ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1 9 9 4 /2 9 9 Directory of Directories on th e In ternet: A Guide to Inform ation Resources, by Gregory B. Newby (153 pages, D ecem ber 1993), of­ fers a com prehensive over­ view o f the Internet and the relations among different in­ fo rm atio n re s o u rc e s. T h e first chapter describes “tools that are so easy to use that you can navigate the n et­ w ork for hours (and still not n ecessarily find w hat you w ere lo o k in g fo r ),” w hile o t h e r c h a p t e r s c o v e r O P A C s, e - m a il, newsgroups, resources that are “useful for al­ most everyone,” ftp directories, special interest areas, and books about the Internet. A cop y is $29.95 from the Meckler Corp., 11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT 06880. ISBN 0-88736-768-2. On Internet ’94, edited by Tony Abbott (453 pages, D ec em b e r 1993), is an international guide to resources on the Internet that goes far beyond the introductory nature o f Newby’s di­ rectory. Capsule descriptions o f hundreds o f discussion lists, mailing lists, electronic jour­ nals and newsletters, text archives, freenets and other com m unity-based information resources, campuswide information systems, commercial services, USENET news-groups, and WAIS-ac- cessible databases are provided. A subject in­ dex helps locate specific interests. Copies are $45.00 from M eckler Publishing, 11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT 06880. ISBN 0-88736-929-4. Dow nsizing Defense, edited by Ethan B. Kapstein (236 pages, N ovem ber 1993), brings together analysts from governm ent, industry, and acad em ia to brainstorm on the p olicy changes needed to cop e with U.S. defense cut­ backs. Contributors con clud e that converting guns to butter will b e a long, painful process if econ om ic growth continues to lag. It also pro­ vides a com parative perspective on the issues by exam ining how Europeans and Russians are dealing with low er levels o f defense spending. Copies are available for $34.95 from Congres­ sional Quarterly B ooks, 1414 22nd St., N.W., Washington, DC 20037. ISBN 0-87187-945-X. G uidelines for Lib rary Support of Dis­ ta n ce L earn in g in C anada has b e e n pu b­ lished as O ccasional Paper No. 8 o f the Canadian Asso­ ciation o f College and Uni­ versity Libraries’ Library Ser­ vices for Distance Learning Interest Group. Also recently published is O ccasional Pa­ p er No. 7, Fee-Based Ser­ vices in Canadian Academic Libraries: A Survey, by Ian Gordon. Copies o f each may b e obtained for $10.00 (non­ m em bers o f CACUL) from the Canadian Library Asso­ ciation, 200 Elgin St., Suite 602, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2P 1L5. An Introduction to C o m p u ter-B ase d Library Systems, by Lucy A. Tedd (316 pages, 3d ed., 1993), reflects significant developm ents in information systems since the previous edi­ tion was published in 1984. T he b o o k includes many, case studies (National Library o f Portu­ gal, University o f W ales, and others) to illus­ trate particular system features. It will prima­ rily b e helpful for anyone interested in a global perspective and as a supplementary text to li­ brary or information studies. A cop y may is $59-95 from Jo h n W iley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10158. ISBN 0-471-93787-8. Library Buildings Consultants List 1993, edited by Kazuko Dailey and Jam es Estrada (103 pages, 1993), provides a convenient starting point for librarians, administrators, and archi­ tects w ho need to em ploy buildings consult­ ants. T he individuals w ho appear in the list are self-selected; in other words, they responded to a public invitation to apply. But all have had e x p e rie n c e o n at least five library building projects within the past ten years. Appendices provide access by state, zip code, type o f li­ brary, general experience, interior design e x ­ perience, and specialized experience. Copies are $12.50 (LAMA m em bers, $10.00) from the ALA Order Department, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-7670-0. The Photographic Experience, 1839-1914: Images and Attitudes, by Heinz K. Henisch and Bridget A. Henisch (462 pages, February 1994), exam ines reactions to