO N .” Miss Edmonds said this amendment would liberalize the present rules. W ith th e approval of the Board, it would be submitted to the membership at the Annual Conferences of 1971 and 1972. Miss Ackerman moved that the Board approve the amendment as read. The motion was seconded and carried. The programs of the various ACRL sections and subsections to be held in Dallas were next on the agenda. A meeting of the section and subsection chairmen was to be held the next day, and their plans were to be submitted by Miss Edmonds and Mr. Thomas to the Dal­ las Program Committee later th at day. After short reports from some of the units’ planning programs, Miss Edmonds asked the Board’s ap­ proval to submit all those programs she judged to be worthwhile. Mr. W eber moved she be given this authority. The motion was seconded and carried. Miss Edmonds then told the Board of the Library Education Division’s request that ACRL cosponsor a program on legislation and the Higher Education Act. After a discussion of the Washington Office’s activity and the pos­ sibility of needed legislation, the Board agreed ACRL should cosponsor the program with LED. Mr. Holly asked when the ACRL resolution on federation would be submitted to Council, Miss Edmonds answered th at it would come up tomorrow. She said it had been sent to the Executive Board, which ruled this should be considered as part of the ACONDA report. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. EXHIBIT I Standards for F aculty Status for College and University Librarians A proposal of the Academic Status Committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries W ith publication increasing at an exponen­ tial rate, with the variety of forms of publica­ tion proliferating rapidly, with significant schol­ arly and information material appearing in all of the world’s languages, with the bibliographi­ 171 cal apparatus of many fields and subfields be­ coming increasingly difficult to use, with the growing sophistication of library and informa­ tion technology, and with the development of academic libraries into large and complex or­ ganizations, the work of the academic librarian has become highly specialized and demanding. The academic librarian makes a unique and important contribution to American higher edu­ cation. He bears central responsibility for de­ veloping college and university library collec­ tions, for extending bibliographical control over these collections, for instructing students (both formally in the classroom and informally in the library), and advising faculty and scholars in the use of these collections. He provides a variety of information services to the college or university community, ranging from answers to specific questions to the compilation of ex­ tensive bibliographies. He provides library and information services to the community at large, including federal, state, and local government agencies, business firms and other organizations, and private citizens. Through his own research into the information process and through bib­ liographical and other studies, he adds to the sum of knowledge in the field of library prac­ tice and information science. Through mem­ bership and participation in library and scholar­ ly organizations, he works to improve the prac­ tice of academic librarianship, bibliography, and information service. W ithout the librarian, the quality of teach­ ing, research, and public service in our col­ leges and universities would deteriorate seri­ ously and programs in many disciplines could no longer be performed. His contribution is in­ tellectual in nature and is the product of con­ siderable formal education, including profes­ sional training at the graduate level. There­ fore, college and university librarians must be recognized as equal partners in the academic enterprise, and they must be extended the rights and privileges which are not only com­ mensurate with their contributions, but are necessary if they are to carry out their respon­ sibilities. The Committee on Academic Status of the Association of College and Research Libraries strongly endorses the formal recognition of the college or university librarian’s academic status by all institutions of higher education and their governing bodies. It urges that the Association of College and Research Libraries and the American Library Association adopt as stan­ dards the following rights and privileges for all academic librarians: 1. Professional responsibilities and self-de­ termination. Each librarian should be assigned general responsibilities within his particular area of competence. He should have maximum possible latitude in fulfilling these responsibilities. How­ ever, the degree to which he has ful­ filled them should be regularly and rig­ orously reviewed. A necessary element of this review must be appraisal by a committee of peers who have access to all available evidence. 2. Library governance. College and uni­ versity libraries should adopt an aca­ demic form of governance. The librar­ ians should form as a library faculty whose role and authority is similar to that of the faculties of a college, or the faculty of a school or a department. 3. College and university governance. Li­ brarians should be eligible for member­ ship in the academic senate or equiva­ lent body at their college or university on the same basis as other faculty. 4. Education. Because of the dual demands upon librarians for both professional and subject field competence, two master’s degrees—one in librarianship and one in a relevant subject field—shall be the minimum educational requirement for tenure for all librarians appointed after the adoption of these standards by ACRL. 5. Compensation. The salary scale for li­ brarians should be the same as that for other academic categories with equivalent education and experience. Librarians should normally be appointed for the academic year. If a librarian is expected to work through the summer session, his salary scale should be adjusted similarly to the summer session scale of other faculty at his college or university. 6. Tenure. Librarians should be covered by tenure provisions the same as those of other faculty. In the pretenure period, librarians should be covered by written contracts or agreements the same as those of other faculty. 7. Promotion. Librarians should be promot­ ed through ranks and steps on the basis of their academic proficiency and pro­ fessional effectiveness, A peer review system similar to that used by other fac­ ulty is the primary basis of judgment in the promotion process for academic li­ brarians. The librarians’ promotion lad­ der should have the same titles, ranks, and steps as that of other faculty. 8. Leaves. Sabbatical and other research leaves should be available to librarians on the same basis, and with the same requirements, as they are available to other faculty. 9. Research funds. Librarians should have access to funding for research projects on the same basis as other faculty. 