ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 285 People PROFILES Joyce Ball, public services librarian at the U niversity of Nevada, Reno, has been named university librarian at California State University, Sacram ento, effective September 15. She will replace Gordon P. Mar­ tin, who has retired. Ball has been at the U niversity o f N evada for fourteen years, and has played a major role in the administration of its library. She has b een aw arded te n u re and the equivalent rank of full professor. She has served on and ch aired many faculty Joyce Ball committees and boards. She has becom e one of N evada’s foremost li­ brarians, is a past president of the Nevada Li­ brary Association, and serves actively at the national level as well. Before she came to Neva­ da, Ball served in the government document divi­ sion at Stanford University for seven years. At Nevada, she served as reference/governm ent publications librarian before assuming the respon­ sibilities of public services librarian. Reflecting on Ball s achievements as pumic ser­ vices librarian at Nevada and her strong advocacy of understanding and m eeting the needs of li­ brary users, we are sure that the students and faculty at California State University will enjoy outstanding library service under their new uni­ versity librarian.—Harold G. Morehouse, Direc­ tor o f Libraries, University o f Nevada, Reno. Charles B. Lowry, former head librarian and assistant professor at Elon College in North Caro­ lina, became director of libraries at the Universi­ ty of South Alabama on S ep tem b er 1. His re­ sp o n sib ilities for the overall library system at USA include the rapid­ ly expanding biomedical holdings. Lowry holds a mas­ te r ’s degree in library science from th e Uni­ versity of North Caroli­ na at C harlotte w here he served as social sci­ ence re fe re n c e biog­ ra p h e r and assistant Charles B . Lowry professor. In addition, he holds undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees in American history from Springhill Col­ lege, the University of Alabama, and the Uni­ versity of Florida, respectively. Lowry’s professional affiliations include mem­ bership in ALA, ACRL, the American Historical Association, and regional library and historical associations. He has been a consultant with the Office of Management Studies, Association of Re­ search Libraries, in Washington, DC. Wilson Luquire was appointed dean of library services at Eastern Illinois University on July 1. He had been associate director of library services at East Carolina University, G reenville, North Carolina, since 1977. L uquire spent 1969 to 1976 at Indiana Uni­ versity where he served in the libraries and re­ ceived graduate degrees in music and in library science. In 1976-77 he held a Council on Library Resources Academic Library M anagem ent In­ ternship, and worked with Frank Grisham at the Vanderbilt University Library. Luquire is active in civic organizations, and in state, regional, and national professional associa­ tions. Sarah M. McGowan is the new director of li­ braries at Ripon College. McGowan has been the head reference librarian at Arkansas State Uni­ versity since June 1978. From N ovem ber 1972 to May 1978, she was librarian and adm inis­ trative assistant to the college librarian at Lake F o re st C ollege, Lake F o re s t, Illinois. She also has served as refer­ ence librarian at Lake Forest College. Participating in an in­ te rn a tio n a l exchange program , McGowan spent 1973-74 as assis­ Sarah M. McGowan ta n t lib rarian at Nuf­ field C ollege, Oxford U n iv ersity , Oxford, England. McGowan received n e r nacnelor s degree in English from Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio, and h er m aster’s degree in librarianship from the University of Denver in Colorado. William Bond Walker has been appointed chief librarian of the 250,000-volume Thomas J. Watson Library of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Walker goes to the Metropolitan Museum from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, 286 D.C., where he served for fifteen years as super­ visory librarian of the library of the National Collection of Fine Arts and the National Portrait Gallery. Born in Brownsville, Tennessee, Walker re­ ceived a bachelor’s degree from the State Uni­ versity of Iowa and a master’s degree in library science from Rutgers University. He wrote his master’s thesis on the library of the Metropolitan Museum of Art while serving there as cataloger and reference librarian from 1957 to 1959. He was chief librarian of the Reference Library of the Brooklyn Museum from 1959 to 1964. Elaine F. Sloan, associate university librarian for public services at the University of California at Berkeley since 1977, is the new dean of uni­ versity libraries at Indi­ ana U niversity. Sloan will succeed W. Carl Jackson, who retired on July 1. H er appoint­ ment became effective September 15. One of only a few women to head a major university research li­ brary system, Sloan will direct a nationally rec­ ognized program that incorporates fifty main, branch, departmental, Elaine F . Sloan and residence hall li­ braries on the eight Indiana University campuses. Sloan served on the Smithsonian Institution Library administrative staff from 1973-75 as assis­ tant to the director for planning and research, and in 1976 as assistant director of libraries in charge of management and development. as a graduate