the new photo­ graphic art by professionals, amateurs, and the New Publications G eorge M. Eberhart 300/C&RL News general public in the years before W orld War I. The Henisches explore the varied relation­ ships between photography and painting, book publishing, journalism, war, travel, humor, and the various ways the medium has expressed public and private sentiments. Lavishly illus­ trated with daguerreotypes, albumen prints, stu­ d io a d v e rtis e m e n ts , s te r e o ca rds, and overpainted prints, this volume pays tribute to the photographic pioneers and the effect their images had on society. Copies are available for $95.00 from Penn State Press, Suite C, Barbara Building, 820 N. University Dr., University Park, PA 16802. ISBN 0-271-00930-6. Projections of W ar: Hollywood, American Culture, and W o rld W ar II, b y Thom as Doherty (364 pages, Febru­ ary 1994), reveals h ow and w h y H ollyw o od marshaled its artistic resources on be­ half o f the war and inter­ prets the cultural meanings and enduring legacies o f the motion picture record o f the war years. Besides the well- k n o w n com bat features, D o h e rty exa m in es c o m ­ edies, musicals, newsreels, docum entaries, cartoons, and army training films to show that H ollyw o od ’s ef­ fort was not merely vapid propaganda, but a collabo­ rative effort to inform and educate as w ell as entertain. The H ollyw o od production c o d e , th e p o rtra y a l o f w om en and blacks in films, an d th e w a rtim e film s ’ legacy in postwar and Viet- nam-era films is also e x ­ plored. The cost is $32.50 from Columbia University Press, 562 W. 113th St., N ew York, N Y 10025. ISBN 0-231-08244-4. Rainforests of the W orld, by Kathlyn Gay (219 pages, N ovem ber 1993), is on e o f ABC- Clio’s excellent monographs on contemporary w orld issues. Combining a summary o f policy and scientific issues, biographies, a chronol­ ogy o f key events, statistics, a directory o f or­ ganizations, primary documents, a bibliogra­ phy and glossary, the book is an outstanding first choice for term papers or topical research. “Henri Robin Encountering the Living Phantasmagoria” by Thiébault. Paris, 1860s. From The Photographic Exper­ ience, 1839—1914 by Heinz and Bridget Henisch (Penn State Press, 1994). A copy may be ordered for $39.50 from ABC- Clio, 130 Crem ona Dr., Santa Barbara, CA 93117. ISBN 0-87436-712-3. Other volumes in this series cover global warming, sexual ha­ rassment, drug abuse, energy and American so­ ciety, marine pollution, and capital punishment. 25 Years: Special Collections at Kent State University, edited by Dean H. Keller and A lex Glidzen (99 pages, January 1994), commemorates the first 25 years o f Kent State’s Department o f Special Collections and Archives with a history o f the department and a catalog o f its Silver Anniversary Exhibition. The hold­ ings range from G erm an incunabula and M cGuffey readers to early detective fiction and Bill Clinton’s signature. A copy o f the exhibi­ tion catalog may be ordered for $14.00 from Kent State University Press, P.O. Box 5190, Kent, O H 44242-0001. ISBN 0-87338-500-4. Western European Lan­ guage Im prin ts from 18th-Century Russia (200 35mm microfilm reels) con­ sists o f som e 3,500 titles p u b lis h e d in G erm an , French, Latin, English, and other European languages. T h e m ateria l represen ts Russia’s active participation in the international scientific and cultural w o rld o f the 18th century, and d o cu ­ ments the cultural, social, scientific, technical, and ad­ ministrative life in Russia and its constituent nations. The Library o f the Russian A cadem y o f Sciences and the Russian National Library (formerly the Saltykov-Shchedrin Public Library) are primary sources for this microfilm collec­ tion. Other Russian libraries, together with those from the Baltic republics and elsewhere in the former Russian Empire, w ill join in the project. The collection w ill be released in 10 units o f 20 reels each, beginning in April 1994. The cost is $4,800 for standing orders o f 4 units per year ($1,200 per unit), or $1,400 per individual unit. For more information, contact Norman Ross Publishing, Inc., 330 W. 58th St., Suite 214, N ew York, N Y 10019; (800) 648-8850. ■