10. Academic freedom. Librarians in col­ 172 WE FIND THE UNFINDABLE Scholarly Services Ltd. is in an unrivalled position to locate the books, manuscripts and letters you require to complete special col­ lections. Your letter or want-list will receive an immediate confirmation, with periodic bulle­ tins as to items located and prices. Scholarly Services Ltd. is unique in that we do not utilize common methods for the loca­ tion of these materials, consequently the item located is uncommon as well, and not from a dealer’s catalogue. The range and scope of our methods of location are beyond the means or ken of even the most worldly antiquarian bookseller. We seek out and retrieve only the rarest titles, and only unpublished, hitherto unknown, let­ ters and mss. historic or literary. We are also responsive to any quotes you may care to make, as regards the sale of items, b ut rarity and the inedited are our primary criteria. All enquiries held in strict confidence. Director, Scholarly Services Ltd. 777 Silver Spur Road—Suite 132 Rolling Hills Estates, Ca. 90274 leges and universities must have the protection of academic freedom. Library resources and the professional judgment of librarians must not be subject to cen­ sorship. To implement these standards, the Associa­ tion of College and Research Libraries and the American Library Association will: 1. Publicize these standards to all colleges and universities and their libraries, all li­ brary schools, all library organizations, all higher education organizations, and all agencies which accredit academic institu­ tions. 2. Seek to have these standards formally adopted or endorsed by all colleges and universities and their libraries, all library schools, all library organizations, all higher education organizations, and all agencies which accredit academic institutions. 3. Investigate all violations of these standards which are reported by members of the Association of College and Research Li­ braries. Such investigations will be co­ ordinated and supervised by the Com­ mittee on Academic Status of the Asso­ ciation of College and Research Libraries. 4. Invoke the following sanctions against in­ stitutions of higher education which are found, after such investigation, to be in violation of any or all of these standards: a. Publicize the violation and the institu­ tion concerned in CRL News and other appropriate publications. b. Refuse to accept advertisements in any ALA publication for positions a t that institution. c. Discourage its members from accept­ ing employment at that institution, through notices in its publications and other means. A reasonable amount of time—three to five years—should be provided college and univer­ sity libraries which do not currently conform to any or all of these standards, to enable them to do so. However, no such grace period should be provided to libraries which currently do conform, either wholly or in part, and which seek to deny or withdraw any such rights and privileges. EXHIBIT II ACRL Resolution on F ederation WHEREAS, the ACRL at its membership meeting in Detroit 1970, approved the concept of reorganizing the ALA in the form of a fed­ eration of associations of types of libraries, and WHEREAS, time did not permit the pre­ 173 sentation of this resolution either to council or to membership, BE IT NOW RESOLVED that the ACRL re­ affirms its resolution as amended: Academic li­ braries, as well as other types of libraries, are in­ stitutions having a configuration of problems which make them unique institutions in terms of priorities, personnel, and professional aims. Fail­ ure to recognize this principle and gear the re­ organization of ALA to respond to this par­ ticular set of requirements would produce gen­ eral mediocrity throughout the work of the as­ sociation. It is THEREFORE recommended that: I. ALA become a federation of library as­ sociations with a strong, central head­ quarter’s secretariat. II. Each of the federated associations de­ termine policy in all matters concern­ ing its areas of interest. III. ACRL as a federated association be headed by an executive director ap­ pointed by the Association of College and Research Libraries. The executive director is responsible to the member­ ship of the association and is respon­ sible for executing policies and pro­ grams initiated by the membership, providing staff and setting salaries. IV. Membership in ACRL be open to in­ dividuals holding a library degree or individuals who by their professional appointment may be designated as hav­ ing rank equivalent to one holding such a degree. V. A dues structure be developed, deter­ mined by the Association of College and Research Libraries, which would permit it to finance its own programs and provide for the staffing and activ­ ities of the central headquarters. VI. The officers of the federated associa­ tions form an executive committee to the ALA secretariat staff. Meetings of this executive committee should be frequent, and task forces (with termi­ nal dates) should be appointed by this advisory body to study interdivisional problems. VII. Among the responsibilities of the ALA secretariat be the maintenance of cen­ tral offices offering various professional and administrative services to the fed­ erated association. The advisory group to each office should be composed of representatives appointed by each of the federated associations and should have the responsibility of reporting back to the parent association. It is further recommended that position pa­ pers should be prepared by ACRL proposing a possible organizational structure, developing goals, directions, and responsibilities of ACRL, and outlining the financial implications of federation. ■ ■ ACADEM IC STATUS As the academic status debate grows in in­ tensity, the replies to the Academic Status Committee’s request for responses grow in num­ ber. In attendance at a meeting held November 24 at Brandeis were: Helen M. Brown, Librarian, Wellesley Col­ lege; Robert H. Deily, Associate for Library Ser­ vices, Central Headquarters Staff, State Uni­ versity of New York; Rupert E. Gilroy, Assistant Director of the Library, Brandeis University; Frank N. Jones, Chief Librarian, Southeast­ ern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth; Joseph S. Komidar, University Librarian, Tufts University; John Laucas, Director of Libraries, Boston University; Basil Mitchell, Associate for Library Ser­ vices, Central Administration, State University of New York; John P. McDonald, Director, University of Connecticut Libraries; Roland H. Moody, Director of Libraries, Northeastern University; Louis Sasso, Assistant to the Director, Boston Public Library; David R. Watkins, Director of the Library, Brandeis University. They reached consensus on the following points regarding the Standards… : and com­ municated them to Mr. Stuart Forth, chair­ man of the Academic Status Committee. 1. It is essential that the Committee define the role of the librarian and his profes­ sional staff in the academic community as distinct from the faculty. This would help clarify several instances in the nine rec­ ommendations made by the Committee where this distinction is not made clear. For instance, the group would disagree with the obligatory assignment of faculty ranks and titles to librarians. 2. The document is too specific to be gen­ erally applicable because of the many differences in the form of government in the various institutions of higher learning. 3. The report should be persuasive in tone rather than mandatory if it is to convince those who hold the final authority in these matters; namely, the faculty of each institution. 4. The standards should be separated from