ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 190 agement in Libraries is a new quarterly to be published by the Ohio State University Li­ braries, Room 322A, 1858 Neil Avenue, Co­ lumbus, Ohio 43210. Cost is $7.50 per year. The Protean is a new journal ( beginning March 1971) in the area of library administration. For further information write to Miss Jodi Davis, Ohio State University Libraries. • The Library Automation, Research and Consulting (LARC) Association is publishing a twelve-volume series entitled A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of the World. Several thousand automated library projects will be reviewed. Each reporting library describes its projects and specifies their exact status, i.e., operational, in design stage, planned, projected, etc. The information also informs the reader whether the project is conducted by the library or outside personnel, and indicates the type of equipment used, its ownership, ex­ periences in obtaining machine time, program­ ming language used, etc. The entire spectrum of library operations will be covered—acquisitions, book catalogs, cataloging, serials and periodicals, circulation, information retrieval and indexing, bibliogra­ phies, management, inventory, and a variety of other operations. The schedule of publica­ tion and distribution follows: v .l A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of the U.S. and Canada (March 1971). v.2 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of Great Britain & the Common­ wealth (Aug. 1971). v.3 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of the Netherlands, Belgium ir Scan­ dinavia (Oct. 1971). v.4 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of Mexico, Central America &r So. America (Dec. 1971). v.5 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of the U.S. and Canada, Revised (Feb. 1972). v.6 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of the Far East (May 1972). v.7 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of Germany (Aug. 1972). v.8 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of Africa (Nov. 1972). v.9 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of China (Feb. 1973). v.10 A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of Central Europe (May 1973). v . l l A Survey of Automated Activities in the Libraries of the USSR (Aug. 1973). v .l2 A Survey of Commonplace Problems in Automating Library Procedures ( Nov. 1973). The per-volume cost for nonmembers is as follows: v .l, $10; v.2-12, $15 each. Prepaid orders for the complete twelve-volume series, $150. Send orders to The Executive Secre­ tary, The LARC Association, 365 Ravello Lane, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627, ■ ■ News From the Sections J U N IO R C O LLEG E L IB R A R IE S S E C T IO N • California—Intercom is the cooperatively produced quarterly containing news of Cali­ fornia’s community college libraries and librari­ ans. In addition to information on places, people, policies, programs, and plans the ro­ tating editors produce an annual directory list­ ing the library staffs of California’s more than ninety community colleges. The California Community College Cooperative was estab­ lished in 1970. This organization represents the institution rather than the individual, who is already represented by the California Library Association. A Union List of Current Periodical Titles Held by the Community College Libraries in the San Gabriel Valley Area includes titles cur­ rently being received by Chafīey College, Cit­ rus College, Cypress College, Fullerton Junior College, Glendale College, Mt. San Antonio College, Pasadena City College, and Rio Hondo Junior College. • Michigan—A newsletter is published by the Michigan Community and Junior College Li­ brary Administrators. The Newsletter includes items about AAJC and ALA as well as news about Michigan junior college libraries and li­ brarians. • New York—The Two-Year College Li­ brarians in the State University Head Librari­ ans Conference held a workshop on “Coopera­ tion Between the Two-year College Libraries” on April 21, 1971, in Syracuse. Dr. William G. Dwyer, president of the Board of Regional Community Colleges in Massachusetts, spoke on “Coordination and Resource Sharing in the Two-year College.” ■■