student at tne university oi Maryland, where she received master’s and doc­ tor’s degrees in library science and information service, Sloan held library research assistantships at the Smithsonian and at the University of Mary­ land, College Park. Previously she had earned a master’s degree in history at the University of Pittsburgh and a bachelor’s degree in psychology at Chatham College. APPOINTMENTS Jon Blake is the new head of the Media Cen­ ter, University of Washington Libraries, Seattle. Mary Eleanor Brennan has become reference librarian at Franklin and Marshall College, Lan­ caster, Pennsylvania. Barbara Brown has been appointed coordina­ tor of technical processing at the State University of New York at Binghamton Library. Thomas L. Carter has been appointed head of reference and circulation services, Loyola Mary- mount University, Los Angeles, California. Erna Chamberlain is now reference/life scien­ ces bibliographer at the State University of New York at Binghamton Library. Katharine R. Chibnik has become reference librarian/cataloger in Avery Library, Columbia University. Sharon E. Clark has been appointed visiting OCLC cataloging librarian at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Linda Wilson Corman has been appointed col­ lege librarian at Trinity College, the University of Toronto. Thomas M. Gaughan is the new director of the library at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. Charlotte Georgi has been appointed li­ brarian for business and management history and bibliography at the University of California, Los Angeles. Eileen Agard Glickstein has joined the Co­ lumbia University Libraries’ stall as assistant docu­ ments librarian, Lehman Library. Carol Green has been appointed assistant en­ gineering librarian, University of Washington Libraries, Seattle. Richard F. Grefe is the new assistant refer­ ence and public services librarian in the Under­ graduate Library, Washington and Lee Universi­ ty, Lexington, Virginia. Clark N. Hallman is now assistant head of reference at the University of Cincinnati Library. Susie Hanson has been appointed special col­ lections librarian at Case Western Reserve Uni­ versity. Janet Heineck is now Near East cataloger at the University of Washington Libraries, Seattle. Mohammed A. S. Khan has been appointed lecturer, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Joyce Kluger has been appointed reference/ life sciences bibliographer at the State University of New York at Binghamton Library. Gary Kraske has been appointed assistant to the director of libraries for planning and budget, University of Maryland Libraries, College Park. Wen-Kai Kung has been appointed catalog librarian at the University of Oregon Library, Eugene. Bruce Langdon has accepted appointment to the position of chief of the Social Science Divi­ sion, Columbia University Libraries. Diane Lee has been appointed cataloger in the Columbia University Law Library. David Lewis has been promoted to assistant director for public services at Franklin and Mar­ shall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Michael Wescott Loder has been named assistant librarian for public services at the T.W. Phillips Memorial Library, Bethany College, Bethany, West Virginia. Mary A. Madden has been appointed associate executive director and director of network de­ 287 velopment of the Southeastern Library Network, Inc. (SOLINET), Atlanta, Georgia. Peter Malanchuk has been appointed head of the reference and bibliography departm ent at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Robert C. Michaelson has joined Northwest­ ern University Library as head of the Science- Engineering Library. Pamela Ann Murray has joined the staff of the Edward G. M iner Library at the University of Rochester as circulation librarian. Lenore Muskett has been appointed assistant serials librarian at the State University of New York at Binghamton Library. Richard H. Reid has been named director of th e L e th e r E. F razar M em orial L ibrary at M cN eese S tate U n iv ersity , Lake C harles, Louisiana. Suzanne R. Reisner has been appointed coor­ dinator of the copy cataloging coordinate, central technical services, University of Minnesota Li­ braries. LOUIS J. Reith is rare book and special project lib rarian at St. B o n av en tu re U n iv ersity , St. Bonaventure, New York. Jane Ritter is now documents/foreign docu­ ments librarian at the University of Washington, Seattle. Nina Eve Sandberg has been appointed music librarian at Middlebury College, Vermont. Karen Schmidt-Elterich is now assistant ac­ quisitions librarian, Illinois State University Li­ brary, Normal. Andrew Scrimgeour is the new director of the Ira J. Taylor Library at the Iliff School of Theolo­ gy in Denver, Colorado. Myra Lytle Secoy holds a one-year appoint­ ment as cataloging librarian at Illinois State Uni­ versity Library, Normal. Katherine V. Shaw has been named general college librarian, Illinois State University Library, Normal. Robert Siever has been promoted to assistant director for technical services at the library of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Penn­ sylvania. Eleanor Hind Smith is the new assistant ref­ erence librarian at the Virginia Military Institute, Lexington. C H ER YL Spiese is th e new in terlib rary loan librarian at the State University of New York at Binghamton Library. Teresa Taborsky is the new director of the Wolfgram Memorial Library at W idener College, Chester, Pennsylvania. Barbara Tolliver has been appointed director of continuing education at the School of Librar- ianship, University of Washington, Seattle. Roger S. Wieck has been appointed assistant curator of printing and graphic arts, Houghton Library, Harvard University. Carolyn T. Wilson is now acquisitions librar­ 288 ian at David Lipscomb College, Nashville, Ten­ nessee. Eugene L. Wiemers, Jr.. has been appointed Ibero-Am erican bibliographer, Wilson Library R eference/Resources, University of M innesota Libraries. RETIREMENTS Bernard I. Gill retired in July as head librar­ ian. Moorhead State University Library, Moor­ head, Minnesota. Gill had been head librarian since he came to MSU in 1950. As librarian, Gill su­ pervised two building programs and watched th e lib rary grow te n ­ fold in volumes, physic­ al plant, staff, and ser­ vices. Gill helped form MINITEX (M innesota Inter Library Telecom­ munication Exchange), a statewide library sys­ tem , and the Tri-Col- lege University Library Bernard I . Gill C onsortium . He was one of the original members of the MSU faculty sen ate, and he was active in faculty affairs throughout his service to the university, taking part in the faculty association of the Minnesota State University System for twenty-five years. Raised in Rockford, Illinois, Gill received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois. He taught at an Illinois junior high school for one year before returning to the University of Illinois to earn a master’s degree in library science. ACRL Fast Job Listing Service Due to rising costs and ACRL’s continuing interest in having users of the ACRL Fast Job Listing Service (FJLS) underwrite all of its ex­ penses, ACRL instituted a new FJLS ad rate scale, effective with the Septem ber 2 issue (vol. 2, no. 9). New rates are: 1-35 lines: $20 (ACRL members) $25 (nonmembers) 36-45 lines: $25 (ACRL members) $30 (nonmembers) 46-55 lines: $30 (ACRL members) $35 (nonmembers). This scale then increases at the same incre­ ments. Lee C. Brown has retired as director of the Wolfgram Memorial Library of Widener College, Chester, Pennsylvania, after thirty-three years of service to the library. Robert Pierson, associate director for special collections at the University of Maryland, College Park, retired October 1 after twenty-five years of service to the UMCP libraries. Jane W. Webb retired as acquisitions librarian at David Lipscomb College, Nashville, Tennes­ see, on June 30. DEATHS Dr. H. William Axford, dean and university librarian at the University of Oregon from 1973- 1979, died August 12 after a prolonged illness. Axford was born in B utte, M ontana, on April 7, 1925. He re­ ceived his B.A. from Reed College and his M.A. and Ph.D . from the U niversity of D e­ nver. D uring his library career Axford was head librarian at the Denver Post, director of librar­ ies at the University of D enver and F lorida A tlantic U niversity, H. William Axford university librarian at Arizona State University, and consulting director at Sangamon State University Library. Among his professional activities were service to the American Library Association, Special Li­ braries Association, Colorado Library Association, Mountain Plains Library Association, and the Center for Research Libraries. Axford published widely on academic librar- ianship and history. He was named university distinguished visiting professor at California State University, Chico, in 1975, and he was awarded a Fulbright lectureship at the University of Punjab in Lahore, West Pakistan, for 1963-64. Axford’s contributions cannot be summed in a list of positions and publications. Those of us who were fortunate to have spent time with him as a teacher, colleague, and friend, and have had the opportunity to discuss with him the challenges and issues facing the profession, know the impact he has had on our thinking. He constantly ques­ tioned his and our professional ideals and way of doing things. His essential value to the profession endures in provoking us to think. Contributions in his memory may be sent to the U niversity of Oregon Foundation for the benefit of the Special Collections of the Universi­ ty of Oregon Library.—Harriet Rebuldela, Ac­ quisitions Librarian, U niversity o f Colorado, Boulder. ■■ Library of Congress National Union Catalog on MICROFICHE • Cost Savings up to 70% • Reduces Shelf Space by 94% • Easier to use Advanced Library Systems provides the LC NUC on microfiche to hundreds of libraries throughout the world — offering the above advantages over the paper edition. CURRENT SUBSCRIPTIONS RETROSPECTIVE YEARS 1980 and 1981 1953-1979 Monthly, quarterly and annual updates 5 Quinquenniums 1953-1977, delivered within two weeks of publication plus 1978 and 1979 annuals. by the Library of Congress. O nly Advanced Library Systems offers the five Q uinquennium s ALS current NUC subscription is 70% less than the cost o f the LC (1963-1977) on m icrofiche fo r im mediate delivery. This gives you hard copy. 25 years of retrospective N UC’s in one com patible and easy to use ALS is a single source fo r complete, com patible, continuing, and form which vastly reduces search time. cost saving m icrofiche NUC service. ALS can also update y o u r NUC collection w ith monthly, Also available, the Library o f Congress AUDIOVISUAL quarterly and annual cum ulations from 1978 forward. 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